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Cacoethes 13-03-2017 02:48 PM

The science museum is the best one!
I used to go to school in London so I've been there many times!
Primarni is always good! :p

My kitchen is nice. Small but it's just me so it's fine.

I have the sudden urge to watch Titanic. I don't even like it that much, I just feel like watching it for some reason!

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 03:00 PM

The thing my kitchen is only 8 years old and I like it so if I can get out of it I will. The shower itself got replaced last year (after giving up the ghost) so I am not desperately for the work. It's just that the council are doing a new kitchen and bathroom for every property.

Wonderland. 13-03-2017 03:03 PM

I love all the interactive stuff, it makes me feel like a child again!

Primani is even better when you have money to spend. Maybe somewhere to go once you are so many weeks free of smoking ;)

My kitchen is just awkward, if I was able to take the door and wall out to make it open plan it would work so much better. Luckily I'm not much of a cooker or a baker so it will do till I has the monies for better things.

I read something somewhere that someone (yep I'm awesome at being specific) had a theory that Jack from titianic was Roses delusion or something like that. I'm sure if you google it something will come up.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 03:10 PM

The interactive stuff is awesome!
And I liked the simulator. It was a roller coaster or something if I remember rightly!

Definitely! I might treat myself to some new workout clothes now I'm doing more exercise!
I'm going to wait until I lose a bit more weight to buy any new clothes. There's some really nice clothes on the Yours website.

I think I've read that. It does make sense actually!

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 03:17 PM

My latest clothes order came from yours Beckie.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 03:19 PM

They have some very nice stuff.
They even have some Hell Bunny stuff which I LOVE!
I'm still a bit of a goth/alternative at heart!!

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 03:22 PM

Hell Bunny is nice and they do my size.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 03:26 PM

Me too. It's rare to find clothing like that in bigger sizes.
When I was a teenager, I couldn't find ANYTHING in that style that would fit. So I just got the trousers woth chains and spikes and band t shirts!

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 03:33 PM

I had the same problem. I have some men's tshirts right now because the female tshirts only go up to 3xl if you are lucky whereas if you choose mens tshirts they go up to 5xl. I choose tv show tshirts and designs which aren't obviously male.

Wonderland. 13-03-2017 03:39 PM

Trust me you still have problems with things fitting when you are not in plus sized. I have no butt to speak of, so if something fits nicely at the waist it rarely fits my non existent butt. Hence why I now just where skinny everything jeans, jegging, leggings. As otherwise I have a baggy-butt look going on :-p

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 03:42 PM

Haha! I have a huge butt so that's not a problem for me :p

I'm a big fan of skinny everything too!
There's a peacocks in town and they do skinny jeans with an elastic waist (but they aren't jeggings)
I find normal jeans with a zip and buttons show off my muffin top and also the possibility of a camel toe! Neither are very attractive!!

Wonderland. 13-03-2017 04:02 PM

Peacocks is ace, we used to have one here but it shut down and turned into poundland. Woe.

Haha, whatever works for you Beckie!
And definitely whatever doesn't make you all camel-toed :tongue2:

Normal jeans work for me, but as long as they have some stretchyness in them.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 04:09 PM

I was surprised when I saw peacocks here because I thought they had all shut down!

Did you ever see that underwear that made it look like you had a camel toe? It was actually designed to make it look like you had a camel toe. It was really weird!!

Wonderland. 13-03-2017 04:17 PM

Yep Beckie, it randomly comes up as an advertisment on facebook ever so often and I'm like, when did I ever ask for this?!

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 04:19 PM

That's where I saw it!
It's so random! Who would want that?!?

Wonderland. 13-03-2017 04:47 PM

Maybe theres people out there with a fetish for camel toes...

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 04:51 PM

It's quite possible! There seems to be a fetish for most things!
What I really don't get is foot fetishes. Feet creep me out so much!

Wonderland. 13-03-2017 05:17 PM

I'm the same with feet, *shudders* I don't even like looking at my own.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 05:18 PM

Neither do I!
My family walk about the house often with no socks on! It makes me shudder!
I would never be able to do that!!

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 06:12 PM

I walk around with no socks on.

Sketchy 13-03-2017 06:26 PM

Hi everyone.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 06:29 PM

Hey Lorraine! How are you?

Sketchy 13-03-2017 06:31 PM

I'm ok thanks. I'm over at my dad's house.

How are you?

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 06:42 PM

That's good :)

Im ok thanks!

Sketchy 13-03-2017 06:53 PM

He's making veggie burgers (Linda McCartney ones), and roast potatoes for dinner. Yum.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 06:55 PM

That sounds yummy!!

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 06:57 PM

Hi Lorraine!

Sketchy 13-03-2017 06:57 PM

I'm looking forward to it. He's became a good cook. Since loosing mum he had to learn to cook for himself, but he's started to enjoy cooking. He makes a good curry and his own vegetarian cottage pie.

Sketchy 13-03-2017 06:58 PM

Hi Dawn. How are you?

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 06:59 PM

I am having wedges and steak for tea. Might have trifle afterwards.

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 07:00 PM

I am coughing a lot today. Apart from that I am well.

Sketchy 13-03-2017 07:00 PM

Hope you enjoy it Dawn. I love potato wedges.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 07:05 PM

Sounds like he makes some good food!

I need to start cooking some different things. I've been cooking mainly the same meals for a while just because it's easy!

Sketchy 13-03-2017 07:09 PM

I know what you mean. I need to cook more. I used to enjoy cooking and liked to experiment with different recipes, but I think I've gotten lazy. It is nice having someone else cook for you though. I'm looking forward to my dinner.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 07:22 PM

I enjoy cooking when I do it. Unless it's butternut squash because that is a right bitch to chop up! Tastes good though.

It is nice having someone cook for you. When chels comes over we usually kind of share the cooking. She made an awesome christmas dinner!

Sketchy 13-03-2017 07:41 PM

That's nice you both sharing the cooking. It's fun cooking with someone else.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 07:55 PM

It really is!

I'm looking at more fitness classes at my local gym.
I really feel motivated to do more! Weird considering I'm usually really lazy :p

Sketchy 13-03-2017 08:07 PM

Sounds like you had fun though. They obviously have really good choices and plenty of fun activities.
I need to do more walking. I'm planning on more now we have better weather.

Sketchy 13-03-2017 08:08 PM

Oh, and my dad's cooking was nice. We're enjoying some wine now.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 08:12 PM

I did have a lot of fun! And I could do with getting a bit fitter!
Seems like a good time to do it as well now I've stopped smoking. It's like following my new years resolutions 3 months late :p

Sounds lovely!

Sketchy 13-03-2017 08:16 PM

Well done. You are doing really well taking these steps. How are you doing with not smoking? That must be a hard thing to give up.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 08:20 PM

I'm picking up all the nicotine patches and inhaler tomorrow so I'll have my last cigarette in the morning. I wanted to finish off the pack I had left so I didn't have them in the house to tempt myself!
It will be very difficult but I'm ready!

Sketchy 13-03-2017 08:22 PM

Sounds like you are ready for the challenge. You can do this!

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 08:29 PM

I am! Thanks Lorraine :)

What are you up to?

Sketchy 13-03-2017 08:47 PM

I'm having a quiet evening at my dad's. I'm staying overnight.

What you up to?

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 08:50 PM

That sounds nice :)

I'm just watching big bang theory. Need to do the washing up. Blah!

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 09:06 PM

I am currently cooking my muffins.

Cacoethes 13-03-2017 09:19 PM

Sounds good dawn!

Sketchy 13-03-2017 09:23 PM

Muffins sound good.

not_so_insig 13-03-2017 09:44 PM

Sadly they aren't veggie friendly (they would be except for the fact they contain Worcestershire sauce) otherwise I would send you some Lorraine. Beckie if you lived closer you could have some.

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