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nicole94 23-08-2010 02:15 PM

no but talking to some people online and they are, bit worried because im prone to floodng. not raining here at the moment but are forecasted heavy rain all week......

shadowedsoul 23-08-2010 02:21 PM

Hugs all. Being a crazy and damn stressful week, feels like I'm going from one stressful thing to another lately. Kind of strugging to keep it together, really want to hurt myself badly. Really stuiped thoughts running through my head. Just want it all to stop.

Doikers 23-08-2010 02:38 PM

*Hugs Jill* I can empathise with wanting to harm , I really do to :( I hope that your week improves :)

I Should get out of the flat or I'll harm, but I can't stay out indefinatley maybe just a quick walk will jolt my head out of the bad thoughts , sorry :(

MammaMia 23-08-2010 02:55 PM

Nicole, I'm sure your results will be better than you expect and if you haven't done so well, please don't beat yourself up, you have been through a lot of struggles in the last few months sweetheart. I know when I picked up my GCSE results, all I did was pick up my results, went to see a couple people and walked out. You could just get the envelope and then walk out of the building & read them?? Maybe wear a thin long cardie if it's hot & you have one??? *cuddles*

Mark, that sucks. I live far away (well just over 3 hours on trains) so I haven't seen mine in person for over a year now. But get to for a week in October :D (6 weeks today) It does suck though. I'll get through it, have to really. Hoping this week flies past that's all.

April, I'm sorry you're struggling so much but glad we got to chat quickly on facebook *cuddles tight*

misskitty112 23-08-2010 03:50 PM

this thread moves so much!
*hugs all* I'm sorry, I just can't do individuals, it's so overwhelming.
I had an absolutely shitty Brit Lit class today. I'm just not good with Middle English or anything before Shakespeare to be honest. I feel so incompetent, and I desperately need a good grade in this class.
So... now I'm triggered, and I still need to finish my Creative Writing assignment so I won't stress over it tomorrow. And I don't know. Maybe uni just isn't a good thing for me.

Sorry, I know it's a small thing compared to everything else in this thread, I just absolutely hate not having awesome grades and being the best in everything.

Doikers 23-08-2010 03:57 PM

*Hugs Felicia*It's not a small thing, Uni is important ( I wish I hadn't been so messed to go , not the point) , What I mean is you obviously care about it so it matters . Man I hope I came over ok , sorry.

Doikers 23-08-2010 04:23 PM

Oh April I JUST noticed that I missed you on Facebook hours and hours ago , really sorry :(

MammaMia 23-08-2010 04:34 PM

Having awesome grades and being the best in everything isn't good thing to aim for honey. NOBODY is best at everything!!!! Try your best at everything you don't but don't make yourself ill/stressed over it, it's not worth it. I also agree that this thread can move quite fast sometimes, so it can be hard to do individuals...

Mark, you're not too messed up to go I'm sure *cuddles*

FlyingNy 23-08-2010 04:55 PM

Hey guys. I'm back Holiday was ok. Fam drove me insane. Cousins are lovely (and mental). I only cut once. I deserved that. Also have GCSE results tomorrow and am dreading it.

How is everyone?


SoMuchMore 23-08-2010 05:08 PM

*tackle hugs lia* Glad that you are back hun! Good job on only cutting once.

*hugs nicole* I hope that your GCSE results turn out okay.

*hugs mark* how r u doing?

*hugs april* I'm sorry that you aren't doing well at all. I understand about the anxiety thing though. I hate anxiety. Try to stay safe with your ED stuff... don't let it take over.

*hugs helen* i'm sorry you miss your bestie already. only 6 weeks until you see her though! You can hang in there until then, I know you can :-)

*hugs felicia* i understand stress over uni. I stress a lot about it too, and start classes today actually. And helen is right, nobody can be the best at everything.

*hugs jill*

*cuddles crimson b/c i spy you*

*hugs everyone else* sorry if i missed you... those are all the individuals I can remember right now.

Nervous about class today... Stupid social anxiety. I always freak out... hopefully i can avoid a panic attack. Feeling a little better physical health-wise though, no fever today, more like a cold now.

Doikers 23-08-2010 05:26 PM

*Hugs Laura* I'm glad you're fever has been downgraded to a cold , Soon it will be gone ! Hooray! :) Sorry you are so anxious though.

*Hugs Lia* WELCOME HOME!!! Good luck for your GCSE results tomorrow .

I WANT to Harm SO badly it's ridiculous or drink but I'm on Antabuse so I'd have to wait a week until it is safe to drink . I just want out of my mind tripping me up all the ****ing time . Sorry.

MammaMia 23-08-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by IceQueenHasAHeart (Post 2458774)
Hey guys. I'm back Holiday was ok. Fam drove me insane. Cousins are lovely (and mental). I only cut once. I deserved that. Also have GCSE results tomorrow and am dreading it.

Liaaaaaaa *hugs* Good to see you back :) Glad you only cut once. I'm sure you didn't deserve it. Good luck with your results ^_^


Originally Posted by Fallinstar0317 (Post 2458798)
*hugs helen* i'm sorry you miss your bestie already. only 6 weeks until you see her though! You can hang in there until then, I know you can :-)

Nervous about class today... Stupid social anxiety. I always freak out... hopefully i can avoid a panic attack. Feeling a little better physical health-wise though, no fever today, more like a cold now.

*hugs Laura* Yeah, you're right, I can & I can't wait to see her!!! Being very impatient aha. I know I've already said it but thank you for yesterday.

I'm sorry you're nervous, hope you can avoid a panic attack & it goes better than expected. Glad your physical health is getting better *cuddles*

Mark, harming or drinking won't stop your mind tripping you up. Please fight the urges. It's not worth hurting yourself. *cuddles*

Doikers 23-08-2010 05:44 PM

Helen I know harming or drinking won't stop my mind tripping me up (does that make sense? but it's the only way I can think to say it) But Drinking would blur it out and harming would just......give me something else to focus on , It WOULD help although only temporary . I'm fighting the urges really hard.........hmmm

nicole94 23-08-2010 06:06 PM

*huggles everyone.* i need ice cream.

taz35 23-08-2010 06:09 PM

*hugs everyone*

Am still high as hell, figured it would be a good escape... but 2 days straight obviously isn't doing its job. Will be back later.

MammaMia 23-08-2010 06:12 PM

Mark, glad you realise it will maybe only help temporarily, keep fighting the urges.

Nicole, you can have some of mine, god knows I have 3 tubs to get finishing!!! *hands spoon and ice cream*

Taz, I hope you're ok *cuddles*

nicole94 23-08-2010 06:17 PM

:O 3 tubs?! wow, what type of ice cream is it? *takes spoon and ice cream and digs in* thanks helen :D

nicole94 23-08-2010 06:47 PM


Scarletdreamer 23-08-2010 06:49 PM

DAMN IT ALL............... I am so angry. Obviously.

But first... *glomps Lia* Welcome back, sweetie!!! You were missed whilst you were gone... :) And well done on only cutting once (although I'm sure you didn't deserve it).

Ugh. I don't even want to talk/think about my stuff right now. It's so pathetic and stupid and annoying and it isn't even MY issues this time!!


Doikers 23-08-2010 07:30 PM

*Hugs Nicole* Why the tears?

*Hugs Taz* Are you okay?

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