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nonperson 27-07-2023 06:38 PM

Only potential naughtiness =)

not_so_insig 27-07-2023 06:57 PM

Hello all. Lots of posts. I am just having a rest from cleaning my flat. Only the bedroom left to do though tbf I did the majority of it earlier on, plus the living room. I seem to be cleaning the bits that don't get done every week, such as the microwave, today. Though tbh I dont always use the microwave every week. Oh and the tea caddy.

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 06:58 PM

Why on earth would i need a landline np?? XD
Also, hi!

nonperson 27-07-2023 07:02 PM

Well my thinking was that a landline number would be an additional and possibly more anonymous way of hassling Jenna.

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 07:17 PM

Haha, I don’t have a landline so that’s that plan thwarted!

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 07:22 PM

Ah! That is good thinking there np!

I don't have a landline either. Doesn't seem to be much point!

long road 27-07-2023 10:14 PM

Good evening troublemakers!

Glad to see you have all been having fun.

And very well done on your chores Dawn.

Boiling bagels is clearly fine Beckie as no calories were included by Jenna. *Nods*

Zurg how lovely to see you around! How are the menagerie?

I have kept myself busy and distracted by researching family history until dinner time. And then video chatting my brother straight after dinner until 10pm.

Hoping I can keep anxiety down until bed time. Then just have to remain chill until tomorrow evening.I checked GP website and the scheduled phone appointment isn't until 7pm! I didn't even know GP's worked that late! And as they always run late it will probably be the ven later than 7pm!!

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 06:16 AM

I’ve beaten Beckie to the first post of the day!!! Morning all!

(And now I’m going back to sleep)

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 06:26 AM

How dare you go back to sleep!
I just messaged you!

Morning peeps!

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 09:01 AM


If it helps, I did sleep pretty badly up until that point!

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 09:37 AM

Serves you right tbh :tongue2:
Jk jk

I have returned from aldi and now have a headache. Poor beckie :'(

one_step_closer 28-07-2023 09:40 AM

Morning everyone. I hope you all have a good day.

Boo to bad sleep and headaches.

I'm going to the food bank with my support worker today to see about volunteering.

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 09:44 AM

lol Beckie :P

Morning Lindsay! That sounds great - I hope you get good vibes from the foodbank :)

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 09:45 AM

Morning lindsay!

How are you feeling about potentially volunteering?

one_step_closer 28-07-2023 09:48 AM

I'm hoping it will be ok. I think my support worker is suggesting 2 hours a week on one day. 2 hours sort of seems like a long time though. It depends what I'm doing I guess and what the people are like. I hope we can sort something out that suits us all. Plus I should be getting individual gym support soon and the gym group is still running informally so more structured things in my week.

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 09:50 AM

I would think they'd be understanding!
And your support worker could possibly advocate for you if you struggle to put your needs across

one_step_closer 28-07-2023 09:51 AM

Yeah, hopefully. I'll let you know how I get on. Please take care of yourself today.

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 10:00 AM

Yes, please do!

I will :)

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 10:07 AM

Morning guys.

long road 28-07-2023 10:07 AM

Morning everyone!

I hope volunteering meeting goes well Lindsay.

Did you find the rehydration solution yet Beckie?? Maybe you can go looking for it today if not?

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 10:11 AM

Morning tamo and Jen!

How are you both?

I did not.
I'm going to asda later with E, so I'll ask her to remind me to get some.

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 10:16 AM

Not good, I slept really badly, even though i had a busy day. Luckily I have a quiet day ahead. Have fun at asda!

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 10:27 AM

Yeah same.
Hope you feel better in a bit.


Zurg 28-07-2023 10:46 AM

Hi all *waves*

Hope you won't have annoying or bad news today from gp, Jen!!
And i hope you'll like the people at the foodbank, Lindsay :) i always worry myself sick when i ponder, and sometimes even attempt, new things. And every time i end up concluding that most of my worries were a waste of time ;)
Hope your headache goes away soon, Tamo!!!
And Jenna, you should totally take a nap to make up for bad sleep!!!
And Beckie, drink some liquid you dehydrated bean!!! *stern look*

I'm up. And dressed!!! Even had a shower O_O
And thus i required a break and coffee which i am having now

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 10:54 AM

Hey zurg!

I am drinking many liquids!

Well done! Break and coffee well deserved!

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 12:04 PM

I've put away yesterday's washing!

one_step_closer 28-07-2023 12:28 PM

Well done, Tamo. Even though you're tired you managed. :)

Hi Jen, how are you?

Well done, Kat.

Keep drinking, Beckie! Even though you may need to pee lots.

The volunteering thing went ok. Was just a quick chat. They are in containers which I don't really like, rather than a building, but it's ok. I think it's about 10-12 each day. The lady is going to look at the rota and call me. Just before I left my house I got a phone call from the GP surgery asking me if I could come in on 29th August. Yesterday I had a blood test because I still have symptoms of high prolactin so it might be about that. I know it's ages away so it can't be that serious but I'm still worried because high prolactin can cause cancer and osteoporosis.

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 12:35 PM

Glad it went ok lindsay!

Hope the phone call is ok, in a months time!
High prolactin can cause those things, but you can get long term side effects from basically everything. If you can avoid it then great, if not, then it may not even happen. Risk/benefit analysis i think it's called?

My contraceptive depot can increase the risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis too. Been on it for 9-10 years. I mean, probably shouldn't be because at this point I'm only using it because i don't like periods :ermm:

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 01:05 PM

Same as my sister Cacoethes!

long road 28-07-2023 01:15 PM

Lol at Beckie being a dehydrated bean XD

I just finished updating my family tree, being doing a load of research on it recently.

And now it's time for me to head out to the back garden with a coffee.

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 01:18 PM

Glad it's not just me!

Find out anything interesting jen?

What's the weather like where you are?

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 01:18 PM

Well done lr. Did you enjoy putting it together?

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 01:38 PM

Afternoon gang!

Glad the volunteering meeting went OK Lindsay. I imagine it'll feel dead scary if and when you have your first shift but it will get easier!

Agree with Beckie's wise words about prolactin. How very irksome that you'll be waiting so long to speak to the GP though!

How is everyone?

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 01:41 PM

Hey Jenna!

Wise words???
I'm not often considered wise. :-D

I'm ok. Gonna go and meet E at about 3pm for a drink. Possibly see B if she's on her break.

How be you?

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 01:44 PM

Sometimes unlikely things happen... :P

Have a nice time socialising!

I'm good thanks :) Have just been into town to do two jobs and neither required me to speak to an employee - hurrah!

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 02:12 PM

Apparently so!

Thank you!

Sounds like a very successful trip!

long road 28-07-2023 02:49 PM

I have been enjoying all the family history research, it's a bit like doing puzzles because unless your ancestors have really rare names there is usually a few potential records to search through.

Nothing super interesting to anyone outside my family. I am doing my Dad's Mum at the moment, who was from the Rhondda valley, so a lot of Welsh miners! One of my great great grandfathers married the family servant! And I found some info about one of my great grandfathers WW1 service at the Somme.

Weather is cloudy with sunny intervals and a nice temperature not to hot, not too cold.

I too maybe finding out my prolactin is too high Lindsay it's one of many things my blood got tested for last week. Sucks you have to wait so long to put a plan together, my GP and I have plan that if it is X we test again in a month or two and if it stays X then we ask psychiatrist for advice if I feel I still need the antipsychotic.

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 03:54 PM

I'm glad you're finding your family history interesting. I don't know much about mine.

I've been re-re-rewatching Once Upon A Time. It's good to watch something that doesn't require much memory/concentration.

one_step_closer 28-07-2023 03:58 PM

Hey, sorry for the lack of personal replies. My macbook clicker has broken soi?m here on my phone which i don?t like so might be quiet until i get my macbook back. Hope it?s soon!

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 04:02 PM

Hi osc :) good luck fixing your clicker. I actually prefer using my phone for ryl and emails.

long road 28-07-2023 04:46 PM

I keep meaning to watch Once Upon A Time I have heard many good thing.

Can you get a mouse so you can still use your Mac book Lindsay?

I use RYL on my phone it's a bit clunky but it works.

not_so_insig 28-07-2023 05:12 PM

I have been coming here on my phone for over a decade now.

long road 28-07-2023 05:15 PM

A decade ago I didn't have a smartphone!

Didn't get one until early 2015.

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 05:18 PM

RYL modding on a phone is an absolute nightmare. Everything else I still prefer on a laptop but can tolerate on my phone!

long road 28-07-2023 05:25 PM

I mean RYL was born before smartphones so I cut it a lot of slack.

GP is meant to be calling at 7pm, I just want to get it over with, getting proper anxious now.

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 05:49 PM

I always use ryl on my phone. I don't use the laptop anymore unless i have an online appointment!

Good luck jen!

long road 28-07-2023 06:45 PM

Thanks not long to wait hopefully. But doctors always run late so who knows. I have roleplaying at 7:30pm so hope GP isn't running too late.

Did you manage to get any rehydration stuff Beckie?

Hey NP I see you!

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 06:57 PM

They do indeed

No, i didn't end up going to asda

long road 28-07-2023 07:30 PM

He only called 5 minutes late which is good for a doctor.

Weirdly it was none of the things I was expecting, my blood count is a little low and I am a bit anaemic. Which is odd because I haven't really changed my diet other than eating more veg.

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 07:32 PM

I swear more people have anemia now than not have it XD
Either that or I'm just noticing it for some reason!

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