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Cacoethes 14-06-2023 11:33 AM

Getting a tesco delivery on Friday (very exciting!) So I'll add it to that!

long road 14-06-2023 11:36 AM

Very exciting! Look at you being organised :)

It is definitely more tolerable weather here today. Still hot but there is a decent breeze taking the edge off. Sitting out in my garden listening to Jack Johnson.

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 11:49 AM

Thought I'd treat myself! :tongue2:
I can't afford a whole delivery very often, which is annoying, because it ends up cheaper in the long run because you can get deals on things! And there's only so much shopping i can carry from town.

Yes, the breeze is lovely!

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 11:53 AM

He went early Thursday morning, got back at 2am today.

My mum is back from taking N to therapy so she can wait for parcels now :)

not_so_insig 14-06-2023 12:32 PM

I was hoping that my parcel would come today from Truffle Shuffle but sadly not. I am also waiting for a book to come but again not come. They will probably come tomorrow and it will be like Christmas. I have 3 other parcels in transit but they're coming from overseas so i am not expecting them yet.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 12:46 PM

Hey everyone. I hope you all have a good day.

Where is this blooming thunderstorm?!

Sounds like you have a lot on today, Jen. I hope you feel ok and enjoy those things.

*sniggers at prescription and cucumber*

Are you doing much today, Tamo?

I hope you get your parcels soon, Dawn. What did you get from Truffle Shuffle? I recently ordered Wonder Woman Pjs because I have Wonder Woman lounge pants which are so comfy so I wanted to get another pair but the PJ bottoms are made of a horrible feeling fabric so I'm sending them back.

Yay for Tesco delivery, Beckie. I hope you get everything you ordered.

I have been to the chemist and local shop and washed my hair and did a brief hoover. Tomorrow I have a phone call to continue where we left off applying for UC so at some point today I'll have to check I have all the info needed but for now I'm tired and putting it off.

not_so_insig 14-06-2023 12:51 PM

I ordered this handbag Lindsay


I didnt pay full price for it however as I had a money off code.

not_so_insig 14-06-2023 12:55 PM

Well done btw for all those things Lindsay and Beckie.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 12:56 PM

Aww, that's cute. I got a Disney cats bag ages ago but haven't used it much because it's a bit small.

Your teddy looks nice and soft and cuddly. Saw in r/v.

Are you doing much today?

Thanks, Dawn.

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 12:57 PM

Love a bargain insig.

Well done on things achieved osc.

My mum's parcel has arrived but not mine.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 12:58 PM

What are you waiting for, Tamo? Is it meant to arrive today? I do love a nice parcel. :-)

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 01:05 PM

Notebooks and pens. And I think, to waste the world's resources, they're coming separately.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 01:20 PM

Are they from different places?

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 01:26 PM

Different origins but both amazon. I was expecting one not to be delivered until tomorrow.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 01:33 PM

From the marketplace or direct from Amazon? Amazon are so bad for using way too much packaging.

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 02:19 PM

Both direct from amazon.

What are you up to?

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 02:53 PM

Hey guys. Just got back from my 2nd date :-D

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 03:38 PM

Saw it went well :-D next date planned?

I've not been doing much. Put the bin out and filled the bird feeders then wrote in my diary.

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 03:58 PM

It did!
Nothing planned yet, but when she dropped me off she said we should do this again!
So at some point!

It's too hot to really do much else lindsay!

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 04:20 PM

My parcel came. Notebooks and pens in one package. I ordered the wrong size notebook :(

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 04:41 PM

I'm glad you're both enjoying each others company.

What have you got planned for the rest of the day?

Oh no, Tamo. I find paper/notebook sizes can be confusing sometimes. Are you going to send it back and get another one? Maybe you could find one in a shop so you can be sure of the size.

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 04:47 PM

I've just done my meds for the week. And glow beatz tonight!

That's annoying tamo

not_so_insig 14-06-2023 04:49 PM

Afternoon all. I have been wild swimming. I stayed in the water for an hour and swam a long way (approx half the length of the lake).

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 05:16 PM

I might go into town and get a pretty one, there's a shop that sells nice things like that. Like you say, it's easier to see the size.

Have fun Cacoethes!

I'm glad you had a good time insig (I hate swimming)

Well done for doing things osc.

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 05:16 PM

I overestimated the amount of veg i have left so the boys would only have peppers and cucumber and coriander tomorrow morning. Which they won't be pleased with! So off to aldi i go...

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 05:20 PM

Your fluffies sound like they're hard work to keep happy! Hope you get what you need in Aldi. Enjoy Glow Beatz which still leads me to believe you're not completely sane.

Did you enjoy your swim, Dawn?

I hope you can find the perfect notebook for you, Tamo.

not_so_insig 14-06-2023 05:29 PM

Yes i enjoyed my swim Lindsay. I find it less stressful than pool swimming. Saw tons of dragonflies.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 05:38 PM

That's good. Was the water any warmer than usual?

not_so_insig 14-06-2023 05:51 PM

Yes it was. It's boiling here.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 05:56 PM

Was it enough to cool you off a bit though? This heat is way too much. How are you managing with it?

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 06:08 PM

If THAT'S the thing that leads me to think I'm insane, then you haven't been paying attention for the last however many years XD

Managed to get everything i needed!

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 06:33 PM

I've not noticed any other insane things, Beckie. Nope. :laugh:

Happy piggies then. Did you get anything for yourself?

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 06:39 PM

Got one of the protein chocolate mousse pots for myself! But the rest was all veggies and herbs XD

not_so_insig 14-06-2023 06:41 PM

Yes the water was refreshing. I got dehydrated due to the heat a fortnight ago. I am much better now as I am paying attention to my fluid intake.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 06:46 PM

I'm glad you got something for yourself too, Beckie. Hope you enjoy it.

It can be hard to keep reminding yourself that you need to drink more than usual in this weather. I'm glad you're managing to get enough fluids.

long road 14-06-2023 07:08 PM

I am watching Foyles War while dinner cooks. I recently discovered Itvx had a free with ads feature so been watching a load of the old itv crime and mystery dramas that I am a fan of. Watching this as a change from Midsomer Murders.

And then in around half an hour I have roleplaying.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 07:58 PM

Don't know if role playing is still happening but I hope you enjoyed/are enjoying it.

one_step_closer 14-06-2023 08:08 PM

Poor Crookshanks has been lying around sleeping most of the day, only getting up for a drink or when I tell him it's food time and then he'd flop back down. He's wide awake now trying to annoy me in a bid to get his supper early. Then he'll probably sit with me on the rocking chair before I go to bed but I usually do that for 45 minutes but recently it's just been so boring I've had to get up so I might not be able to give him much attention even though he's had virtually none all day.

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 09:16 PM

A really weird thing happened!
A glow beatz friend, only one that actually came lol, works for tesco. But at corporate level, not in the stores, so they get free stuff all the time. She wasn't sure what to do with the stuff so brought it to glow beatz to see if we wanted anything. So alongside 3 original source shower gels and dove soap, i have a Rehydration solution! With electrolytes and vitamins b1 and b12 (which I'm regularly low on, have been since i was about 14)
So now i don't have to buy one XD

long road 14-06-2023 10:55 PM

Hooray! Free rehydration stuff. The universe has smiled on you.

Cacoethes 15-06-2023 04:22 AM

It has indeed!

Morning everyone! I am up earlier than normal for some reason

[Luna] 15-06-2023 08:20 AM

Morning lovelies!

long road 15-06-2023 08:51 AM


Goodness you were up very early Beckie! I woke up at 6:40am to pee but managed to get another couple of hours.

How is everyone this morning?

Cacoethes 15-06-2023 09:01 AM


How are you both?

By 6:40, i had cleaned out the boys, cleaned the kitchen and living room and put a wash on XD
Just been to aldi too.

Glad you managed to get some more sleep!

[Luna] 15-06-2023 09:17 AM

Wow, very productive morning Beckie!
I have a million to do lists I’ve been avoiding. I’m trying to find the motivation to tackle some of them.

Cacoethes 15-06-2023 09:25 AM

Yep! Hate just sitting about!
Plus needed to get everything done before cpn at 11:30 because have bodycombat soon after and taekwondo this evening. And i think I'll probably need to shower and chill (literally!) After bodycombat!

Motivation is always the toughest part!

[Luna] 15-06-2023 09:29 AM

Jesus, you’re so busy! I got tired just reading all of that!
I hope it all goes well.

Cacoethes 15-06-2023 09:40 AM

Yep! I also have a delivery which i am really hoping comes before taekwondo. We're allowed to wear black t shirts instead of our doboks because it's so hot!
Thank you!

What's the quickest/easiest thing on your lists?
Maybe if you start with an easy one, you'll have the motivation to continue with some of them!

long road 15-06-2023 10:06 AM

Yay t-shirts are allowed, hope yours arrives before tonight!

Sounds like today with all its exercise is a good time to try out the fancy rehydration solution Beckie.

Have you got any plans for today Emma?

I am just watching TV at the moment but going to head outside in a little bit to get my OT prescribed morning sunlight

tamobhuuta 15-06-2023 10:18 AM

Morning guys. I've had a hairwash and put some washing on. I'll need to put it on the line but otherwise that's me done job wise.

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