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Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 10:50 AM

Hope the tea wakes you up tamo!

Beckie what are you up to today?

Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 10:51 AM

Also my live forum view is broken, give me sympathy

long road 05-08-2023 10:52 AM

Morning everyone

I roleplayed last night when I possibly should have stayed in bed like I had the rest of the day. I managed to play and had fun but had a rough night FND wise with some painful muscle spasms.

Don't feel too bad this morning considering but taking it slow.

That's sad about the food festival Jenna can you do some baking so you still get fun food?

How was your tea Tamo?

Spanish riding school sounds cool I have been to Vienna before but not been there.

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 11:29 AM

I enjoyed my tea but I'm still very tired. Going to do some mindfulness then see if I can have a lie down before my sister arrives.

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 12:26 PM

I'm here until Monday tamo. Long weekend break really :)

I have been to see the cathedral today! Stopped for a coffee. Walked around the posh shops (armani etc.)
Picked up some groceries from 'Spar gourmet' which is apparently a thing here.
I've come back to the hotel for a bit because the rain was bad and my jeans were soaked like a quarter of the way up my legs XD
So changed jeans and socks.
And I'm heading out to wine tasting soon. Because I'm a very sophisticated person :ermm:

My condolences for your live forum view jenna.

Definitely take it slow jen!

Good plan tamo!

long road 05-08-2023 12:34 PM

Did you pack your monocle oh sophisticated one?

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 12:49 PM

Alas, no!
I also didn't pack anything other than jeans and t shirts/hoodie XD
But didn't see a dress code on the thing. So I'll be fine. I can be sophisticated and scruffy at the same time! :tongue2:

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 01:09 PM

Enjoy the wine tasting Cacoethes!

How are you getting on LR?

I didn't get a lie down.

nonperson 05-08-2023 01:39 PM

Isn't sophisticated and scruffy called eccentric?

nonperson 05-08-2023 01:40 PM

Got some wicked thunder and lightning here at the moment!

long road 05-08-2023 02:18 PM

Not too bad. Just made a card for a family birthday. Now having a lie down and meditate break.

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 02:27 PM

Nice :)

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 03:17 PM

It is sooooo wet here!

long road 05-08-2023 03:20 PM

Not that wet here it's raining with sunny intervals. But it is crazy windy!

not_so_insig 05-08-2023 03:26 PM

It's raining and dark here but no wind. Which considering I live in a windy spot is strange.

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 03:53 PM

I can deal with eccentric XD

The wine tasting was brilliant! I know embarrassingly little about wine considering I've worked behind the bar for 2 years...
I was lazy and got an uber there. 12 min drive or 40 min walk, and it was bucketing down!

You're good making cards Jen! I'm far too lazy for that!

Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 04:06 PM

I don't think that's lazy! Very sensible actually. Glad you enjoyed your wine-tasting, how very sophisticated =D

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 04:13 PM

40mins in the rain would not have been good.

Sometimes I make cards when I can't find one I like.

nonperson 05-08-2023 04:14 PM

What's lined up next on our vicarious Vienna holiday?

Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 04:19 PM

Don't say that too loud tamo, that's how you end up being gifted lots of craft sets :P

np, how are you today?

And I second the request for news of our next vicarious venture!

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 04:22 PM

I really don't need sets! I go with photos, felt tips and glitter. It basically looks like a small child has been at work.

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 04:24 PM

I'm stingy when it comes to things like uber/taxis!
If i can walk it, then no way would i normally get a taxi!
But i am absolutely shattered because of very little sleep, and also rain!

I get cards from thortful.
They have loads of cards! I think made my individual people rather than mass produced. Can always find the exact thing I'm looking for!

I am deciding what to do about food, currently!
Tomorrow i am going to go to the imperial butterfly House, which is very close to the Spanish riding school so can do it before or after.
Jen has made some excellent suggestions on cheap/free things to do also, so i shall review those!

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 04:26 PM

Those sound lovely.

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 04:32 PM

Reviewed jens suggestions and there's the free film festival! And there's a pink floyd thing later. Doesn't start until after 10pm. Ends at like 11:50pm. I wouldn't walk that late, but the underground is running and not a long walk either end!

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 04:35 PM

*googles Pink Floyd in Vienna*

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 04:37 PM

It's like, a tribute thing?

Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 04:39 PM

Sounds good! Hope you find somewhere nice for food :)

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 04:39 PM

Yeah. It's on the film festival program so i assume it's a film?
Idk. The site is in german XD

Thanks jenna! Currently, i cannot be bothered to move lol

Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 04:40 PM

Speaking of, I'm off to make multi-purpose brownies! Some are getting saved for tomorrow when I make cake jars and some will get trialled with creme egg topping (trying out creme brownies for when I send some to np for her birthday!).

Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4359649)
Yeah. It's on the film festival program so i assume it's a film?
Idk. The site is in german XD

Thanks jenna! Currently, i cannot be bothered to move lol

Boringly, mine had an option to translate the page into English so you've been saved from my rookie translation:
"Filmed at Long Island?s Nassau Coliseum in August 1988 and directed by Wayne Isham, this release of the Grammy Award nominated ?Delicate Sound Of Thunder? is completely re-edited, restored and the sound completely remixed by longtime Pink Floyd sound engineer Andy Jackson with David Gilmour. The setlist carefully balances the then-new material from ?A Momentary Lapse Of Reason? and Pink Floyd classics, including songs from the album ?The Dark Side Of The Moon?, released 50 years ago."

Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 04:42 PM

ffs those question marks :plain:

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 04:53 PM

Thank you! My phone usually gives me the translation option but didn't this time for some reason.
But that sounds even more awesome than i thought! Hopefully I'll feel up to going!

Yeah the question marks are annoying!

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 04:57 PM

That Pink Floyd thing sounds good.

Where can you buy creme eggs Pi?

Pi.R^2 05-08-2023 05:12 PM

oh nowhere, they aren't vegan anyway. You just make a normal brownie then make the creme egg filling to go on top, then cover that with a chocolate topping. When I made them years ago, the filling tasted just like the real thing so I've got high hopes!

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 05:19 PM

Isn't the filling just icing?

tamobhuuta 05-08-2023 05:35 PM

Good luck with the brownies!

one_step_closer 05-08-2023 06:45 PM

More cake talk, Jenna! Just as i come here. So want some cake.

Still no macbook. The guy is taking the piss.

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 06:57 PM

Can you take it somewhere else lindsay?
Surely it's not a hard thing to fix??

nonperson 05-08-2023 08:38 PM

He is taking the piss. I'm sorry it's taking so long! =(

long road 05-08-2023 08:45 PM

Making cards is fun for me. It also deals with my unorganised self where I remember the day of or day before a birthday that I need a card. I can usually make or draw one in anywhere from an hour to three hours depending on how complex I get with the design. I went for a fairly simple design today so it only took an hour.

Yay I make fun free suggestions!

Maybe you could get your MacBook back and just use an external mouse Lindsay?

Ooh brownies! I have no cake butt I just had a fruit pastille ice lolly.

Cacoethes 05-08-2023 11:16 PM

I'm glad it helps you jen!

You do indeed!
The vibes were excellent!

not_so_insig 06-08-2023 06:34 AM

Morning all! I beat Beckie :laugh: .

I am awake early because I woke up having a fit of cramp. Despite trying to relieve it I am in too much pain to sleep. So unless I fall asleep again looks like I am awake.

Cacoethes 06-08-2023 07:54 AM

Morning everyone!

Pi.R^2 06-08-2023 08:44 AM

Morning! Hope your cramps have eased off Dawn and hope you enjoy today's adventures Beckie :)

Cacoethes 06-08-2023 09:02 AM

Bananas are meant to be good for cramps. As is tonic water.

Thanks jenna!
I am picking up my first ever too good to go parcel soon!

tamobhuuta 06-08-2023 10:19 AM

What's a too good to go parcel?

not_so_insig 06-08-2023 11:32 AM

Too good to go is an app where stores sell bags of food that is out of date that day for cheap. It is a complete surprise what you get so no good for allergies or dietary requirements. They have them in this country as well as some European countries. Last time I got one most of the stuff I could freeze so was ok. You do have to go to the store so no good if you can't drive/have poor public transport to pick it up as generally the ones in this country have set times which you have to pick it up. They also tend to be after 5 pm.

Cacoethes 06-08-2023 11:55 AM

I got asked if i had any preferences/dietary requirements before they made up the parcel
Also if i wanted hot or cold

tamobhuuta 06-08-2023 12:09 PM

That's a really good idea.

tamobhuuta 06-08-2023 12:33 PM

I'm off to my prayer group in a minute :)

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