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Cacoethes 03-09-2017 05:09 PM

Got college enrolment tomorrow then clozapine clinic.
I'll be glad of something to do!

Thats good you've got life drawing. It sounds fun!

Sketchy 03-09-2017 05:12 PM

You'll be excited to start college. Hope it goes well.

Life drawing is fun. Tiring because it's so late, but good.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 05:14 PM

I am!
Thank you!

Is your sister going with you?

Sketchy 03-09-2017 05:16 PM

Yes, she is. She's treating me to dinner before it and we are going to look in the art shop too.

Eska 03-09-2017 05:20 PM

Beckie it sounds like you drove really well today!

Katy I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow :)

Lorraine life drawing sounds like it will be fun again! I love art shops too.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 05:20 PM

Sounds lovely!!

Sketchy 03-09-2017 05:37 PM

Hi Eska. How are you?

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 05:39 PM

Thanks eska!
Missed your post there!
How are you?

not_so_insig 03-09-2017 06:31 PM

Hi there!

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 06:38 PM

Hi dawn!
How are you?

not_so_insig 03-09-2017 06:41 PM

I am wet because I went out for a walk around the park at the bottom of the road and it was raining. Otherwise I am ok and watching The Railway Children.

Sketchy 03-09-2017 06:41 PM

Hi Dawn. Hope you are well.

Sketchy 03-09-2017 06:42 PM

That's a shame you got wet. I haven't seen the railway children in years.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 06:43 PM

It's been threatening to rain all day here!
Railway children is good.
I used to love it as a kid!

Sketchy 03-09-2017 06:44 PM

It's been raining here.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 06:46 PM

Its just started raining now!

Buttons. 03-09-2017 07:11 PM

It's been raining all day here as well-when walked dog she was not impressed and I was even less so :P

Love the railway children, saw it a few months ago again, I think at your suggestion actually Dawn, so thankyou :)

In other news I am actually so bored I'm watching X-Factor.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 07:14 PM

Haha! :p

Wow, you must be bored!
X factor is terrible.

I'm watching Inception.
I want to shower but waiting for carer.
Typical, the one time they arrive late I actually need them to come earlier!

Buttons. 03-09-2017 07:25 PM

Never seen Inception I don't think, what's the basic plot?

I just bought some Harry Potter and Disney hair things off Etsy. Shouldn't have, but only 20 quid for the lot, and they are faaaabulous (you know what I'm like with my bows and **** :P)

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 07:44 PM

Its a very confusing film!
Its about a guy who has to enter the subconscious of a person to steal ideas but the way the film is, you can't really tell whats real and what's the dream so even though I've watched it before, I still don't know what tf is going on!
Its good though!

Haha! Naughty Katy! :p
Does sound like a good deal though!

Sketchy 03-09-2017 07:52 PM

It's good to treat yourself Katy.

That sounds an interesting but confusing film.

I'm thinking of watching something on Netflix. Maybe the night shift.

not_so_insig 03-09-2017 08:09 PM

It was the 1968 series of The Railway Children that I saw. It's in black and white. It's got Jenny Agutter in it. I have all 3 versions with Jenny Agutter in.

Buttons. 03-09-2017 08:10 PM

Thanks both :)

That does sound like a very confusing film!!!!

I just had to get in wheelchair struggle to the front door with a hyper active dog who had just settled down because someone decided this was the ideal time to post a letter about registering to vote. Almost tempted not to now on principal (wouldn't really but still).

Buttons. 03-09-2017 08:10 PM

Oh I haven;t seen the black and white one Dawn, must look it up!

Sketchy 03-09-2017 08:12 PM

That's very annoying and late to be getting a letter. Hope your doggy calms down.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 08:15 PM

That sounds so annoying katy!!
I had one last sunday.
Why are they even coming round on sundays?!

Buttons. 03-09-2017 08:21 PM

Very annoying. Dog resettled now though so no real harm done.

I'm watching the 1970 railway children on youtube now Dawn, seems better than the most modern one already but only seen about 5 mins so we will see.

not_so_insig 03-09-2017 08:22 PM

I had someone come at my old address asking me why I wasn't on the register. I just had a letter asking me to register and if there wasn't any changes to let them know. I texted the number because I didn't fancy speaking to anyone.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 08:28 PM

I was so pleased when I saw the text option for it!
So much easier.
I don't like talking to people!

not_so_insig 03-09-2017 08:28 PM

I am watching gladiators.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 08:47 PM

Is that the tv show?

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 08:59 PM

In inception, they're now in dreams but putting themselves in other people's dreama within the dream they are already in....

Sketchy 03-09-2017 09:07 PM

That sounds too confusing.

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 09:08 PM

I don't have a clue what's going on!

Buttons. 03-09-2017 09:41 PM

Beckie that just sounds like operation mindf*ck!

Cacoethes 03-09-2017 09:43 PM

It really is!!

Im off to bed now guys!
Night night all!!

Buttons. 03-09-2017 09:43 PM

All my mind can handle tonight is X factor and now a host of old kids films like Railway Children,Secret garden etc :P

Buttons. 03-09-2017 09:45 PM

Ninja posted, sleep well :)

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 08:34 AM

Morning guys!

Buttons. 04-09-2017 09:02 AM

Morning :)

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 09:14 AM

How are you?

Buttons. 04-09-2017 09:26 AM

I'm okay, have gotten ready, seeing Mum about 10.:30. No carer turned up so far this morning to deal with commode issue but you can't have everything :P
How are you lovely?

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 09:40 AM

Hope you have a good time!
Really annoying about the carers though.
You should write a strongly worded letter!

Im ok thanks!
Waiting for the bus to college for the enrolment thing.
Getting that stupid dizzy thing that I get when I go out in the morning!

Buttons. 04-09-2017 10:17 AM

They arrived a few minutes ago I take it all back :P

Yeah I start college this month too :D Enrollment is win, although I'm making sure I have a good hair day the day they take my picture for my student ID card :P

Eska 04-09-2017 10:26 AM

Hi Katy and Beckie :)

I hope enrolment goes well Beckie!

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 12:14 PM

Glad they turned up!

Oooh what course are you doing Katy?
I have a new student ID card now.
He asked if I wanted the same picture as my previous one and I was like HELL no!!
The new one is slightly less horrific :p

I am all enrolled and I have my timetable!
Got another 2 hours to kill before clozapine clinic so am in Costa with a large skinny latte!

Sketchy 04-09-2017 12:19 PM

That's really exciting about college. I hope you guys enjoy it.

not_so_insig 04-09-2017 12:39 PM

Afternoon all.

Shy_Bambi 04-09-2017 12:52 PM

Good afternoon all! What are you guys doing at college? I was thinking of trying to do a German course but I'm scared about talking with other people, because to do the course you have to interact with your classmates. The last time I tried the course I had 2 seizures. So stressful!!

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 12:54 PM

Thanks Lorraine!

Im doing access to nursing Rebecca.

What happened to the Korean course?

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