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Ah I'm glad you're so happy with it Katy!
I'll check it out Katy!
How funny that they showed it in gaelic!! Is it still spoken a bit then? |
Not in Glasgow, but in some parts of Scotland, like up north it is.
It looks good Katy.
On the ferry to Arran the announcements were also said in Gaelic.
Ah ok!
That's interesting! I guess welsh is still spoken a bit too. I like it katy!! |
And some of the train stations in Glasgow have Gaelic signs under the destination signs at the station.
Yeah I know a bunch of people who speak Welsh, and all the train announcements and signs and stuff are in both languages. My university had to provide materials in both languages too.
I need to visit Scotland again
Been a few times when I was a kid because we have Scottish family. One of my relatives is a professional bagpipe player and plays in Germany a lot. He's like your stereotypical bagpipe player really! On my student finance application, it asked if I wanted stuff in welsh. And i think on my driving test booking too! |
Definitely come to Scotland. So much to see.
That's interesting about the Welsh. I would love to see Wales. |
<3 Wales
Wales is beautiful!
Although pretty much everywhere is impossible to pronounce :p |
I've been to Wales & Scotland, but only to Cardiff (Wales), Edinburgh & Glasgow (Scotland) not the countryside of either.
Hi cpt stunning. I haven't been to Edinburgh in ages. I should go again.
I've only ever been to Edinburgh once as a child so was bit too young to appreciate it, although I do remember liking haggis.
Re languages my dad used to teach at a university in Wales and they had to have everything in both languages as well. Thanks all :) |
I like vegetarian haggis. Haven't had it in ages.
Hello all.
Hi, how's your evening?
I am a bit better than before. I am having a quiet night.
I'm already curled up in bed. Deciding whether to read or watch something on Netflix.
I would have netflix but I don't have unlimited data so I would be scared of going over my allowance. Plus I have plenty of dvds.
I'm lucky to have Netflix. I use it a lot.
Did you go to a Welsh-speaking school, Dawn, or did you learn it at home?
I'm very impressed Dawn, it seems such a hard language to learn!
Just watched the film Kubo, wasn't expecting it to be my thing but I actually thought it was pretty good. Anyone else seen it/have an opinion? Made me deserately want to learn origami but I have tried and epically failed at that before ;P |
My dad talked to me in Welsh whilst I was at home from when I was little but I went to a bilingual school in a Welsh speaking area. My first language is English though. I did second language Welsh gcse in the hardest tier possible and got a B. I could have done it a level but years of bullying meant that I didn't have enough confidence to do so. I have found learning foreign languages easy as I have qualifications in french and Spanish. I can listen to something in a foreign language a few times and learn the correct pronunciation.
That's a really impressive skill to have Dawn, apart from some sign language I'm not very good at foreign languages. It's a shame bullying put you off doing the A level though-is there no way you could do it now?
Morning guys <3
Morning all :) How are you Luna?
Morning Katy and Luna
Hey guys, how are you? What are you guys up to today?
I'm ok. Not up to all that much! How about you?
Just finishing watching something on Netflix then need to go out to the shops. Have you got much planned for today?
It's raining here rather heavily.
Afternoon all. *tips hat * |
Afternoon everyone.
Afternoon all. I just went out for lunch with my support worker and had an absolutely amazing lasagne so I'm happy :P
Sounds like you had a yummy lunch.
Really did. Also met new support worker, was bit nervous so didn't say much, but she seems okay, and the dog likes her, which ceals the deal for me :P
Aw I'm glad Lady liked her! And that you had such a good lunch.
I'm glad it went well with your support worker, and it's good the dog liked her.
You up to much now? I'm being super lazy. Very tired. Again. I'm going out later though for coffee. If I go to the coffee shop after 5 pm it's usually quiet. It's opened until 9pm so I have plenty of time. I need to go to the shop again too. |
I'm having a very lazy day too, Lorraine. Coffee shop sounds good though.
Sometimes lazy days are needed. Although I have too many of them.
I'm being lazy now as well. Have just texted friend/neighbour who has the staffie that plays with mine if she wants to bring her over for a bit so the dogs can play and run off some energy in back garden, but it'll depend if she's busy/working. Either way dog is currently licking my sofa very happily so she's not bothered 0.o In mean time TV, pop and comfy blanket for me :)
Sounds good. That's cute that your dog has a friend.
Yeah, they're both similar age and breed so equally hyper and they absolutely love playing with each other. The neighbour/friend is bringing her dog over tomorrow :)
Best to remove all breakables though ;P
Sounds like it will be a lot of fun :)
Sounds like fun Katy.
I didn't make it to the coffee shop. I'll go tomorrow. I did make it out to the shop and now have houmous and crackers to eat. Too warm and tired to cook a proper dinner. |
It's quiet here today. Hope everyone is well.
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