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not_so_insig 18-06-2023 02:43 PM

Thanks tamobhuuta and Lindsay. I had a storm last night with torrent of rain plus thunder and lightning but its horrendously hot here too.

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 02:50 PM

Idk if i heard thunder or i want a storm so badly, I'm hallucinating XD

Ooh subway!
Mine always predicts it's going to be an hour but it's always a lot quicker.

Honestly it was fairly easy! It wouldn't fly out of the wide open living room windows, so i was going to chase it just upstairs because it's a lot easier to close off the bedroom, but then it went into the bathroom, which is even better! So just opened the window and it pretty much went straight out!
I think it only came in because i had the door open for a while when ripping up a hay box.

Flystrike is when flies lay their eggs on another animal. Common in horses and rabbits also.

Apparently it's raining where L is! Only about a 20 min drive away. So we should be getting it soon!!!

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 03:04 PM


one_step_closer 18-06-2023 03:25 PM

Alright, Beckie. Calm down and respect those of us who still have no storm.

long road 18-06-2023 03:27 PM

I am very happy for you that you got your storm Beckie.. And your roast too!

Hanging out in the garden with your big sister sounds lovely Tamo.

I hope your subway is nice Lindsay and you feel like eating it.

I hope despite things being difficult MH wise that you can enjoy your meal out Dawn.

My brain clearly decided that as I woke up 3 and a half hours before my alarm that I needed to nap for 4 hours to make up for.it. Bit annoyed at losing so much time and have woken up with a head/neck ache but it's not like I actually had anything to do today.

one_step_closer 18-06-2023 03:31 PM

Best time to get some rest when you have nothing on. Not good about the head/neck ache. Do you think they will sort themselves out or do you need to do some stretches or take painkillers or something?

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 03:31 PM

The rain stopped but now its started again! :-D

Thanks jen!

Clearly you needed that rest!
Best for it to happen when you haven't got a lot going on

one_step_closer 18-06-2023 03:33 PM

The rain must have stopped and said 'nah, we have not rained on these people enough!'

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 03:53 PM

I think That's exactly what happened!

long road 18-06-2023 04:12 PM

My thunderstorm isn't happening until Tuesday now! I just checked the weather and it isnt even going to rain today like it said it would yesterday.

I am trying to stretch my neck out but may need to take some painkillers in a bit. Just had an extremely late lunch.

tamobhuuta 18-06-2023 04:44 PM

No thunder here but proper rain, the garden will like it.
I'm off to Mass in a minute :) I was feeling really anxious so I took some PRN, so I should be OK.

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 05:00 PM

Oh no jen!

Hope mass is ok tamo!

I've just cleaned the house. Managed not to fixate on anything so only took about 50ish mins.

one_step_closer 18-06-2023 05:31 PM

I hope you get your promised thunderstorm, Jen. I hope you can find something to get rid of the pain or at least ease it. I had a late lunch too. Not feeling like dinner now though. What did you have?

I hope you get on ok at Mass, Tamo. I hope it doesn't rain on you or that you have a light jacket that you can put on if it's still quite hot.

Well done for cleaning the house, Beckie. 50 minutes is long. I never clean everything all in one day or I'd start crying in the middle of it, too much! What's happening with your storm now?

one_step_closer 18-06-2023 05:53 PM

Can't remember if I fed Crookshanks at 5.30pm. I have a sticky note with all his food times on it and I tick the time when he's been fed but 5.30pm had no tick next to it and I might have just forgot to tick it but I don't know so Crookshanks may be one lucky cat getting an extra dinner.

long road 18-06-2023 05:59 PM

I took some ibuprofen and it helped a bit still feel eurgh though. Have done the shopping order so that's the one thing I had to do done. I had a coronation chicken sandwich from Tesco as we had run out if bread so got a meal deal.

Gla dyou got a speedy house clean done Beckiem

And I hope mass goes ok Tamo.

I dont think Crookshanks will mind either way! And one off double dinner won't do him much harm. Much better than no dinner!

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 06:00 PM

I have to do it all at once. It would really bother me knowing half the house was done and half wasn't!

I'm sure he wouldn't mind an extra dinner!

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 06:00 PM

Ninja jen!

Love a meal deal!

tamobhuuta 18-06-2023 06:11 PM

Mass was too hard, I left.

long road 18-06-2023 06:25 PM

Sorry to hear that Tamo, but well done for listening to how you were feeling and doing what you need to do.

Feel to reach out for support in serious space to chat thread if you need it.

not_so_insig 18-06-2023 06:40 PM

Thanks Jen.

nonperson 18-06-2023 07:14 PM

I think Jen was talking to tamo?

Evening guys. Weather update from here - some drizzle but no thunder!

nonperson 18-06-2023 07:22 PM

I've even closed the back door as I'm a bit chilly! =o

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 07:24 PM

Hey np!

We still have some light rain even now!

How are you doing?

one_step_closer 18-06-2023 07:36 PM

Sorry you found mass too difficult, Tamo. How are you doing now?

Drizzle and feeling a bit chilly are positive signs right now, NP!

Is it any cooler, Beckie?

nonperson 18-06-2023 07:37 PM

Yup it's still drizzling here too which is better than downpour flooding. It's nice and dark =)

I'm super tired and have the Sunday evening back to work blues... Should probably put something on for dinner.

What're you up to?

nonperson 18-06-2023 07:38 PM

Hey Lindsay! Oh I am not complaining about the drizzle and chilliness at all =P

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 07:40 PM

It does seem a lot cooler now!

That's probably a good idea np!

Not a lot.
Wondering if it's too early to take meds and go to bed earlier than usual. All these early mornings and crappy sleep are catching up with me!

one_step_closer 18-06-2023 07:44 PM

There are no signs of rain or anything here still.

I hope you can make something you'll enjoy for dinner, NP. A bit of a nice thing so it's not all back to work blues.

Do you think you would sleep if you went to bed earlier, Beckie? Or just lie there until the usual time you fall asleep? It might be nice if you're able lie on your bed and relax until sleep comes.

nonperson 18-06-2023 07:49 PM

But it always rains in Scotland!

Will you just wake up super early if you go to bed now, Beckie? I'd say get as much rest as you can though so if that means going to bed now then do it.

The oven is on so I'm gonna have a burger with melty blue cheese and sweet potato chips. Perfect blues-fighting food <3

one_step_closer 18-06-2023 07:51 PM

I know! Scotland is being strange right now!

That sounds like a very tasty dinner NP, enjoy. I hope you have good things in your week ahead.

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 07:53 PM

I think I'd probably wake up early no matter what time i went to bed tbh!
But i can't go to bed before 9pm anyway.

That sounds delicious np! Enjoy!

nonperson 18-06-2023 07:54 PM

I think there were some times last year where Scotland was hotter than the south of England. Weather is weird.

I have a mandatory day off on Thursday if that counts.

tamobhuuta 18-06-2023 07:56 PM

Thanks lr and osc. I can't face the evening so I'm going to bed now.

long road 18-06-2023 07:59 PM

I am having spaghetti bolognese for dinner shortly, it's a batch from the freezer so should be good, I always find Bolognese is better when reheated thanfreshly made.

Your dinner sounds great NP apart from the blue cheese, I find blue cheese too intense to have as part of a meal I find it overwhelms everything else. However that does mean your burger is safe from me!. Sweet potato fries are top tier in my opinion.

If you reckon you can sleep Beckie I say go for it, earlier you go the better chance you get a few more hours. Especially if the morning light is contributing.

long road 18-06-2023 08:02 PM

I think I spent a while week in Scotland in the summer and it only rained once.

I think if you do something for you on the mandatory day off that could count as something fun NP!

Hope you can get to sleep quickly and feel better tomorrow Tamo.

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 08:03 PM

Work stopped doing sweet potato fries when the new menu came out.
I know there was a reason for it, but it was a very unpopular decision. Think it was a cost thing. Because of course it would be :eyeroll:

I won't be able to sleep now. Because i can't sleep before 9pm (it's one of my weird rules that i didn't make up consciously but have to abide by for some reason...)

nonperson 18-06-2023 08:06 PM

Sleep well tamo!

Mmm, spaghetti bolognese. Haven't had that in a long time. I'm terribly inconsistent in quality when I try to make it. =/

Ah yeah, blue cheese definitely isn't for everyone! I love it though. And I agree about sweet potato fries being top tier.

I will probably just lounge around on Thursday. Not fun exactly but required.

nonperson 18-06-2023 08:06 PM

Your work sucks, Beckie. =P

long road 18-06-2023 08:08 PM

I can imagine it's been unpopular!

Could you maybe do like a chill bedtime routine so by the times it's nine you can go to bed? Like a hot chocolate or a bath/shower or other self care thing?

long road 18-06-2023 08:11 PM

Ninja NP!

We do pretty well Bolognese wise. I taught my partner how to make it to my exacting standards XD It's one of my go tos have it almost every every week

Could you watch a film or something while lounging make it a little more special /fun. If you just need to vegetate though that is totally understandable

nonperson 18-06-2023 08:15 PM

I may have to try spag bol again some time. I dunno why it comes out so vastly different every time! I kinda wing my cooking (when I do it) though so that's probably why =P

Thurday's a long way off yet. I'll have to see what mood I'm in in the morning before deciding what to do with myself.

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 08:20 PM

My work does indeed suck for that decision!

Spag bol is always a good choice. Especially with lots of cheese!

I've already showered. I don't have any hot chocolate :(

nonperson 18-06-2023 08:25 PM

It's toooo warm for hot drinks! Or is that part of your bed time routine?

I'm having a what-to-watch-on-tv-tonight crisis >.<

long road 18-06-2023 08:30 PM

I can confirm it was tasty and I did have lots of cheese. It wasn't our best but it was still pretty darn good.

Nooo not having hot chocolate is very sad. Wish I could send you some.

It's hot but hot chocolate is very good for when it's sleepy time.

I regularly have a what to watch on TV crisis. I am currently avoiding it by watching you tube and just watching the most recent videos from channels I am subscribed too. A few of my regular ones always post on Sundays.

Cacoethes 18-06-2023 08:30 PM

I've been binge watching Z nation

nonperson 18-06-2023 08:32 PM

What's Z nation?

I've been binge watching Friends on and off for most of the day, but Disney+ has come to the rescue and I've settled on Guardians of the Galaxy =D

long road 18-06-2023 08:34 PM

Zombies!!! I was really into zombies for a good few years but I have gone off them in recently. Think I watched first season of Z nation then gave up.

Love guardians! Good choice. I have run out of you tube videos (well technically there is loads I haven't sen if I scroll back through subscriptions for one I missed or try something new but that means decisions).

Might have a look on BBC iPlayer.

nonperson 18-06-2023 08:35 PM

Come and get your looooooove

long road 18-06-2023 08:42 PM

Guardians has some tunes!!!

long road 18-06-2023 09:08 PM

Where did all the people goooooo???

I am bored and going slightly mad. Well slightly madder :p

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