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Pi.R^2 24-06-2023 11:04 PM

I’ve had a fancy/real(?) kebab in a Turkish restaurant in London but never had a proper takeaway one!

nonperson 24-06-2023 11:49 PM

I imagine they're quite different! XD

Cacoethes 25-06-2023 01:21 AM

I'm back!
And oddly not actually properly drunk. I think the meal helped. I have a squeaky beef burger. So a burger with emmental and halloumi on it, and sweet chilli sauce. I hope they do it at my pub too because it was SO good! Fairly sure it's on our new menu.

Our ears were ringing badly, small venue and VERY loud metal music! I googled and apparently white noise helps, so i put on the alexa and played white noise and it reduced it instantly! So weird!

Cacoethes 25-06-2023 06:57 AM

Morning guys

long road 25-06-2023 10:06 AM


Cacoethes 25-06-2023 10:20 AM

How are you?

tamobhuuta 25-06-2023 10:26 AM


Cacoethes 25-06-2023 10:41 AM

How are you?

tamobhuuta 25-06-2023 11:00 AM

I'm ok. It's my parents' anniversary so my big sister and her husband are coming round later. We're getting Indian takeaway, om nom nom. What are you guys up to?

Cacoethes 25-06-2023 11:27 AM

That sounds nice!

May go for a roast with L. Need to go to aldi for more fizzy water. Already cleaned out the boys and put their stuff in the wash.

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 11:50 AM

Morning/nearly afternoon. Hope you all have a good day.

Did you enjoy your night then, Beckie? And you're up and doing so much already! Has the tinnitus gone?

Hey, Jen, how are you? BBQ today?

Sounds like a nice family celebration, Tamo. :)

It's so dull here it's like it's later on.

Cacoethes 25-06-2023 11:56 AM

Morning lindsay!
How are you?

I did thanks! It was really good!
The tinnitus is less but not gone!
My neighbour asked if i wanted anything in town, so now I've got out of going XD

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 11:59 AM

I'm not sure how I am, felt awful in bed this morning but just lay there anyway. I hope I can do a decent amount of reading today. I've changed my bedding and washed my hair and looked out some letters I need to send to the council. Might order a Subway as I have no lunch stuff in.

Your neighbour is unreal! How does a person like this exist! Have you decided if you'll go for your roast?

Cacoethes 25-06-2023 12:02 PM

I hope you manage to get all your stuff done!

I know, she's amazing!
Yep we are going for a roast!

Ahimsa 25-06-2023 12:05 PM

Afternoon all

Cacoethes 25-06-2023 12:15 PM

How are you?

Ahimsa 25-06-2023 12:21 PM

I'm okay, really tired so I'm going to have a nap. How're you?

tamobhuuta 25-06-2023 01:17 PM

Enjoy your afternoons everyone! My brother in law was too ill to come. Our gazebo almost blew away!

nonperson 25-06-2023 01:47 PM

Waaaaay too hot for a roast dinner. Just saying.

I went to the shop this morning and have been trying to recover ever since. =(

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 02:07 PM

It's weird how different the weather is in different places. Raining here.

Hope you enjoy your roast, Beckie.

Hope you have a good nap, Beth.

Oh no, Tamo! Is the wind quite bad?

Take it easy, NP. Lots of fluids and rest!

I got a Subway and it took ages to come. It was cold but the sub was mostly ok. They gave me free hash browns but they were freezing and yuck. They also gave me 2 cookies instead of one but not the flavour I had ordered.

nonperson 25-06-2023 02:23 PM

Well that sucks. Free extra stuff should only ever be good =(

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 03:26 PM

The cookies are ok at least, I will eat any cookie!

How's your day going, NP?

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 03:38 PM

subway cookies!! What's your favourite flavour?

The vegan ones rank quite highly in my Vegan Cookie Review document.

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 03:45 PM

I usually get the rainbow ones but I like them all. Although the double chocolate ones are a bit too chocolatey and they are the ones they sent me today. Will still eat them though!

Vegan cookie review document?

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4356243)
a bit too chocolatey

no such thing in my chocolate-loving opinion!!!!!

And yeah, I don't even know where it is now but I took it upon myself to review all the vegan cookies I came across to send to Finn, a fellow vegan RYLer. It was a good excuse to get a cookie at places like Leon, where I wouldn't usually get one because ££££

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 04:14 PM

That is a cool idea, what were your favourite places to get cookies from then?

nonperson 25-06-2023 04:30 PM

I'd pick the double chocolate cookies. Sometimes places do triple chocolate ones... *drool*

My day's going ok, Lindsay. Done my food shop and some washing but now I'm too hot so might have a shower and then wait for Elton John to play at Glastonbury =P

How's your day going?

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 04:41 PM

Triple chocolate =D Actually I managed to stock up on chocolate chips today so I might make some triple chocolate ones myself if I have time!

Lindsay, I'm unsure what my favourite is because I can't find the document :crying: I remember the Leon one was very good. And not to brag but my own cookies are also pretty high on the list!

Cacoethes 25-06-2023 04:51 PM

Back from my roast, and many pepsi maxs' (how do i write the plural of pepsi max???
Just got home and a friend has asked me to go to spoons before we go for the leaving drinks. Lol. Busy busy!

nonperson 25-06-2023 05:38 PM

Maxes? Maxi?

Jenna, did you get an independent review done for your cookies or is there a strict and impartial reviewing process that you follow?

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 05:39 PM

Pepsi maxima (using the plural of maximum :thumbup:)

Also lol no, have you seen the level of completely unjustified shade I thrown on Lio's cookies which I've never even tried??? I'll send you one with your birthday brownies though and you can confirm that they are excellent?

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 05:40 PM

Are we all hyped about Beckie's RV??

nonperson 25-06-2023 05:43 PM

Ooooh I genuinely applaud your smarts there!

But if max is the short version of maximum, should the plural also be max?

I'm slightly saddened to know there isn't a proper cookie reviewing procedure =(

nonperson 25-06-2023 05:43 PM

YES! I didn't know if it was appropriate to mention it here =D

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 05:45 PM

OMG BECKIE! Squeeeeeeee!

Well done with what you've done, NP. I hope you're enjoying Elton John if he's on right now.

Oh, I'm sure your cookies are the best and should really be sold in shops, Jenna. I haven't made cookies for ages. They are tasty but funny shapes.

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4356254)
But if max is the short version of maximum, should the plural also be max?

Maybe :(


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4356255)
YES! I didn't know if it was appropriate to mention it here =D

Neither did I but decided to go for it :P


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4356256)
Oh, I'm sure your cookies are the best and should really be sold in shops, Jenna. I haven't made cookies for ages. They are tasty but funny shapes.

Thank you for your completely blind confidence in my baking!! Do you enjoy baking?

nonperson 25-06-2023 05:58 PM

Elton's not on until 9pm!

It doesn't matter what shape the cookies are as long as they are tasty. =)

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 06:09 PM

What are you doing while you're waiting for Elton, NP? That totally sounds like he's coming to your house! Listen for his knock.

I used to like baking but have gone off it. Do you bake much, Jenna? What about you NP?

nonperson 25-06-2023 06:21 PM

Haha, I wonder what sort of knock he would have? I know where his house is actually. Might pop round some time =B

I'm... half watching TV but mostly running my phone battery to zero doing random internetting. Should probably have some dinner too. And put the bins out and do some washing up. Fun fun fun.

I only really bake shortbread but haven't done that for a few years now. I don't really enjoy baking or cooking tbh.

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 06:28 PM

Now who's stalky :P My sister went to Elton John's Christmas party.

Lindsay, yep, lots of baking when I can. I prefer to mainly bake my own snacks rather than buy them but I've been slacking recently and just eating K's shop-bought snacks :P Made some cookies this afternoon and also some pain-au-chocolat but they were from a can and there was very little baking required.

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 06:29 PM

Gogogo np! Gotta at least get dinner and charge your phone - wouldn't want to miss out on any High Quality content from us guys here and dubious quality content from me on whatsapp if your phone dies :P

not_so_insig 25-06-2023 07:31 PM

Hello all. I have been out but I felt ill due to a combination of things including the heat.

Ahimsa 25-06-2023 07:33 PM

I never bake, please can you bake on my behalf?

Seems a waste when there's only me, and things go off!

Pi.R^2 25-06-2023 07:34 PM

That's what freezers are for!! I mainly bake for myself and separately for K (gluten free) so put lots in the freezer and then just take out a tub at a time.

nonperson 25-06-2023 08:01 PM

I'm back with a fully charged phone! Washing up is done. And the hoovering. Bins are out. And the oven is on ready for pizza and onion rings which I forgot I had and now want.

Slightly disappointed in the lack of Quality Content since I've been gone and also no WhatsApp messages though... ;-)

No offense meant to the posts above. I'm jesting of course.

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 08:17 PM

Woop, I finished my book! Now to decide if I treat myself to the next book in the series (which is staring at me from my bookcase) or I try and read something different. Don't want to read the series all at once or it will be over too quickly but I might struggle to read something else right now and I don't want to be back to finding reading impossible. It took me ages to finish this one but I have been managing to read a bit more time wise recently.

I need a subscription to your bakery, Jenna.

Are you feeling better now you're home, Dawn? I hope you can cool down a bit and feel much better soon.

Well done with doing all your tasks, NP. Enjoy your dinner. I had onion rings yesterday but didn't cook them till they were crispy and they tasted a bit yuck.

nonperson 25-06-2023 08:22 PM

I say read the next book - something that you know you'll enjoy and can get into. =)

Soggy onion rings are sad. I always seem to undercook them and forget to add a few more minutes the next time.

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 08:24 PM

Well since you've said that I must obey you and will try and start the next book in the series tomorrow.

I just couldn't be bothered waiting any longer for the onion rings to cook!

one_step_closer 25-06-2023 08:24 PM

I think Asda do beer battered onion rings and they are huge and tasty but no taste of beer thankfully.

nonperson 25-06-2023 08:29 PM

Why do they beer batter them? And why is that better?

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