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Cacoethes 27-06-2023 05:46 AM


tamobhuuta 27-06-2023 09:54 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 10:40 AM

Morning all. I have had to phone the council today as my shower has stopped working. It was very stressful making the phone call.

tamobhuuta 27-06-2023 10:57 AM

Well done! When will they fix your shower?

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 11:02 AM

I'm ok thanks
Been to gym and decided to go home to pick up my shopping bags and straight out to aldi to get it over with.

How are you?

tamobhuuta 27-06-2023 11:03 AM

I'm ok. I'm seeing my spiritual director this afternoon :)

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 11:07 AM

That's good

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 11:35 AM

Not sure when they'll fix my shower tamobhuuta. Someone is coming to look at it today. I might have to have a new one, which god knows how many days it will take to fix.

tamobhuuta 27-06-2023 12:00 PM

Have you been shopping yet Cacoethes?

I hope your shower is easily fixed insig.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 12:21 PM

Yeah. I went straight after the gym.
Just popped home to get my shopping bags and went back out.

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 01:17 PM

Hey everyone. Feel like sending love to you all so *sends love*

Well done for making the phone call, Dawn. I hope everything gets sorted soon. Did you check the trip switch? When I was in hospital at some point and my brother was at my house he said the shower wasn't working but when I got home it was just the trip switch that had switched off or whatever you call it. I almost bought a new TV and laptop charger once because I thought they weren't working but it was just the trip switch for my living room sockets.

How was the gym, Beckie? Did you get everything you needed from Aldi? What is the rest of your day looking like?

I hope it goes well with your spiritual director, Tamo. What do they do, if you don't mind me asking? No need to reply.

I'm having a hard day. Missed the gym group. I have put a washing on and sorted all the clothes out and that's my only task for today. Got crispie cakes from the shop but they're not that good because they don't have mars bar in the crispy bit so they're a bit plain.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 01:27 PM

Love to you too lindsay!

Gym was good thanks!
I forgot to get a cucumber but i still have one and a half left! So that's fine.
I have to drop a parcel at the locker because i sold something else on vinted.
Was going to do it a minute ago, but realised that the item was a little dusty so I've put it on a quick wash to freshen it up!
Also glow beatz tonight.

Sorry your day isn't going too well.
Well done for sorting the washing though!
Ugh, hate disappointing food!

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 01:32 PM

Thank you, Beckie.

Did you do the evil moving stairs at the gym? I didn't make it to the gym group today, should maybe do some exercise at home but I still don't believe that home equals exercise! How long will the one and a half cucumbers last? How are the piggies? Are you doing well with selling things on Vinted? I am trying to give away a huge display board for free since I am no good with knowing sizes and I bought it as a frame to put a poster in but it was way too big but no one wants it. When I was asking for money for it someone messaged me asking if it had a light on it but it doesn't so they didn't want it.

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 01:42 PM

Yes Lindsay I checked the trip switch. Unfortunately it's not that sadly :-( .

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 01:54 PM

Oooh one of my parcels from the USA has arrived.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 02:07 PM

I did not actually!
The worse exercise today was probably hugging a 16kg ball while doing step ups on a rather high box (not normal step height) XD
And mini circuits, involving throwing said ball over my shoulder repeatedly and doing the rope thing. Which doesn't look like it'll be difficult, until you do it! Lol

I know what you mean about home exercise not feeling like it counts. But i assure you it does!

Piggies are fine! Although annoyed that i had the audacity to not give them yet another treat when i came in from posting the parcel!
The cucumbers will last about 3/4/5 days i think! Depends if it gets really hot again, i give them more then because of the water content.

Vinted is incredibly easy to sell things on! And you post most things at an in post locker with a QR code, which is literally less than 5 mins from my house. So no excuse for being lazy and waiting until whenever to send it!

Could you give it to a charity shop?

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 02:27 PM

Exciting, Dawn! How many more are you waiting on?

That sounds like torture, Beckie! You are such a terrible person for not constantly providing treats for your piggies.

I need to sort out a lot of my stuff. There is so little storage in my house that I have loads of storage boxes piled up everywhere. I have a couple of boxes of things I was going to sell on eBay but I've decided to look through them and see what I can sell and what isn't worth it and I'll take things to a charity shop. Might need a few trips but I don't think there will be enough for them to collect things from me.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 02:30 PM

Always torture XD
Yes i most certainly am! They're both sulking now lol

Sorting stuff out can be a very daunting job when there's a lot of it!
Do you ever get those charity clothes bags through the letterbox?

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 02:31 PM

Haha, sulking piggies! They sound very much like children!

Yeah I sometimes get those bags although a lot of them just want clothes and I only have maybe two t-shirts that I'm looking to get rid of.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 02:34 PM

They really are!

Ah yeah, that's annoying! If only they had a similar thing for non clothes! I guess it wouldn't be cost effective though.

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 02:48 PM

I am waiting for 2 parcels but am unsure because the tracking number doesn't work! A lot of people who are waiting for the same parcels have said the same they just magically turn up.

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 03:22 PM

How's the weather with everyone today? I've seen no posts about people being too hot which has become the norm! It's been raining all day here.

Surprise parcel arrivals are nice but the wait can be annoying.

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 03:30 PM

It's dull here and rather cold in comparison to the heat lately here Lindsay. Not sure if it's raining because I have yet to go out. But I wouldn't surprise me if it is.

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 03:50 PM

My shower is fixed! Hooray!

tamobhuuta 27-06-2023 04:02 PM

Hello everyone. It's been busy here! My spiritual director was helpful. Osc, she helps me with my spiritual life like prayer but also other things eg she thinks I should harass my CPN about having a support worker.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 04:04 PM

Much cooler today. But I've been in a vest top and shorts all day and still fine outside.
But i warm up when i walk!

Just popped out again to take some stuff to the food bank.
Only about a 20 min walk. So I'm warm after that!
Forgot it was feral child hour so had to battle through hundreds of bloody kids!

tamobhuuta 27-06-2023 04:05 PM

It's warm but not that warm!

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 04:16 PM

Yay for your shower being fixed quickly, Dawn! Do you not open your blinds/curtains to see outside?

I'm glad your spiritual director was helpful, Tamo. Are you going to try and mention to your CPN again about a support worker?

Oh no, the hour of the children! I hope you're not too traumatised, Beckie. You've always got to be doing something haven't you?!

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 04:25 PM

If I am bad mh wise I don't tend to open my curtains Lindsay. Anyway I have been out and it's been raining here but wasn't at the time if that makes sense. I have had an nice shower as I probably stank (I have a medical condition which means I have to shower most days and at my worst go through several changes of clothes). Now to open my parcel once I find the scissors.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 04:41 PM

Very traumatised! :tongue2:

Yeah i do! I really don't like sitting around!

tamobhuuta 27-06-2023 04:50 PM

Osc, I will phone him tomorrow. How's your day going?

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 05:07 PM

You went out then had a shower before opening the parcel, Dawn! I would have been too excited by the parcel and opened it first.

Day complete after Glow Beatz though?

Good luck with the call, Tamo. I'm having a hard day but spoke to a nice lady on Duty so feel a bit better.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 05:18 PM

And shower after glow beatz. But then I am finito!

Glad duty were nice lindsay!
Well done for calling them :)

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 05:45 PM

You really should be sleeping well with all you're getting up to, but do you have some wind down time before bed?

Thank you.

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 05:46 PM

I was too on edge waiting for the shower man to contemplate opening my parcel Lindsay. Also in case it was bad news and I had to spend another day without a shower I wanted something to cheer me up. It's a model of a rider on horseback of the then Queens Household Cavalry.

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 05:47 PM

Also well done Lindsay on calling duty. I am glad that it was helpful.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 05:47 PM

You'd think so! Alas, it is not to be! XD

Yeah I'll have some chill time.
Just got to pop out to the locker again to return something from asos

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 05:48 PM

Have you got a nice place to display it, Dawn?

Thank you.

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 05:48 PM

For goodness sake, Beckie! Honestly!

not_so_insig 27-06-2023 05:50 PM

I have a display cabinet which it will go in Lindsay.

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 05:55 PM

What else have you got in your display cabinet? Do you collect horses?

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 06:18 PM

It was only a little walk! So NOW all i have to do is glow beatz and shower XD

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 06:31 PM

You shouldn't be paying rent, are you actually ever in your house? :laugh:

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 06:35 PM

I'm in my house more than you would think! Most of my going out things don't take long at all!

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 06:43 PM

You sound like a wee jack in the box today though, the amount of times you have been in and out!

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 06:44 PM

I hope Jen's doing ok. Not seen her about today.

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 06:51 PM

I am restless!

She's commented on one of my fb posts today. 4 hours ago.
Do miss her in here though!

one_step_closer 27-06-2023 06:52 PM

I hope you're feeling ok, Beckie.

Well that lets me know she's alive anyway!

Cacoethes 27-06-2023 07:12 PM

Totally fine!

Its raining!
Might clear some of the mugginess!
Waiting for glow beatz now. Luckily there's a sheltered bit outside the door!

long road 27-06-2023 07:26 PM

Hi guys!

I didn't wake up until midday and when I made it out of bed decided to try and use my phone less today and spent most of the day sat on sofa watching YouTube on my TV via my laptop and either focusing on that or doing word puzzles with YouTube in the background. .

And at one point I briefly popped on Facebook. Been a bit of a nothing day really.

Just started using my phone again and so popped on to find out you guys missed me. Which is very sweet.

In more exciting news I am having Brinner (Breakfast for dinner). Bacon, eggs, Hashbrowns, beans, mushrooms and tomatos!

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