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nonperson 09-05-2023 07:39 PM

Gah, this is conflicting information. I want to stand up for pineapple on pizza and therefore should then stand up for ANYTHING (?) on pizza... but I dunno. Strawberry and kiwi maybe draws the line...

Although that is usually a rather fab combination. Why shouldn't it work on pizza?

nonperson 09-05-2023 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4350187)
Don't take it back, NP! Stand up proud of your vocalisation that is actually not vocal.

I fear her wrath though. =P

one_step_closer 09-05-2023 07:41 PM

Just make sure to have a sweet pizza base and chocolate spread instead of cheese.

nonperson 09-05-2023 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4350188)
I'd rather just have a sweet pizza with Nutella and bits of mars bars etc.

Does that even count as pizza?

Maybe this is where I draw the line. I would eat that though but not sure I could call it pizza.

one_step_closer 09-05-2023 07:41 PM

It's ok, NP. Just say it was Beckie's idea.

one_step_closer 09-05-2023 07:42 PM

Well, I'm not sure if it counts as pizza or not. It's tasty though.

not_so_insig 09-05-2023 07:45 PM

I had pizza in my tesco shopping order. I may put pineapple on it.

nonperson 09-05-2023 07:46 PM

Do or do not, there is no try.

nonperson 09-05-2023 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4350193)
It's ok, NP. Just say it was Beckie's idea.

Excellent plan ;-)

long road 09-05-2023 07:53 PM

I had a dessert pizza with Nutella on the base and mozzarella on top once from a local pizza place. I was weirdly good. I can see strawberry working on one of those. I still remain unsure about warm kiwi though. I've never had kiwi warm.

Pi.R^2 09-05-2023 07:55 PM

Wait, I run this joint! I can compliment np’s personality if I like!! Post report me if you don’t like it.

I think you have an excellent personality which I why I am trying to make friends with you in my clumsy way!! One downside is your pizza opinions though

Pi.R^2 09-05-2023 07:55 PM

Also Jen had whatsapped me a jpg of pineapple on pizza, rage.

Also I’m off to make nudelauflauf bye

nonperson 09-05-2023 07:55 PM

Oh I absolutely agree that nutella and a pizza base is fantastic but is it pizza?

Also I honestly don't think warm kiwi would be that bad.

tamobhuuta 09-05-2023 07:56 PM

Yes to NON NUTTY chocolate spread and strawberries on pizza.

long road 09-05-2023 07:57 PM

The internet has returned, my pizza is almost ready and I made Jenna rage this is shaping up to be a good evening!

one_step_closer 09-05-2023 07:58 PM

You could put that on your crumpets, Tamo.

one_step_closer 09-05-2023 07:58 PM

Yay for ALL the good things, Jen.

one_step_closer 09-05-2023 08:00 PM

Crookshanks is walking all over me and generally getting in the way but his food time is half an hour away, he can be quite annoying. Oh...he's settled on my lap now.

tamobhuuta 09-05-2023 08:09 PM

Aw cutey.

nonperson 09-05-2023 08:11 PM

Cats are so fickle.

Cacoethes 09-05-2023 08:56 PM

Excuse me, have i returned to being blamed for something random??

nonperson 09-05-2023 08:58 PM

i can;t even remember what you're being blamed for but I'm sure it must be your fault.

Pi.R^2 09-05-2023 09:01 PM

I was a bit confused by what Beckie was being blamed for too!!
Also I’ve been post reported :plain:

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:04 PM

I believe you asked for the post reporting. =)

I... will go back and see what Beckie is being blamed for. It's something to do with me so I should make the effort.

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4350182)
No!!! I’m too late and now I’m not allowed to offer my feedback on np’s personality???? SULK SULK


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4350184)


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4350185)
Oh that was rather loud and aggressive, I apologise =|


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4350187)
Don't take it back, NP! Stand up proud of your vocalisation that is actually not vocal.


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4350190)
I fear her wrath though. =P


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4350193)
It's ok, NP. Just say it was Beckie's idea.

Theeeere we go.

Cacoethes 09-05-2023 09:14 PM

I leave for an hour and this is what happens
Shocked. To my core.

Ahimsa 09-05-2023 09:15 PM


I got a 1 line reply, I think she realised she didn’t have much choice

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4350224)
I leave for an hour and this is what happens
Shocked. To my core.

Are you though? XD

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ahimsa (Post 4350225)

I got a 1 line reply, I think she realised she didn’t have much choice

Win! =)

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:21 PM

Also Beckie, just so you know... I have half a pack of those garlic doughballs in the freezer that I'm waiting to crack out for a special occasion. =P

Edit: And worth the extra 15p!

The Worst Witch 09-05-2023 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4350057)
How do you feel about only having two sessions left, Alison?.

Okay I think. Today was hard but its helping overall :)

Evening everyone. I suspect people have gone to bed so I’ll say goodnight too :P

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:25 PM

Goodnight, Alison!

Some people are in bed, some people should be, but some people aren't ;-)

The Worst Witch 09-05-2023 09:26 PM

Meaning you should be and aren’t? :P

Pi.R^2 09-05-2023 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4350224)
I leave for an hour and this is what happens
Shocked. To my core.

Lol this made me chuckle!

Thanks for the effort to explain np!!

Also awesome news Beth, so pleased you’re getting a chance to give it a proper go :)

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Worst Witch (Post 4350234)
Meaning you should be and aren’t? :P

Nooo. It's far too early for bed yet!

The Worst Witch 09-05-2023 09:32 PM

I definitely should be, alas. I don’t have anything on tomorrow until the afternoon so its fine :D

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:33 PM

So you're not saying goodnight afterall?!

The Worst Witch 09-05-2023 09:37 PM

I was gonna go to bed, then I realised that talking to you np would be much more fun :). How are you?

Cacoethes 09-05-2023 09:38 PM

Fantastic news beth!

I mean. Not really that shocked :tongue2:

Tbh I'd have no problem paying the extra 15p.
They are the best things ever!

I'm tired. But the vibes aren't right yet.

not_so_insig 09-05-2023 09:39 PM

I am awake too. It's rare that I go to bed early.

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:43 PM

They are pretty good! I've got a frozen M&S pasta ready meal to have with them too, except I keep forgetting to defrost it all.

Tbh I'm only going to go to bed when people stop talking to me tonight... so... y'know... =P

Cacoethes 09-05-2023 09:48 PM

I actually have some garlic bread in the freezer.
But it's not the same.
Plus my oven keeps burning stuff randomly

Welll....I'll stop if you stop :tongue2:

The Worst Witch 09-05-2023 09:49 PM

I shall pm you at some point this week np and we can catch up properly :).

nonperson 09-05-2023 09:51 PM

You need to sit in front of your oven to keep an eye on it!

Is that a challenge?! XD

I look forward to that, Alison!

Cacoethes 09-05-2023 10:02 PM

I don't have the attention span for that XD

It may be! :-D

nonperson 09-05-2023 10:07 PM

No, me neither. At least you could internet at the same time but things would likely burn at the moment you don't pay attention.

tbh I am flagging now.

Cacoethes 09-05-2023 10:12 PM


Same. This episode ends in 11 mins. I'll probably head off then!

nonperson 09-05-2023 10:16 PM

I think I'm gonna have toast and then go to bed.

Cacoethes 09-05-2023 10:19 PM

Good plan!
Enjoy your toast and goodnight!

nonperson 09-05-2023 10:20 PM

We so old. >.>

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