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one_step_closer 27-07-2023 10:27 AM

It's been raining all morning here. It's annoying putting on a jacket because it's too hot.

Well done, Tamo. Does your dryer fully dry your washing?

I hope you get everything done, Dawn, and also find time to relax.

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 10:27 AM

Your CPN sounds kind of useless, Beckie! Are you ok after the call?

not_so_insig 27-07-2023 10:28 AM

Fun times then Beckie? ;-)

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 10:33 AM

Very fun Dawn XD

He is useless.
I'm fine. Glad it's over with early so i can get on with my day. He's so useless that there would be no point in talking to him even if i was unwell!

tamobhuuta 27-07-2023 10:35 AM

It works as long as I put it on the right setting. Which I don't always remember... and there's a jumper and dress in there I have to remember can't go in the dryer.

Sorry your cpn was annoying Cacoethes.

Busy day insig!

not_so_insig 27-07-2023 10:56 AM

I have been outside to fetch the boxes and it is raining. Not very heavy but still rain. Fed the cat and am waiting for him to finish eating before I tackle his litter tray.

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 11:15 AM

Busy in here today! Hope you enjoy the film Zurg, I've heard good things about it.

Your CPN is such a troll Beckie, glad the call is out of the way at least.

Well done on getting chores done Dawn, Lindsay and tamo.

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 11:21 AM

How are you doing, Jenna?

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 11:23 AM

ok thank you. When are you off out for your blood test?

not_so_insig 27-07-2023 11:47 AM

Sorry that I missed the post where you said that you were going for a blood test Lindsay. Good luck with it.

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 12:04 PM

Thanks, Dawn.

I'm going to leave at about 1.20pm. Got a George order coming between 1pm and 3pm delivered by Evri so hope I'm at home or they leave it for me.

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 12:22 PM

Cpn also asked if jas was on summer holidays and if she was going to uni in September...i said no, she's 11...
How old does he think i am??

Light rain here.
But done all my outside stuff. Aldi, meds, post office.

Well done on the tasks people!

How is Evri in your area lindsay?
They're great here, but i know some people have a lot of issues in other places!

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 12:49 PM

Oh my goodness! Maybe he just thinks Jas is a highly intelligent child!

Well done for getting your outside stuff done.

It's a new Evri driver now, not had an Evri delivery for a while so I'm not sure. The last driver was really good.

long road 27-07-2023 12:53 PM

Hello everyone,

I am anxious, just got a text from doctors saying my GP will call about my blood test results tomorrow evening. Great ... now I have a day and a half of anxiety of what bits were high. I sort of appreciate knowing about the call but being told tomorrow would have been better.

I had a lot of different tests so don't know what will be up, especially as a few things were high last time.

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 12:58 PM

Lol Beckie! I'm barely over you having an 11-year-old, can't believe he thought you might have an adult daughter!

Hope the package schedule works out OK Lindsay - getting anything nice?

Oh no Jen, what a stress! Are you able to log in to their online system to see the results to kill off the suspense? At my old surgery I think I could do that and it was handy.

tamobhuuta 27-07-2023 01:07 PM

It's horrible waiting for results-calls. Have fun with that!

I've thrown out a load of arts/crafts things I'm never going to use. People have this impression of me as a crafty person and give me sets, I'm not sure why.

long road 27-07-2023 01:10 PM

They don't release results online if they want to talk to you about them or as they put it they are 'sensitive'. So just living in suspense!

How are you doing Jenna? Enjoying your time off?

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 01:14 PM

Hopefully the new driver will be decent lindsay!

Jen, I'm gonna sound like a total hypocrite, but try not to worry! Being anxious isn't going to change the results. And it's most likely not anything really bad if they are calling tomorrow, rather than just calling you today.
I was also going to ask about an online system. I can do that with my gp.

I know jenna!
He's such a weirdo.

I had no call from ED service so I'm assuming bloods were fine!

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 01:19 PM

Must make sure I get a nice craft set to give to you at the meet then tamo :P

Oh what a pain Jen. I guess distraction and resisting the urge to speculate is on the cards then.

Not to be a doom-monger but it is only halfway through the day Beckie!

Jen, I am excellent thank you. Have just been planning out my baking.

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 01:22 PM

Well, yeah. But the results apparently come through in the morning, so if there was anything wrong, they probably would have told me by now! :ermm:

Oooh what are you baking??

long road 27-07-2023 01:23 PM

My GP doesn't work on Thursdays so would have to call tomorrow if he wanted to talk to me. I doubt its life or death as Duty GP would have called but there are a few potential long term issues we were monitoring for which could have an impact on my day to day.

Oooh baked goods! If you have any vegan and gluten free recipes that are a success please send them to me. Have family members who are gluten and dairy free, my little nephew is coeliac bless him.

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 01:27 PM

Ah i see. I can see how that would be worrying. Fingers crossed all is ok!

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 01:35 PM

My usual snacks (cookies, brownies etc), K's usual snacks (rocky road, custard creams) and new things that I'm trying are rhubarb pie, pain au chocolat (not just from a tube but making the dough from scratch), bagels and banoffee pie.

long road 27-07-2023 01:45 PM

Fingers crossed! Trying to not worry too much and remind myself my GP is a good GP who will explain everything properly. Still as an anxious person it's not easy to relax!

Ooh love a bit of rhubarb! My mum has a rhubarb patch so we ate a lot of it in dessert growing up, either rhubarb crumble or rhubarb fool usually, rhubarb and custard cake on special occasions!

Pain au Chocolat from scratch is an impressive thing to attempt, getting the laminations right of the pastry doigh is meant to be very tricky.

Does you rdcipie involve boiling the bagels? (Can you tell I love baking?)

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 02:27 PM

I hope you can find a way to feel less anxious, Jen.

I'm still waiting on my baking delivery from you, Jenna. Not happy.

My delivery came just before I left (2 duvet sets). Just one tube of blood today, the results will be ready in about 10 days.

not_so_insig 27-07-2023 02:31 PM

I have done some cleaning and I am part way through tidying up my flat. Seen my mum although we didn't go to the park because it was raining. We had coffee instead. Have hoovered the communal corridor and mopped the tiles outside the other two flats even though that's not my responsibility. It was disgustingly dirty and my mop pad was pure black when I had finished even though it was only a small area.

Oh and remember the other day I said that my top was slightly too tight? Well today it isn't and it fits perfectly. Either it expanded in the wash (have washed it since) or I was bloated the other day. My mum said it looked nice on me.

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 02:34 PM

You're doing lots, Dawn! Does anyone else hoover the communal corridor? Eww for disgusting tiles. I'd leave it up to them in the future. I'm glad your top fits and your Mum complimented you.

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 02:34 PM

Jen - Finn told me making croissants wasn't too bad so I'm using their recipe and they are my moral compass and also Great Vegan Advisor so hopefully it will be OK. But I agree that it sounds tricky. And yes to boiling the bagels. K always tells me I won't be able to make bagels and it's too hard, but they're not my Advisor so I've ignored them.

Lindsay - in my defence I don't remember ever actually agreeing to posting you baked goods...

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 02:34 PM

Well, you didn't really Jenna but...

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 02:36 PM

Aha! I did just find out when your birthday is using my Top Secret Modly Powers so I will at least send you birthday baked goods!

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 02:47 PM

Does saying you boil the bagels qualify as posting a recipe jenna? If so, I think you need to put yourself on a 3 day ban for some very serious rule breaking

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 02:48 PM

Oh my days screw you. Might ban you instead.

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 02:48 PM

:P <3 <3

not_so_insig 27-07-2023 02:49 PM

When I had a previous neighbour we used to take turns hoovering the corridor and polishing it but when she moved out I only do the bit outside my door. One of the neighbours is in his late 40s so is capable of mopping the tiles or his wife or daughter (she's 19) but they cba. When i went on holiday or when it was dead hot nobody bothered to hoover outside my door. I got fed up today of the disgusting nature of the tiles hence why i mopped them. There's a small tiled area which I do. Before covid a council worker used to check that we were keeping it tidy (it's written in our tenancy agreement that we must keep all communal areas clean and clear of rubbish) but honestly I am the only one that bothers. Being ground floor I get a lot of traffic passing past my flat. Idk why people don't bother doing it it don't take long. I disinfected my door handles, knocker and door bell button too.

tamobhuuta 27-07-2023 03:04 PM

Don't you dare Pi!

Ps love your phone screening idea

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4358692)
Oh my days screw you. Might ban you instead.

You wouldn't. I am FAR too epic. Plus we have a meet in a couple of weeks!
And I'd just harass you over messenger until you unbanned me :tongue2:

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 03:44 PM

Jenna, you are abusing your mod powers!

I couldn't cope with Beckie being banned.

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 03:47 PM

Thank you lindsay!
I could probably also get jennas phone number from somewhere and harass her by phone too XD

Zurg 27-07-2023 03:51 PM

Oooh, i made it just in time for the revolution against the mod(s) :D

Also, Barbie movie was epic!!! I haven't laughed so much in quite a while XD

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 03:57 PM

Ooh don't say revolution. That's why I had to make this account, waay back in 2008 XD

Glad you enjoyed it!
I want to see it, but not enough to spend an extortionate amount of money on cinema tickets!

tamobhuuta 27-07-2023 04:24 PM

I'm glad you enjoyed it Zurg. Really need to get my act together and see it.

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4358698)
You wouldn't. I am FAR too epic. Plus we have a meet in a couple of weeks!
And I'd just harass you over messenger until you unbanned me :tongue2:

So true. Remember that meet where we were all banned so we had to have a fake meet??

Haha Zurg! And why did a revolution mean you had to make this account Beckie??

Also Lindsay, you didn't comment on my offer to send you baked goods so I might ban you instead.

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 05:05 PM


Because i was trying to incite one :whistling:

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 05:14 PM

Aww, before my time, sounds like I missed a drama!

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 05:16 PM

It was a relatively lawless place
Compared to now anyway!

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 05:22 PM

Jenna, I commented that you were abusing your mod powers to find out my birthday. But I would be excited if I received baked goods for my birthday!

Glad you enjoyed the film, Kat.

Are you more sensible now, Beckie or is there still a rebel inside you?!

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 05:26 PM

Well, I've only been banned once, and i didn't actually do anything, it was more a guilty by association thing, from a person with a grudge.
And my only actual points came from the same person, definitely malicious.
I've had other warnings, but not points, as far as i can see!

Pi.R^2 27-07-2023 06:02 PM

Oh sorry Lindsay, I was in the middle of threatening to ban people so assumed you were referring to that :P

nonperson 27-07-2023 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4358701)
I could probably also get jennas phone number from somewhere and harass her by phone too XD

I may be able to provide that information unless you mean landline.

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 06:30 PM

NP, that's naughty!

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