![]() |
*smiles* pumpkin....
Crimson - Hopefully the economy will pick up a little soon so that you can move. I love California. I actually think i want to go somewhere out there for graduate school.
*hugs helen* Just try to keep applying to places :-/ thats all you can do. Someday an employer will bite. I know that application and interview process is very stressful though.. *hugs julie* you should try to eat. Hmm.. pumpkin soup sounds interesting.. |
I bet that's nice? :)
Laura, you're right sweetheart. I've had a couple of bites but not got past the interview stage. I will eventually!!! Hopefully now I'm on jobseekers, that'll help aswell.. (they help you find jobs, send you on courses etc) |
and it's ok i kinda wish i didnt have to eat it but if i dont mum will get angry and also if i dont eat i'll binge later |
helen - I hope that jobseekers helps! Sounds like a very useful program. Here we have Temporary job places that can set you up with a temp job... i've never used them before, but a couple of my relatives have found them at least sort of helpful.
julie - Nope, never had pumpkin soup... but i like pumpkin pie, bread, and seeds lol. Id imagine soup would be very different tasting tho. |
Glad you're eating something Julie :) Try not to binge later.
Laura, it seems useful. I only known a couple of other people who are on it and still haven't found jobs, but I'm sure that's not the case for everyone... |
2 Attachment(s)
look at my new necklace
i really like it but wat if people find it triggering should i take it down
No, leave it up, I don't see how it could be triggering? It's very pretty :)
it's a human heart...
i have to go back to art school now i'll try go on my phone talk to u guys
*group hug*? |
*feeds laura pumpkin soup*
Awesome. Hope you enjoy your day at art school hun :) xxx
Pumpkin soup? Can't say I've ever heard of it, let alone tried it. I'm not a pumpkin fan though >< And no, I don't think the necklace would be triggering to anybody. I think it's awesome :)
I don't mind pumpkin soup. But I really only liked it when it was made by a lady who is now, sadly, deceased. *sigh*
As you can guess, we have it in Australia too. |
oh i'm sorry Kahlia *hugs hugs*
Thanks Julie *hugs you right back*
*huggles Kahlia and offers a teddy*
*cuddles both Julie and the teddy* Thanks Julie. :)
*dyes Kahlia's hair pink and purple*
*sighs* juli's daddy doesnt like the necklace said she shouldnt have got it and she wasted her money
Hi Amy. I like Julie's necklace :) |
That would be cool Amy, but It's hard enough moving within the country I'm in right now let alone another country. :) Have to visit eventually though I love to travel and see new places.
we'll be back after combat fittness
*hugs amy* I would like to visit New Zealand someday. I think it would be awesome. Have fun at your fitness thing!
*hugs crimson* That would be awesome! lol the UK people get to have meet ups.. so we could have a mini get together :-) Too bad everyone in the ward lives all over the world, I think it would be fun to have a ward party. |
*hugs kahlia* sorry hun, I didnt mean to miss you... I got wrapped up in my fake ward party planning lol. How r u today?
le sigh... off to bed I go... or at least so goes the theory. *leaves huggles for everyone who wants one*
*hugs Laura back* - It's okay sweetness. I'm still alive and kicking. Found myself a new ally in the battle to get some health care. I like the idea of the ward party though. :D
Nicole I like your necklace ,:) I don't find it triggering :)
Hi Taz , I'm Mark :) SO my psychiatrist is writing me a perscription for some Diazapam :) sort of going around my GP , At least this has gotten my Diazepam sorted , for this month at least * Crosses fingers and hopes its sorted out * *Hugs to all who can accept them* *Waves towards Owen* Sorry for the lack of individual replies , my mind is racing. Hmmmm. |
*sneakly eats a cookie*
I don't feel safe. :crying:
* HUGS Lindsay if ok to hug * want to talk about it?
I just don't feel safe from myself today and I don't know what to do. At one level I don't want to be safe. Thanks for the hugs.
Could you go out for a walk , get away from tools , That might help , Or a warm drink like camomille tea or normal tea to calm if you are anxious ? Sorry if my ideas are awful .
I spy a Mark!! *tackles* Lol... how are you feeling? any more calmed down? did you play WoW at all last night? (if not that's fine, it was just a suggestion :D it's just that it is a really good distraction for me) I did play WoW for a bit, on my rogue, then got ready for bed. :)
Erm so yes, not doing so well... I mentioned a few pages back about Mercy Ministries and didn't get any response. I know the ward is busy and all... and I feel selfish saying this, but that is a HUUUGE step for me, it's a 6+ month commitment to being away from home, and it feels like it just got ignored. I'm married and yet I would have to basically move out for 6+ months... which would be very difficult. Plus... well, there really is no "plus" ... except this is the first real time that I'm trying to get better. And it feels like it's just being ignored... Sorry, don't bother replying to this, it's just me moaning. :( The grades deal still has me angry and anxious... am trying not to think about it too hard... I don't know, I HATE THIS!!!!! And I am uncertain about my internship so yeah, have no idea what I'm doing. :( *hides in a hole in shame* :o |
*cuddles Lindsay* I wish I had more to offer you than Mark did... I think his suggestions were pretty good. Often warm drinks can be calming... my mum is always trying to get me to drink warm milk, lol!! But anyway... I understand the not wanting to be safe yet wanting to... but you CAN fight this, love. *more cuddles if that's okay?*
April I'm sorry I ddn't reply to your post about Mercy Ministrys but I really don't know what a Mercy Ministry is , I don't know if we have them over here but I've not heard of them .Hmmmm It sounds like being away from Jarrod for 6 months would be a struggle for you and I'm sure you'd miss each other terribly , You're not moaning , I feel ignored too sometime when my posts go un-answered , it's an understandable way to feel .
*Find April in her hole " Hmm big enough hole for two I think " Gets in and hugs April* |
*hugs mark and then everyone else*
HEE Thanks Julie *Hugs back*
cant sleep cant sleep
Why can't you sleep Owen ? You ok?
I spot an April *Pounces* |
everything in our head going round and round
i'm going to try sleep now
Mercy Ministries is a women's residential treatment program for a lot of different issues, from self harm to substance abuse to unwanted pregnancies. It has locations in the UK and Canada as well as three or so locations in the States. I'd probably be going to either the one in Sacramento, California (ugh), or St. Louis, Missouri, since the Nashville, Tennessee one is reserved for girls 13-17 (I think). It's for 13-28 year old women, and is FREE (!!) of charge. So yeah. There are some other programs that another online friend pointed out that are also free, A Friend's House and Vision of Hope (AFH and VOH) but AFH is a 12 month program, sometimes more, and I would miss Jarrod sooo much, along with all of you guys, since I don't know what kind of internet time I would get. VOH is mostly for single girls/women... so yeah. Mercy sounds like the best bet for me... but I do need to look into what our insurance covers.
I'm sorry that you feel the same way sometimes, Mark... but hopefully what I said ^^ helps you understand what MM is. :) How are you doing? I'm really tired... but kind of excited since my mum and dad are dropping by and I get to show my mum the new clothes I've got for my internship (business casual, had hardly any before this, lol)... I love one of the skirts I got, although it looks really awful if you look at my legs... they are not "girls' legs" - they are too muscled. :( Women's legs perhaps but I DON'T WANT TO BE A WOMAN!!!!!! I want to stay as a girl... :'( Sorry if that made no sense... Need to update r/v thread methinks... *cuddles all* |
E-ON ( Power company) again , Now for the £1418.13 so called "Debt" that is NOTHING to do with me they've sent me a letter saying if I don't pay within 7 days they will pass my account to an external "Debt Collection Agency" I feel Nauseous and triggered again , I'm shaking. I don't need this crap , They're just messing with my head so much :( |
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