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tamobhuuta 26-07-2023 09:58 AM

Morning everyone.

Sorry, I forget Cacoethes, where are you off to?

one_step_closer 26-07-2023 10:04 AM

Morning, Tamo. How are you today?

tamobhuuta 26-07-2023 10:07 AM

Hi osc. OK so far. Got an appointment with A at 2pm, need to decide what I actually want from it. How about you?

Cacoethes 26-07-2023 10:46 AM

Productive morning lindsay!

Just been to print a label for a vinted parcel. Stuck it on and will post it before i get the train, the locker is there.
Also bought a couple of coke zeros for the journey from poundland. Served by the friendliest and most talkative person I've ever seen XD

I have a medical monitoring appointment with the ED team tamo.

Hope your appointment goes ok tamo

not_so_insig 26-07-2023 10:47 AM

Morning all. I have stomach ache again :-( .

tamobhuuta 26-07-2023 11:48 AM

Good luck Cacoethes, I hope they are kind. Thanks.

Hi insig. Do you know the cause of your stomach ache?

not_so_insig 26-07-2023 12:18 PM

No but thankfully it seems to.have gone. I am going wild swimming today.

one_step_closer 26-07-2023 12:19 PM

I hope you get what you need from the appointment, Tamo.

I don't think I could be friendly and talkative if I worked in Poundland!

Good luck with your journey and the appointment, Beckie.

That's good, Dawn. Is it an ok temperature to be going wild swimming? Hope you enjoy it.

I've just cleaned the inside of my windows. They were filthy! Did some dusting too.

not_so_insig 26-07-2023 12:28 PM

I have been when the water has been 5 degrees in the middle of winter. I dont know the temperature of the water but definitely its above that. So yep if you do it regularly then you get used to it. So yes it's safe plus I am with someone so I am ok.

long road 26-07-2023 01:46 PM

*waves at thread*

Not feeling my best today. But getting bits done.

not_so_insig 26-07-2023 03:15 PM

Sorry you're not so great today Jen.

I have been wild swimming. The water was very cold and choppy due to the wind. But I stayed in the water for half an hour.

one_step_closer 26-07-2023 03:36 PM

I don't know how you can stand that, Dawn. For half an hour!

Hi Jen, sorry you're not feeling too good. Well done with getting some things done. Are you going to do something nice for you?

not_so_insig 26-07-2023 03:45 PM

It does my mh good Lindsay. Far better than any drug.

tamobhuuta 26-07-2023 04:03 PM

I saw my CPN. He's going to ask the Crisis Team to prescribe me a different PRN.

one_step_closer 26-07-2023 04:16 PM

That's good to hear, Dawn.

I hope a different PRN helps, Tamo. Do you think the appointment went ok?

tamobhuuta 26-07-2023 04:20 PM

It was very stressful but I did feel listened to and he didn't overreact, so yeah I think it went OK. Fingers crossed Crisis Team agree to prescribe!

tamobhuuta 26-07-2023 04:23 PM

What've you been up to osc?

Pi.R^2 26-07-2023 05:12 PM

Evening all! Glad to hear your appointment went well tamo :)

one_step_closer 26-07-2023 05:26 PM

Hi Jenna, how has your day been so far?

That's good, Tamo. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

I went out to the fresh fruit and veg shop after the people had picked up my donations and then went to Tesco. Put the bin out and filled the bird feeders. I'm going to try going for a quick walk at 7pm.

Cacoethes 26-07-2023 05:57 PM

Hey everyone
It has been a long day!

long road 26-07-2023 06:19 PM

Hey everyone,

I am mentally not allthere wnd exhausted despite having just woken up from a 2 hour plus nap. I am hoping I will be able to roleplay today as a thing for me but not sure if I wil manage it.

Well done everyone for their appointments, swimming, shopping etc.

Cacoethes 26-07-2023 06:20 PM

Hey jen

Take it easy and listen to your body!

long road 26-07-2023 06:33 PM

My body is often annoying with what it is saying though *pouts*

I am still in bed not got much energy. Need to try and get to kitchen as I am really thirsty. Might get a snack while I am there to see if it helps energy wise.

You got anything on this evening or are you taking it easy?

Cacoethes 26-07-2023 06:43 PM

Totally get that!

Snack sounds like a plan

Nah, I'm just chilling.
It's usually glow beatz but i didn't book because i wasn't sure when I'd get back, I could book now, but a) don't really have the money, usually i just book on payday and b) i am both physically and emotionally exhausted

long road 26-07-2023 07:02 PM

Chilling is probably what your body needs. Can you do some nice things like putting your oodies on and snuggling up to watch a film?

I have apple juice and soda water mixed, got into it In Austria where apple and sparkling water is sold in all the restaurants under the name apfel gespritzt

tamobhuuta 26-07-2023 07:07 PM

Apfel gespritz sounds yummy.

I did get a prescription, for 4 doses.

Time to chill everybody!

long road 26-07-2023 07:10 PM

*drags out thread freezer* in we all get XD

Gla dyou got the prn Tamo.

Cacoethes 26-07-2023 07:18 PM

Yeah I'm just watching OITNB again.

We don't have appletiser at work, so lots of people opt for either apple juice and lemonade or apple juice and soda.
Can have pretty much any juice with lemonade or soda!

Freezer may be TOO chill. Maybe a fridge :tongue2:

long road 26-07-2023 07:21 PM

I was with cloudy Apple juice. Cloudy is the best thing in my opinion.

Hmmmm.... I see your point! Maybe a sofa an an air conditioner would be a better idea!

Cacoethes 26-07-2023 07:31 PM

I swear the apple juice at work changes so frequently!
The old one was cloudy, then it was randomly clear, then we got some new stuff in bottles that is cloudy....i think because we couldn't get the cartons? Idk.

That sounds ideal!

Pi.R^2 26-07-2023 08:05 PM

Hope you’re all enjoying a nice chilled evening =D

Cacoethes 26-07-2023 08:11 PM


How about you jenna?
Having a chilled evening?

Zurg 26-07-2023 09:11 PM

Having a cup of chai with me to bed atm.
I suck at self care so i often try to cheat myself by having a coffee/tea/chai. That's the best i can do on most days.

Sorry for disappearing. I blame my lack of sanity in general.
(It'll probably happen again at some point…!!!)

Cacoethes 26-07-2023 09:45 PM

Hope you're ok zurg!
Nice to see you here, even if it is just brief!

Pi.R^2 26-07-2023 10:39 PM

I had a chilled day!! Wore PJs, didn’t leave the house and watched lots of Outnumbered while tidying and catching up on chores.

Hi Zurg! Nice to hear from you! How are you?

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 06:48 AM

Sounds like a good day!

Morning everyone

Zurg 27-07-2023 09:10 AM

Morning Beckie :)

How are you today??

I am going to the Cinema with a friend today. We are going to watch *drum roll* BARBIE!!!!! I look forward to a hilarious afternoon XD

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 09:12 AM

I'm ok thanks
How are you?

Ooh i hope you enjoy it!

Zurg 27-07-2023 09:12 AM

Also (i forgot…) i am okay. Sometimes my alters have different ideas on what we should spend time on and depending on who is in charge, i sometimes end up leaving for a while because they might want to do something entirely different from what i prefer… :)

Zurg 27-07-2023 09:14 AM

I am SO looking forward to this film!!! It looks equally cheesy and hilarious.

Bonus info: i HATED Barbie Dolls when i was a kid. They were boring and couldn't even bend their arms and legs. When i Got a dog he thankfully devoured a few of them. The rest i gave to the tiny girl that moved in next door…

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 09:24 AM

Not a problem, I'll just make the most of it when you're here!

It does! XD

Yeah i wasn't a fan of them either tbh

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 09:56 AM

Morning everyone. I hope you all have a good day.

Hey, Kat. Nice to see you. Hope you enjoy the film. I don't think I'll watch it! I preferred my brother's Action Men when I was growing up. My Ken doll had a leg that kept falling off.

Are you doing anything nice today, Beckie?

tamobhuuta 27-07-2023 10:01 AM

My sisters and I had mermaid barbies! They were amazing. I'm hoping to see the film with my big sis. Enjoy!

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 10:07 AM

Morning lindsay!
How are you?

Nothing exciting. Waiting for cpn to call. Was meant to be 10am.
Clean out boys, pick up meds, post a return and taekwondo. Think that's it

one_step_closer 27-07-2023 10:11 AM

I had one mermaid barbie too. I think it was actually Ariel. What are you doing today, Tamo?

I'm ok. Have a blood test later on but don't really have anything else to do. Have already done a washing.

I hope your CPN calls soon, Beckie, and he is surprisingly helpful. I hope you have a good day.

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 10:12 AM

Nice to have a chilled day sometimes lindsay!

I don't really need help with anything. So hopefully a short call because i cba

tamobhuuta 27-07-2023 10:13 AM

I've washed my hair and today is laundry day. Shame the weather is awful, I'm going to have to use the dryer.

not_so_insig 27-07-2023 10:17 AM

Morning all. I cba to do stuff today. I am supposed to fetch my recycling boxes, hoover the communal hall, clean my flat, see my mum and go around the park at the bottom of the road. Oh and feed the cat and change his litter tray. That's my tasks for today.

not_so_insig 27-07-2023 10:20 AM

Oh it's not raining here atm.

Cacoethes 27-07-2023 10:26 AM

Call with cpn lasted a grand total of 5 mins and 51 seconds. And was only that long because he repeated questions multiple times! And asked questions that i had literally spoken about 20 seconds beforehand....:eyeroll:

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