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not_so_insig 25-06-2023 08:44 PM

Yes I feel much better now Lindsay.

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 09:15 PM

yuck to onion rings but well done np on getting all that done and I hope you enjoy your pizza and onion rings :) Hope you enjoy the next book in the series Lindsay! I know you're having a really tough time at the moment and are struggling to get into books so I think it's definitely a good idea to go to the next one in the series.

long road 25-06-2023 09:32 PM

I am alive and all that. Got distracted by building the BBQ and then having the BBQ and then playing a board game.
Had a very awesome day and ate lot of nice foods and had good chats. And we saved Arkham from an Eldritch Horror in our board game of Arkham Horror.

One of the best days I have had in years!

nonperson 25-06-2023 11:08 PM

Glad you had a great day, Jen!

Cacoethes 25-06-2023 11:26 PM

I'm very glad everyone is hyped about my rv XD

in other news. Jam doughnut shots are delicious.
Pretty much all spoons one, gross. Will make your tongue numb and taste gross

Cacoethes 26-06-2023 06:45 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 26-06-2023 10:00 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 26-06-2023 10:16 AM

Ok thanks.
Just been for a patch test for my eyebrow tint next week. Need to post a card and a parcel on my way to work later.

How are you?

tamobhuuta 26-06-2023 11:01 AM

I hope your eyebrow is OK. I am right on time for my blood test - let's see if the clinic people are...

Cacoethes 26-06-2023 11:44 AM

She just puts a patch of henna on the inside of my wrist to check i don't have a reaction to it before tinting the actual eyebrows next week

Fingers crossed!

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 12:17 PM

Afternoon everyone. Sending good day wishes.

I'm so glad you had a great day yesterday, Jen. I hope you can keep that in mind when you're having a hard time and I hope there can be many more days like it.

I hope work goes well, Beckie. Don't know what to say about your eyebrow tint!

Did you get your blood test on time, Tamo?

I went to the chemist and the boss was just about to ping an elastic band at one of the staff. Then they were telling me about people hiding in boxes in locked cupboards and jumping out at people. One day they will give themselves a huge fright and they'll all go into cardiac arrest at the same time and I will have to choose which one to give CPR to and which ones to just leave dying on the floor. Sounds like they have fun but when the boss is in a bad mood and shouting he is very scary.

I've washed my hair and hoovered a bit. Had a bad sleep last night.

long road 26-06-2023 01:33 PM

*waves sleepily*

Having a very slow day today after all the excitement of yesterday just had a reasonably healthy lunch of a cheese and ham roll with a side of cucumber sticks and houmous. And then a rather unhealthy dessert of a piece of leftover salted caramel cheesecake! All about balance right?

And the cheesecake was delicious and I am not usually a cheesecake person so this is high praise!

Thanks everyone who is happy for me. I really hope that I get more days like yesterday.

That chemist and their shennanigans sounds fun bordering on stressful. Glad I don't work there! Did you find hearing about it triggering Lindsay? Well done for getting some chores done.

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 02:10 PM

Hi, Jen. I hope you have a nice relaxed day. Lunch sounds perfect. I love cheesecake, what do you not like about it?

No, I love that they can have a laugh but if I worked there I'd be on edge!

tamobhuuta 26-06-2023 02:35 PM

My blood test people were only running 15 minutes late.

Well done for doing things osc.

I'm glad you had a good day yesterday LR.

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 02:38 PM

That's not too bad then, Tamo. What are you doing with the rest of your day?

long road 26-06-2023 02:49 PM

I often find cheesecake too rich. But this one has a layer of whipped cream the cheesecake mixture, then salted.caramel.then biscuit and the cream really balances it out and reduces the richness and the salted caramel is sweet but not too sweet.

Well that's not a job to aspire to then. Glad you like they have fun

I am considering a nap. Getting tired again

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 03:33 PM

Nap if you need to, Jen. :-)

tamobhuuta 26-06-2023 03:39 PM

I had a little lie down between my prayers and afternoon tea. After this I will pray more then watch TV.

Cacoethes 26-06-2023 04:19 PM

I'm staying for a 12-close again. Because apparently i hate myself XD

tamobhuuta 26-06-2023 04:26 PM

Have fun with that!

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 04:33 PM

What's on TV, Tamo?

Beckie! Nice people also working at least?

Cacoethes 26-06-2023 04:38 PM

Yeah it's a decent team luckily!

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 04:39 PM

Did you manage ok the last time? Were you ok the following day?

not_so_insig 26-06-2023 04:48 PM

Afternoon all. I have been to the city centre today and posted off a large letter/small parcel. Apparently it didn't need a customs form even though it was going to the USA. Annoyingly I was charged the same as a postcard so if I had known I would have shoved the correct postage and shoved it in the nearest postbox as it would have fitted.

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 05:37 PM

Hi Dawn. That happens to me sometimes with posting things. It is frustrating but better to make sure it has the right postage. Did you do anything else while you were out?

nonperson 26-06-2023 05:58 PM

Evening folks.

not_so_insig 26-06-2023 05:58 PM

I went to the Cats Protection adoption centre to donate some food my cat no longer needed (it was specialist food for upset stomach but he no longer suffers from an upset stomach). Other than that I didn't go anywhere.

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 06:19 PM

Hi NP, how are you doing?

That was nice of you, Dawn. I have a lot of cat food that I no longer use but don't have anywhere close by where I can donate it. What will you be doing this evening?

Pi.R^2 26-06-2023 06:27 PM

Yo gang! I have returned from the work place!

nonperson 26-06-2023 06:29 PM

Do you have any neighbours with cats that could make use of the food?

I'm ok. Work has knackered me mentally today... How're you?

How was your workplace today, Jenna?

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 06:36 PM

No I don't have any neighbours with cats. Tried giving the food away on Gumtree but they took it down, didn't know they didn't allow the sale of pet food. Oops.

Everyone has been out having a life today, it's been so quiet here.

Oh no NP. Any safe way to feel better? I'm not so good but it's ok.

Hi Jenna, how are you doing? Have you sent me any of your baking yet?

nonperson 26-06-2023 06:44 PM

Ah that's a shame. How weird about Gumtree - would have thought it'd be fine to sell cat food!

We're here now!

I dunno, I might do some yoga/meditation later. Waiting for Amazon to deliver first although they've been 8 stops away for about an hour.

What're you doing with your evening?

Pi.R^2 26-06-2023 06:45 PM

The workplace met my expectations today thanks. Got another exciting Work Trip tomorrow so that will be fun.

Sorry that work exhausted you np :(

omd Lindsay you only signed up to my fictitious baking subscription yesterday and you're already one of my most demanding customers :plain:

Pi.R^2 26-06-2023 06:46 PM

Ninja. What're you getting from Amazon?

Oh, I was gonna say- if there's a foodbank collection at your local supermarket Lindsay they might take cat food.

not_so_insig 26-06-2023 06:51 PM

Haha Jenna. I have a load of clothes plus a wii game that needs taking to a charity shop. The local Cats Protection charity shop has been closed since March. I will probably go to my favourite seaside place at some point as they have a charity shop there.

not_so_insig 26-06-2023 06:53 PM

Ninja Jenna. If you have a pets at home nearby they have a collection point for pet food donations.

nonperson 26-06-2023 06:57 PM

Amazon should be delivering some unexciting things to spruce up/fix my bathroom and shower. Plus a cool mat for the cat.

Why so many work outings at the moment?

Pi.R^2 26-06-2023 07:07 PM

Ooh, sprucing up is exciting though! I'm sure the cat will be thrilled; is he struggling in the heat a bit? Our aircon is on in the chinchilla room so much at the moment trying to stop the silly girl dying.

I try to be mysterious about my occupation on here but basically me and T have A Project (that we invented) and we're making them let us go visit other places we think do that thing well.

Yeah, I was gonna suggest Pets at Home too Dawn. While we're at it, any suggesting for good condition pet items (we have a chinchilla carrier, unused wheel etc)?

nonperson 26-06-2023 07:12 PM

I suppose it is semi-exciting. It'll be nice when it's done. Yeah, he doesn't like the heat and keeps flopping sideways on the rug so I thought I'd try a cool mat for him to flop on instead to see if that helps. Do chinchillas find the heat hard?

Hmmmm, that is indeed mysterious and intriguing! Basically research days out then?

Pi.R^2 26-06-2023 07:19 PM

Aww, you must send a jpg of how hyped he is when he discovers the cool mat!

Yeah, chinchillas need to be in a room below 22 degrees basically otherwise it very quickly gets dangerous. In most houses it gets above that at some point so air conditioning is needed, but we keep ours in the extension which is poorly insulated so it gets that hot much quicker and for longer!

nonperson 26-06-2023 07:51 PM

I will! When the weather heats up again =P

Amazon have delivered but just threw the parcels over the gate. Luckily the ceramic stuff inside wasn't broken. But I can't use the new shower head holder because I can't get the old one off... It's been broken for ages and is held up with an elastic band but that seems to have fused to the pole so I'm not sure how to remove it without taking the pole off and I can't figure out how to do that! Gah!

Poor chinchilla! =(

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 08:02 PM

The cat food has been opened so maybe that's why.

I need to demand, Jenna, I can't wait any longer for my cakes!

None of my cats used the cooling mats I got them but I think one of them made a small hole in one and I had to put it in the bin.

That is so bad of Amazon. Complain! Oh dear, NP. I hope you can figure it out soon.

I was just watching Paramedics On Scene.

tamobhuuta 26-06-2023 08:07 PM

I've been rewatching the thick of it on the iplayer. I love malcolm tucker.

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 08:08 PM

Never heard of it or that person! Are you enjoying it?

nonperson 26-06-2023 08:14 PM

Ah yeah, opened stuff can be awkward. Is there any outdoor wildlife that might eat it? Not sure if that's a sensible suggestion or not though!

He might not use it and I have heard of them getting holes in so we shall see how it goes.

I don't know how to complain tbh. The "how was your delivery" review options don't seem to cover what I want to complain about. Hmm...

I hope that programme wasn't too intense to watch. Paramedics have a tough job.

one_step_closer 26-06-2023 08:17 PM

I'm not sure about the food, NP. I think hedgehogs eat cat food but maybe the wet stuff? I don't know.

Amazon just don't want you to complain. Can you just pick anything and then it might give you a box that you can rant in?

How's it going with the shower head holder?

I used to want to either be a Paramedic or a 999 call handler, lol at me. I did think I'd want to be a Paramedic just not drive the ambulance and you know what I'm like with phones!

nonperson 26-06-2023 08:26 PM

Yeah hedgehogs can have the wet food.

I think it just accepts the option you select and that's that. Oh well. Maybe I'll investigate when I have more energy.

Given up with the shower for now! That's also a problem for another day. =P

Well maybe that career path might not be the most ideal for you but you do like to help people so it doesn't surprise me that you wanted to do something like that. A bit like when a careers advisor told me I'd be a good police officer because I like rules and justice... but I don't like people or confrontation!

tamobhuuta 26-06-2023 08:28 PM

Very much enjoying it but I'm on the last episode :(

There's no way I could be a paramedic or call handler.

Pi.R^2 26-06-2023 09:49 PM

Aww, that's a bit like how I literally went to medical school for a year despite the fact that I'm really rather emetophobic...

Cacoethes 26-06-2023 11:31 PM

Hey everyone! I guess everyone will be in bed now. Lol

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