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I'd love a guinea pig bridge!
Cheesy mash is even better! |
I don't think I've had cheesy mash except on a fish pie.
Sorry you're having a hard time osc :( sending hugs if that's OK.
I just sent my first email as secretary of my prayer group! |
Thanks, Tamo.
Ooh, how did that feel? How long have you been the secretary? Do you have many jobs to do? |
Cheesy mash is the best! Especially mixed with cheesy baked beans!
Argh! Why are the shops closed?!?!? Ooh that sounds very official tamo! |
It's scarey. I've only been doing it a couple of weeks. The lady in charge said it's mainly emails and making notes at meetings.
I'm sure you'll settle into it!
Doing something new is always a bit daunting! |
I don't want to let people down if my mentals mean I can't go to a meeting.
Everyone has unexpected things happen. Literally everyone.
I don't know one person at work who is there for 100% of their shifts! Whether it be due to illness or something else. |
Thanks Cacoethes. How are you this fine morning?
Groggy and tired!
And anxious about my assessment. How are you? Much planned for today? |
What's your assessment?
I've got to sort out my meds boxes for the week and I'm also going over the road to see if they do ready brek and sultanas. I fancy a breakfast change from crumpets with chocolate spread. |
Morning all. I have tesco and evri coming today. It's a different evri driver doing it today. They're both due at the same time fingers crossed that they don't arrive together!
Hi insig :) is the evri delivery anything fun?
ED team assessment.
Ooh ready brek and sultanas are an excellent breakfast! Hope not. That would be a disaster! |
Yes it's a load of model horses tamobhuuta. I was scared that they would arrive when I was away as they came from America. I have only been waiting for them for over a month to arrive. But no ransom note which is good.
Is the assessment today?
That is fun insig! Enjoy! |
Thanks :-D tamobhuuta
Yeah the assessment is at 1
Just had some very loud fighter jets go over. Weird.
Weird. Good luck!
Thank you!
I have had my tesco shopping order. 3 substitutions and 2 unavailable items. Annoyingly one unavailable item was roast potatoes which was for a roast pork dinner. Does sweet potato fries go with a roast dinner? It's either that or halloumi fries.
Does it matter?
If you enjoy it, stick it on there! Or go to a shop to get some? |
I remembered that I have some aunt Bessie’s roast potatoes in my freezer so problem solved!
The day is saved!
Honestly I have no idea what is in my freezer. I found some steak the other day. I used to have a list of stuff but it got deleted when I got my new phone.
I think that's today's task once I have put the shopping away and had evri: make a list of what's in my freezer. I don't use it that often hence why I have no idea what's in it. I tend to use my fridge more.
Time to make a new list...
Ninja tamobhuuta.
I couldn't imagine not knowing what was in my freezer!
I have 4 bottles of frozen water, an ice cube tray and a flannel XD |
Afternoon everyone.
I overslept and just woke up from a dream about the weirdest exam ever. How is everyone else? |
Heya jen!
How are you? My assessment is in 12 minutes and I'm freaking out. Lol |
Nearly 1pm. Thinking of you Beckie and wishing you the best of luck.
Hi everyone. I hope your horses arrive safely, Dawn and you get that new list made. I usually have the same boring stuff in my freezer. Are you feeling ok, Jen? I know it can feel not nice waking up from a dream. I'm not doing too great yet again. |
Oh, ninja Beckie! You can do this.
I am a bit achy. Have solved the emotional wobble from waking from odd dream by snuggling my large cuddly lion under a blanket on the sofa.
Hope your assessment has gone as ok as such things can Beckie x Would you Ike a hug Lindsay? |
Thanks guys!
Will post in my serious thread. I have just been out to get a stamp (when did stamps get so expensive???) And post my medical licence application. Just as i got home, torrential rain XD Also work tonight. Ugh. Sorry you're still feeling rubbish lindsay. Sending many hugs! Glad you're feeling better jen! |
Sorry you're not so great today Lindsay. Well done for getting through the ed assessment Beckie.
Tesco have been and I am just waiting for evri. Glad that they didn't come together! |
Thanks Dawn
Work soon. I am far too tired but it's too late to not go now! |
Hope work isn't too stressful Beckie.
Thanks :)
Monday nights are usually pretty chill tbh But you never know! |
I am always up for hugs.
That's good, Jen. Have you been watching anything today? Well done for everything you've managed, Beckie. I hope work goes better than you expect. Did you get all your stuff from Tesco put away, Dawn? |
Not quite all Lindsay. I have done the heavy stuff and the fridge stuff.
Excellent news Cacoethes.
I hope you don't have too much left to put away, Dawn.
How is your day going, Tamo? |
It's ok thanks osc. Bought some ready brek, ready for breakfast tomorrow!
No I have done the vast majority of the shopping. It's mainly the washing powder as it's a bigger box than normal. They didn't have my usual size.
Still haven't received my evri delivery yet. :angry: . Looks like I am not getting it today. :'(
Very well prepared, Tamo!
Might it arrive a bit later, Dawn? |
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