![]() |
As I already told Beckie, I had to make a new email address to make a new burner account on here and acquired jenna[middlename]@priest.com :P Another way to avoid numbers is to go for obscure domains!! Quote:
Love a bit of trolling!
That is poor stalking jenna! Let's see if you can find out before Saturday :tongue2: |
On it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wLCAqWEjPM |
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wLCAqWEjPM"]Aerial Meditation Bliss: Floating in Air with Calming Music | The Music Spot - YouTube[/ame]
Jenna I do love how annoyed you were getting that you could find my mother's middle name, but not mine XD
But well done for managing it! Morning everyone! |
You were up extra early again Beckie, dare I ask how you slept? I got about 6 hours and woke up once in the night. Pretty standard for me on steroids during an asthma flare. |
Hey jen!
Awful, as per usual! About 5 hours broken sleep. That makes about 13.5 hours in total over 3 nights XD How are you feeling today? |
Ouch that is definitely not enough sleep!
Not completely sure how I am yet. I think I may be a tiny bit better but will see how being up and doing things affects my breathing. Just doing breakfast and meds atm. |
It is not!
Hopefully all is well with you today! You've got a drs appointment right? |
Not got an official appointment but been told to ring up in the afternoon and ask to speak to my GP, as he is on duty then, and nurse from yesterday will let him know to expect my call. And he will probably want to see me in person. It's the way to get round the fact he has no actual appointments free that the nurse could book for me.
In more exciting news I had fruit loaf toast and I didn't burn it! It was also delicious. |
Ah i see!
That's nice of them to do that! Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! |
Yeah I am feeling well supported by GP surgery at the moment, just wish there were easier answers.
I am already looking forward to having more tomorrow XD You got anything fun on for today? |
That's good!
Yeah easier answers would be ideal! It must be so frustrating Lol! Why wait until tomorrow? Have some as a snack XD Yeah, got gym this morning, then seeing L and S, but idk where we're going, it's a surprise lol and i may run later |
I am pretty fed up. Buts that's for another thread.
Want to try and make the loaf last the week so I get to spread out the tastyness! How long until the gym? Yay for suprise adventure with L and S. :plain: to potential run but again that is for another thread. |
Ah yeah, fair enough! You don't want to run out of loaf!
It's at 9. So i usually leave at 8:40 I know :ermm: |
*waves goodbye to Beckie* Hope Gym goes well!
*Sits whistling waiting for other people to wake up and come online* |
Morning people. Sorry you didn't sleep well.
Morning! How are you tamo?
Morning everyone. Sorry about rubbish sleep. Hope everyone has a good day.
Yay people!
How is everyone? |
I'm quite tired. Going to Mass at 12pm. How are you?
Yay lots of people, Good Morning All!
I got distracted sorting through all my unread emails. What a thrilling start to my Tuesday XD |
Hope you enjoy mass!
I am also tired, but going out with L and S soon Were there lots jen? |
Hi all :)
Seems there is a lot of bad sleeping happening right now. As i am danish, i shall recommend snaps!!! Keep drinking it until you Fall asleep. I guarentee you won't wake up until the effect of the snaps has worn off (disclaimer: severe headache and nausea might ensue. I can not be held responsible!!) I'm having coffee. I am torn between making a decision of whether i hoover my flat today and clean the bird cages so my home, and thus my life in general, Will appear Well managed and not like i am losing the plot OR i just give up trying to pretend and allow myself and the state of my home to reflect the truth of my current mental capacity….. It's a tough one!!! |
Good start lr!
What are you doing with l and s Cacoethes? That's a tricky one Zurg. Sometimes tidying a space helps my brain feel tidier - but not always! |
I am still sorting throught them Beckie! Hasn't done a proper sort through in a few months. I usually open important ones when I notice them and leave confirmation emails etc. Good thing I have been sorting though! Discovered my pre pay prescription ran out 3 weeks ago. Thankfully can back date it so won't get any fines and direct debit is set up now.
Snaps might not agree with my meds Zurg XD I would be intrigued to try some proper danish snaps one day though! Always a tough one. Maybe you can compromise and hoover just room with bird cages afte ryour clean out. Rather than doing whole flat? I got distracted and did some dusting, not the best idea when my asthma is flaring but once I had noticed how thick it was I couldn't resist *facepalms* I would like to add that I only dusted the coffee table and used a wet duster so dust wouldn't spread so sort of responsible. There is so much other dusting too, but I am making a big effort to leave the rest alone. I think steroids have left me a bit manic, also think breathing is a little better today so easier to engage with mania. |
Morning all. I had a surprise that I had a postcard today. It was posted in January so has taken over 200 days to get here. It has a cat on it.
My hay-fever is playing up today so should take antihistamines for it. Haven't gotten much on today except for waiting for amazon and have my cpn coming. Oh plus my parents but that's not until this evening. |
Goodness 200 days to arrive! Was it from abroad?
Must have been a nice suprise! Hayfever is pesky. Mine and my partner's has been playing up recently. Hope cpn appointment goes ok and that you can enjoy your time with your parents this evening. |
Thanks Jen. Yes the postcard was from Japan. I have set my postcrossing account so that I dont receive any postcards but can still send for over 6 months now. So it must have been sent before i decided I didn't want any postcards. Hence why it was a complete surprise.
Hope it didn't make you anxious to receive then and that you could enjoy it as a genuinely nice suprise. I have never tried postcrossing but always appreciate when friends or family send me postcards or letters. Something extra lovely about getting post rather than just electronic messages.
No it didn't make me anxious as I wasn't expecting it. I have requested 5 more addresses today and luckily 4 out of the 5 I have their favourite type of postcard so they're going to be very happy.
That's good to hear!
And lovely to be able to send people their favourite type of postcards. How many years have you used post crossing for? |
Oh wow, lucky that you had the type of postcards they like! Can I ask why you don't want to receive any for now?
I have been a member of postcrossing since August 2018. Jenna posted about it here so that's how come I came to know about it.
Jenna I found getting postcards a bit too much as I used to get tons at once then none at all for ages. I prefer them spread out. I wasn't really appreciating them hence why I opted for not receiving any. But I still wanted to send to people. |
Ah fair enough! Glad you're still enjoying sending them :)
Post crossing is such a lovely idea.
I had a good time at Mass. There were a couple of really cute babies there who made me smile. |
Hey everyone I'm back!
Woohoo, welcome back Beckie! Have you been out for your surprise?
Hooray for cute babies tamo :) |
Hey everyone.
Anyone doing anything exciting? I am just waiting for my GP to call me at the dreaded some point in the afternoon. |
How is everybody? I hope your GP calls you soon lr.
I have!
It was like a small farm type place, but they had ostriches, emus, crocodiles, a puma, meetkats, parrots and some other things! So like a mini zoo! I'd never heard of it before, despite it not being overly far! S was in a terrible mood though, so L was a bit stressed. But there were BABY EMUS! Hopefully it's soon jen! |
That sounds awesome Cacoethes!
It was really cool!
Had cpn appointment. Plus amazon came about 10 minutes after my cpn left.
Glad you had a good time Beckie. |
Good timing dawn!
Thanks :) Just seen I've been put down for ONE shift next week and it's a friday 6-close??? This is very very odd! It's a new guy doing it. So I'm gonna have to message him now :plain: |
Hope your call goes ok, Jen.
Sounds like lots of fun, Beckie. Hope you get work sorted out. Did your appointment go ok, Dawn? I was at the gym. Today was the last time the support worker was coming with us but she didn't come in anyway. It went fine. |
Call went ok. More details in my thread.
Just hanging with my partner's sister, while my partner rests. |
My appointment was ok Lindsay.
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