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Eska 29-08-2017 05:07 PM

How inconsiderate of her :P

not_so_insig 29-08-2017 05:09 PM

Do you not have a recording device?

I hope that she apologised for being late. I hate it when ccs are late especially if they don't apologise.

Cacoethes 29-08-2017 05:09 PM

I know!!
So rude! :p

I don't have any of this fancy recording stuff.
I should do. Even my nanny has it!

She did apologise. She's late a lot and she knows it but she always tries to be on time and always apologises.
It doesn't bother me at all tbh!

not_so_insig 29-08-2017 05:10 PM

Page 1000!

Shy_Bambi 29-08-2017 05:14 PM

I was just about to point that out too dawn!!
I'm part of a milestone!!! Yay!

Cacoethes 29-08-2017 05:18 PM

Wooooo page 1000!!!!

Eska 29-08-2017 05:22 PM


Cacoethes 29-08-2017 05:31 PM

What's everyone up to?

Sketchy 29-08-2017 05:44 PM

Yay page 1000! We rock!

I'm so tired. We've been walking round the island for ages and on bus trips too. I went to a nice beach and to a whisky distillery tour.

How is everyone?

Cacoethes 29-08-2017 05:47 PM

Sounds busy Lorraine!
Did you enioy it?

Im just counting down the hours until pizza and ben and Jerrys!!

Shy_Bambi 29-08-2017 05:48 PM

That sounds nice Lorraine! I like whiskey.

I'm laying in bed half asleep, it's too hot to do anything so I'm being lazy heh

Sketchy 29-08-2017 05:49 PM

I did thanks. Just stupidly tired now. We are chilling in the hotel before we head out for dinner. The place we are going to does pizza, so I'll be joining you there Beckie. Mmmmm pizza!

Cacoethes 29-08-2017 05:50 PM

It is too hot Rebecca!!

Yay for pizza lorraine!! :-D

Eska 29-08-2017 05:50 PM

I'm watching House again.

Sketchy 29-08-2017 05:52 PM

Sometimes you need a lazy day Rebecca. I hope you cool down.

Enjoy house Eska.

Cacoethes 29-08-2017 05:54 PM

House is great!

not_so_insig 29-08-2017 06:20 PM

I have never seen House as I hate American shows.

Aubergine 29-08-2017 07:11 PM

Wow, we got to 1000 pages!

Cacoethes 29-08-2017 07:44 PM

We are all awesome!

Cacoethes 30-08-2017 10:51 AM

Morning guys!
Im off to see Jasmine today :)

not_so_insig 30-08-2017 11:24 AM

Hope you have a nice day Beckie.

Shy_Bambi 30-08-2017 11:45 AM

Morning Beckie and Dawn!

I hope you have a good time Beckie! I'm off out with my mum later. We're going to primark! Such excitement xD

Cacoethes 30-08-2017 01:05 PM

Thanks guys!

In a total contrast to yesterday, it is pouring down with rain!!

not_so_insig 30-08-2017 01:21 PM

It's lovely and sunny here. I am feeling paranoid so I am hiding.

not_so_insig 30-08-2017 01:22 PM

Also page 1001 which is a palindrome!

Eska 30-08-2017 01:34 PM

Double post!

Eska 30-08-2017 01:35 PM

Have a lovely time Beckie :)

Sorry you're feeling paranoid Dawn. I hope it passes soon.

I am about to walk down to town in the rain to pick up my prescription.

Shy_Bambi 30-08-2017 01:37 PM

It's not raining here yet, but it is cloudy. Love this kind of weather though, especially since I have to go out in it soon
What's everyone up to?

not_so_insig 30-08-2017 01:41 PM

Nothing much just watching tv. I am washing my hair later and I have my parents coming.

Shy_Bambi 30-08-2017 01:52 PM

That sounds like a nice chilled out kind of day dawn.

Sketchy 30-08-2017 02:08 PM

Hi all.
I'm resting in the hotel room while the others are away a walk. I'm exhausted.

It rains off and on here.

Shy_Bambi 30-08-2017 02:11 PM

Hello Lorraine!! Got anything planned for the rest of the day?

Sketchy 30-08-2017 02:14 PM

So far we have walked to a castle, been for lunch and done shopping. After I rest I'll wait on the rest of them coming back and probably head out again. We've booked a restaurant that does live music later. The scenery here is amazing. I've lots to draw.

What are you up to Rebecca?

Sketchy 30-08-2017 02:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I made a friend

Shy_Bambi 30-08-2017 02:26 PM

Oh my god that's so adorable! We have a resident robin called Millet. They're so cute! Tell your lil friend I said hi!!

Sketchy 30-08-2017 02:30 PM

Robins are gorgeous. There were lots of them at the castle and they were so tame. I also made friends with a gorgeous ginger cat yesterday who let me pat him and then rolled to show his belly. So cute.

Buttons. 30-08-2017 04:09 PM

That's so cute Lorraine

Sketchy 30-08-2017 04:33 PM


How is everyone?

Cacoethes 30-08-2017 07:14 PM

Hey guys!

not_so_insig 30-08-2017 07:30 PM

Hi there!

Cacoethes 30-08-2017 07:41 PM

Hi Dawn!
How you doing?

Sketchy 30-08-2017 09:16 PM

Hi all. I'm back from a restaurant that had live traditional Scottish music. The food was good too. I'm so tired, but I go home tomorrow.

What are you guys up to?

Cacoethes 30-08-2017 09:20 PM

Sounds cool!
Have you enjoyed yourself?

Im just watching tv.
Nothing exciting!

Sketchy 30-08-2017 09:21 PM

I have enjoyed myself. Just really tired now. I'm not used to the amount of walking we did. I got lots of photos and some sketching done, so I might work into more detailed drawings at home.

Watching anything good?

Cacoethes 30-08-2017 09:29 PM

Sounds good!

Just watching 'cant pay we'll take it away'. Not much else on!
Will probably go to bed after this

Sketchy 30-08-2017 09:32 PM

I'm already in bed in hotel room. Watching Sherlock and having a gin and tonic. Will go to sleep soon too. Hope you sleep well.

Cacoethes 30-08-2017 09:36 PM

Hope you sleep well too!

Eska 31-08-2017 09:27 AM

Morning everyone :)

Cacoethes 31-08-2017 10:36 AM

Morning eska!
How are you?

not_so_insig 31-08-2017 12:23 PM

Afternoon all

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