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Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 02:49 PM

The storm we had wasn't as epic as I wish it was, just a few flashes of lightening. I mostly just watched the rain.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 02:55 PM

There were lots of flashes and loud rumbles and the rain was louder than the rain sounds on my app!!

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 03:07 PM

Wow!! You're lucky you got that kind of storm!! We never usually get good storms where I live for some reason. They always seem to go around where I live lol

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 03:11 PM

Thats a shame!
I love a good storm!

Its still really muggy today though for some reason!

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 03:53 PM

Yeah it's really muggy here too. I'm at college until 8pm so I hope we don't get a storm on my way home. I love watching them but getting caught in one is another story xD

You up to much with the rest of the day Beckie? Been to asda yet? :P

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 04:03 PM

Yeah, getting caught in them isnt much fun!

Haha! Yep I have been to asda! :p
I need to clean the house but meh. I'll do it tomorrow!

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 04:58 PM

Doing stuff tomorrow is always the better option :P chilling out sounds like a plan.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 05:00 PM

It is indeed! :p

Gas safety check guy has just text asking if he can come round to carry out his checks.

And my nanny is going to give me the money for my driving test which i am grateful for.
The test is £62!! So expensive!

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 05:09 PM

Your gas guy texts you? Ours just randomly turns up! It's always good to get that over and done with

Wow that's a lot of money!! I'm glad your nan is paying for it, she must be really proud of you! :D

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 05:13 PM

He called yesterday but i wasn't in all day so he just text me now.
I hope he comes soon so he doesn't interfere with dinner time! Lol!

It is loads of money! I'd better pass first time!
She said she's really proud of me for everything I've done recently which is nice to hear :)

Are you looking forward to college later?

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 05:18 PM

That's awesome!! I'm proud of you too, your progress with everything is amazing, seriously!! I'm a little envious too!!

I'm actually walking down the road towards college now! I'm hoping to get these a bit early to grab the teacher for some help. I hope she doesn't mind, because I'm falling behind!!

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 05:21 PM

Aww thank you!

Hope it goes ok!
Im sure she won't mind. It sounds like a very tricky language to learn and thats why the teachers are there!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 05:37 PM

Hey everyone. How are we all?

I stayed over night at my sister's. we went to Asda, had lunch in the cafe and I'm now home and just woken from a nap. Had such a bad sleep last night so I needed it.

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 05:39 PM

Im sure you're right Beckie. Plus I had to pay for the course and it wasn't cheap!! I'm sitting on the steps of the hallway now because the techs isn't in the class yet. I hope she gets there soon so I can grab her before class starts!!

Hello Lorraine!!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 05:43 PM

I think you are being really brave in doing this class Rebecca. I hope you soon settle down and enjoy it. It's always exciting to learn something new.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 05:50 PM

Hi lorraine!
Sounds like you had a good time with your sister!

Rebecca, I agree with Lorraine, you're being really brave! I know how scary doing new things can be and you're doing brilliantly!

Gas safety guy has been and gone.
Apparently everything is safe but the boiler is cutting out before it should so he said I'll need a new boiler at some point soon.
Luckily that is the landlord's problem!

Im craving prawn crackers.

Sketchy 19-07-2017 05:55 PM

I'm glad the gas man has been and gone. It's always stressful having people over.

Could you buy prawn crackers tomorrow? I'm sure you can buy them in the shop.

I'm making tortellini later. Yum. Spinach and ricotta tortellini.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 06:01 PM

Im sure I've seen them in asda somewhere. I'll have a look!
My mum used to make them from scratch because Jasmine couldn't get enough of them! Lol!

Mmm tortellini is yummy!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 06:07 PM

I'm pretty sure Asda sell them. Asda sells everything. I was there today.

Yum, I'm looking forward to my tortellini. My dad sent a photo of tortellini he made a few days ago, so it made me crave it.

Any plans for tonight?

I'm going for a shower, making dinner, then watching Netflix. Just going to relax because I have to be busy tomorrow.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 06:13 PM

Im just watching tv and cooking dinner.
Will probably shower as well at some point!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 06:14 PM

Making anything nice?

I think I'll go for my shower now then make dinner.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 06:16 PM

Just pasta and pesto. Its a bit of a comfort food!

Its been looking like its going to rain all day.
I felt literally one drop of rain earlier!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 06:18 PM

Pasta and pesto sounds great. Pasta is always good.

It feels like it should rain here too. I think we are due a thunderstorm. It's so warm.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 06:19 PM

We had a thunderstorm last night but i think we need another one. Its so muggy!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 06:25 PM

It's so muggy here too. Yesterday was stupidly warm, but it was nice to walk around in sunglasses and sit in the beer garden.

Right, I'm off for my shower. Catch you guys later.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 06:30 PM

Definitely nice pub garden weather!

See you in a bit!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 07:44 PM

Tortellini was soooo good. I had a lovely marscapone sauce with it. I have enough left to have some for lunch tomorrow.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 08:06 PM

Sounds delicious!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 08:17 PM

Did you enjoy your pasta?

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 08:23 PM

Thank you so much guys, that means a lot!! I have 2 more classes then it's up to me on if I want to join the proper long course or not. I'm not 100% yet. I've tried making friends but I seem to drive people away some how. Not sure what it is I do wrong, but just now everyone I said goodbye to just ignored me, but they were speaking with each other. Maybe I'm just not meant to have friends, I dunno.

I'm on my way home now!

If you guys were talking about prawn crackers, they do sell them in asda :P
If not then ignore me xD

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 08:27 PM

I did thanks Lorraine!

I experienced the same in my english class Rebecca, the other people all had each other's phone numbers and stuff and I didn't.
It got better towards the end though. Maybe just give it time?

Yes we were talking about prawn crackers! Lol!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 08:30 PM

Rebecca you are meant to have friends. That was pretty rude of them. Do you think maybe they never heard you though? Give it time. Think about what you want. Do you want to continue with the course? Is it something you will enjoy and get a lot from? I did evening classes a while back, which was quite a while after studied my degree, so I was out of the loop and anxious. It took me a while, but I soon enjoyed and got a lot out of it. I made great friends, one who I am texting right this minute. But it did take time. I think a couple of weeks is too soon to tell. Give it time.

I hope you have a reward for attending class. I used to do that.

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 08:44 PM

You're both right I guess, but since the course is finished in 2 more lessons and there's no guarantee that the people in this class will join the main class, time is something I don't have :(

Beckie it's like that for me, they have each other phone numbers. I never even saw them exchange them, must have been outside of class at some point. I wish I was included since I don't have friends and such but maybe if I manage to get rid of this anxiety I'll be able to join the main class, and maybe someone there will talk to me.
Gosh I sound like such a pathetic loser xD

Yay for Prawn crackers!!

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 08:47 PM

You do not sound like a pathetic loser!
Making friends is bloody difficult as an adult!
Joining the main class will be good because not only is it a cool course, you will have a longer time and better chance of meeting people.
Don't give up!!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 08:48 PM

You don't sound like a pathetic loser. Would you like to do the main class? It might be worth it, plus you get to learn more. It sounds like you need a confidence boost. I understand though.

What's everyone up to? I'm just about to watch some Netflix.

Sketchy 19-07-2017 08:49 PM

Also Rebecca, you have friends here. I would happily consider you a friend. Given time you will make friends on the course. Just be patient and be yourself.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 08:53 PM

Yes! What Lorraine said!!

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 09:22 PM

Thank you so much guys. Honestly that means a lot to me!!

I'm cooking some rice, going to watch last week's Watchdog on iPlayer because I missed it, then probably head to bed.

Sketchy 19-07-2017 09:26 PM

What kind of rice?

I'm already lying in bed. Very tired today.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 09:27 PM

I like rice!

I'm going to go to bed in a minute. Rather sleepy!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 09:28 PM

Good night Beckie.

Cacoethes 19-07-2017 09:28 PM

Night all!

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 09:31 PM

Good nighty Beckie!!!!

I'm having vegetable rice with broccoli, carrots, peas and mushrooms! Yum!

Sketchy 19-07-2017 09:33 PM

That sounds yummy.

Shy_Bambi 19-07-2017 10:22 PM

It was super yummy!!

I'm going to sleep now, goodnighty!!

Shy_Bambi 20-07-2017 08:22 AM

Good morning all!!

not_so_insig 20-07-2017 11:17 AM

I have had post. The first time since I had the new door. It frightened me because I didn't know what the noise was when the postman put the letter through the door. I jumped. On the plus side it cured my hiccups ;-)

Shy_Bambi 20-07-2017 12:10 PM

Lol that's good, dawn. Hiccups are never good.
To cure hiccups I hold my breath and take a few gulps of water, it always works!
At least now you know what the noise is!

Cacoethes 20-07-2017 01:26 PM

Hey guys!

Shy_Bambi 20-07-2017 01:41 PM

Hello Beckie!! How are you? Up to much today?

I'm in specsavers for my mum to pick up her glasses

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