*cuddles helen and april* i am supposed to be staying at my cousins tonight. i dont want to. i feel scared of leaving the house and having to socialise. but then.....i know once i get there, i will stop being so triggerd and start enjoying myself. gah.
*cuddles Nicole* Is there any way for you to get out of it? or do you think that going there and HAVING to be social will keep you occupied and away from thinking of SI? Just a thought. :)
Am updating my journal - paper one IRL - right now... feels so good to have pen in hand. :) *hides again* EDIT - ah sorry, you said that already... I say go and feel better. It's worth it in the long run, right? xx |
I haven't shaved in 3 days .
I'm fairly fair so it doesn't show too much but... I need to shave . I just don't want to be close to the razor :S Nuts I'm stuck. |
it will distract me, i will be better, i will have fun. but-i am scared. i dont want to have to talk to people and play with a 3 year old and do stuff. i want to hide in my wardrobe and cry! :'(
Hi all, I'm hacked off at the moment, jsut got an email from uni putting me in rehearsals, when I am already in rehearsals with uni for different ensembles, communication is obviously not their strong point.
*cuddles April, Nicole, mark and Helen* |
*cuddles everyone* Posts are going way fast, I can't keep up :(
It's to a mobile phone company and the fact they're refusing to cancel my contract & thus are breaking the law etc =/ *hides where she can't be found* |
Lol, sorry, Mark, your post made me smile. "Nuts I'm stuck." Hehe. But anyway, back to being serious - you could wait another day maybe? to see if you could get through today without SI'ing... because getting close to a razor is temptation indeed, especially if it's a rough day for you. And anyway, most girls find stubble on guys pretty attractive. ;) I know I do on my husband... until he kisses me on my shoulder etc. and then it's like OWWWW... lol. :P
I feel like such an EPIC FAIL. :'( |
Well, I'm off for a bit... the posts are going way too fast for me to keep up, heh, so GROUP CUDDLES and there are some calorie free cookies on a plate over there. *points to her right* (which is actually a wall IRL, oops :P).
♥ |
*huggles and snuggles everyone*
I'm so glad that even though people are struggling today, that we're all manageing to be productive in our own ways and achieve things - keep up the good work guys *hands out party poppers to all who want them* Use them to celebrate - whether its what you've already achieved or save it for a next milestone, even if its just getting through the next 15mins with out SI etc. I've got superchick 'stand in the rain' playing on repeat at the moment - it helps. Oh and April, level 20 in 2-3 days?!! As in play time? or real life days?! I'm not sure in play time how long its taken me, but its taken nearly all of my 60day time card lol, though there have been times when I've had a week of not playing at a time. But I'd say a good 2weeks worth its taken me and that was with help from the 'battle chest guide' and some fellow guild members! Its scary that people ask me for help and I still feel so clueless!! Oh and what a shame that you can't help or just play along, I forgot about the server things. I'm glad that RYL is worldwide, I'd miss a lot of you guys if we weren't all able to join in together. Sorry I'm not being very supportive, I feel like I'm just waffling about me or WoW....*shakes head* so sorry guys but I feel like I'm an ass-hat right now.... edit: OOh i sound bitchy - "I'd miss a lot of you guys" - that makes it sound like there'd be people I wouldn't miss. That is not the case. I'd miss ALL of you, you are ALL part of my life and help me sooo much. What I meant though is that I wouldn't miss all of you as if there was different servers I wouldn't need to miss the ones on my server. Does that make sense?! Gosh, I really am an ass-hat. *goes back under floorboards to take head out of own arse* (no one needs to see that, hence going under floorboards) |
*grabs a cookie, blanket and teddy and curls up in corner*
wow! so many posts... almost 4 pages since my last one yesterday.
*cuddles everyone and places some snacks on table* Sorry for my lack of individual replies. I'm still not doing great. Very bad thoughts/urges all day yesterday and a little bit this morning. I almost wish someone IRL would ask me not to do any of this.. ask me to stick around... b/c then maybe i would be able to for them.. not for myself (which i know is bad) but maybe it would be better than nothing. |
*hugs laura*
sorry...... |
*cuddles for everyone*
I've been feeling good but it's fading I think :( |
*cuddles helen*
I spy a Laura and a Mark!! :D *cuddles*
Hayley, I mean 2-3 days as in IRL, not game-time. That's if I can play a lot (A LOT)... like on weekends when I don't have a ton of schoolwork. :) I think that over break we're going to get a Refer-a-Friend account (well, make one) and whiz up some other toons to lvl 60. Hehe. Actually, it would have to be 2 RAF accounts... but that way my hubby's and my shamans (lvl 32ish), rogues (45ish), and my mage (28), druid (28), and warlock (41) could be whizzed up to level 60. :D And then we might give away the other accounts to someone who wants their own account... with toons already at 60. Lol. Maybe not. I don't know. Anyway... :P Do you have any other toons besides your lvl 20? Oh, and what you said about missing people made complete sense. :) *cuddles* *cuddles Hels* How are you doing now, sweetie? *cuddles Laura* What's up, hon? how're you feeling? *squishes everyone else* Just walked down to the public library to see when their booksale is (books that go for $0.50 to $3)... next Monday. Woohoo!! hehe... I love that sale so much, look forward to it every year. But walking back up, my legs hurt soo badly, because I've pulled some muscles on the sides of my calves and they ****ing HURT. I hobble they hurt so badly. Am... well, not going to say what I'm planning on doing as that wouldn't be encouraging recovery. :( I just am near a tool... and want to use it... :-S *hides* |
*Hugs April* I hope you don't use that tool , You are worth so much more than that .
That booksale sounds AWESOME !! *jealous* :P |
It IS an awesome booksale!! :D Wanna come? *tries to find a teleportation device* :P I've been going to it since I was a wee thing, about 6 or 7 years old I think... oh ages ago!! lol. But it is amazing... only problem being, I've been spending a lot of money lately so... well, yeah. :-X
I don't feel good... mentally... :crying: |
*cuddles April*
*cuddles all* I got to go to fifth rehearsal of the day in a minute, take care all
*leaves plenty of cuddles and fresh fruit* |
*cuddles Crimson*
I couldn't help it... I cut... and now I have to go to class... :'( I don't want to go, I don't want to. It's a pointless class (senior seminar)... I just want to be done with uni. Only 3 more weeks... :crying: |
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