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tamobhuuta 12-06-2021 08:25 PM

Doing my list to stave anxiety off but it's left me feeling overwhelmed. I've taken PRN and I'm going to bed.

Cacoethes 12-06-2021 08:26 PM

Sounds like a good plan
I hope you sleep well!

nonperson 12-06-2021 09:41 PM

Hope you feel better tomorrow, Tamo.

nonperson 13-06-2021 09:54 AM

Morning everyone.

Quick warning - DO NOT go outside today. Stay safe and inside and away from the evil sunshine!

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 10:08 AM


Judging by how hot i feel INSIDE i do not think i will be going outside today!

How are you apart from hot? Lol

nonperson 13-06-2021 10:57 AM

Yep, I don't advise it one bit.

I'm at work watering and it's going slowly and argh, there's still loads to do... =(

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 11:13 AM

Oh poor you having to be at work in this weather! D:
I hope it speeds up!

tamobhuuta 13-06-2021 12:03 PM

Cold hugs for everyone!

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 12:08 PM

Thanks tamo!

Are you feeling any better today?

tamobhuuta 13-06-2021 12:18 PM

Yes thanks :) Does anyone have any plans?

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 12:28 PM

Good :)

I have no plans apart from doing washing and binging taskmaster from the beginning!
How about you?

tamobhuuta 13-06-2021 01:10 PM

I've had a shower, next I'll be putting laundry away.

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 01:25 PM

Well done!

I need to take the recycling and rubbish out.
But that can wait!
I've just had an ice cream :)

tamobhuuta 13-06-2021 01:55 PM

What flavour? I had a caramel mini magnum yesterday, it was nummy.

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 02:02 PM

Oooh that sounds nice!

I had a Cadbury flake ice cream!

nonperson 13-06-2021 02:11 PM

Nom, ice-cream is a must today.

I need to do some laundry today too. Had forgotten about that.

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 02:12 PM

It is!

Are you home now np?

nonperson 13-06-2021 02:14 PM

I am, thankfully. Finished about 1:30.

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 02:17 PM

That's good!
It's too hot to be outside!

Been watching taskmaster.
The early series are better than the later ones!
Even though they're all awesome!

nonperson 13-06-2021 02:31 PM

Yeah I think I know more of the people on the earlier series too.

Cacoethes 13-06-2021 02:35 PM

Yeah same!
Though I am pleased to have discovered new people like Mike Wozniac (or however you spell it!) Because he was hilarious

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 09:39 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 10:51 AM

Hi Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 10:57 AM

I'm good thanks :)

How are you?

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 11:01 AM

I'm ok, having my usual slow morning. I'm up to tea with parents and sister. Also my giant teddy.

shadow-light 14-06-2021 11:03 AM

how be all?

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 11:07 AM

Hi shadow :) I am ok, what about you?

shadow-light 14-06-2021 11:14 AM

too warm mainly :laugh:

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 11:16 AM

It's hot here too. Maxi dress weather.

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 11:27 AM

Sounds nice tamo!

Hi Hazel!
It is WAY too warm!

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 11:28 AM

It's going to get up to 28 here.

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 11:35 AM

Ooofft! Too hot!

shadow-light 14-06-2021 11:37 AM

I've basically had a headache for a week :ermm:

hate summer :laugh:

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 11:40 AM

Ugh! Headaches are no fun!

I'm not a fan of summer either!

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 11:43 AM

Sorry you've got a headache shadow :(

shadow-light 14-06-2021 11:46 AM

i essentially have a headache and nausia from about May till about September most years. My body just really hates the heat... though this year I don't seem to be passing out, so thats progress. It's more an annyance than anything else

on the flip side I can wonder about in a sports bra and shorts in the snow totally fine :laugh:

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 11:55 AM

I like winter because I can wrap up warm.

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 11:56 AM

I like hoodie weather.
I don't like wearing coats

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 12:20 PM

I like my coat, it's got a big hood.

one_step_closer 14-06-2021 12:26 PM

There's a really strong cool breeze here. I put a hoodie on and a jacket because the weather app said it was going to rain but it didn't and I was hot.

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 12:33 PM

How are you today lindsay?

not_so_insig 14-06-2021 12:35 PM

Afternoon all.

tamobhuuta 14-06-2021 12:56 PM

Hi osc, hi insig. How are you?

not_so_insig 14-06-2021 01:03 PM

I am blooming hot but otherwise ok thanks tamobhuuta.

shadow-light 14-06-2021 02:27 PM

I've just finished session one of MIND zoom peer support. Not sure I'm a fan, feels a bit odd when the session ends and just sat there with a head full of stuff... in person may have been easier than zoom but I've no way of getting to them

anyone up to much this afternoon?

one_step_closer 14-06-2021 03:16 PM

I'm really low, how are you Beckie and Tamo?

Is everyone finding ways to cool down?

I don't like things on Zoom, are you going to continue giving it a try if there is another session being held, Hazel?

I'm going to pick up some meds for one of my cats in a bit.

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 03:21 PM

Sorry you're feeling low lindsay

I've just been to specsavers to order my new glasses
And then asda

one_step_closer 14-06-2021 03:22 PM

What are your glasses like, if you can describe them? Did you get anything nice from Asda?

Cacoethes 14-06-2021 03:27 PM

They are a red ombre effect kind of glasses!
I liked the colour. Though it's hard to see what they look like properly because I can't see!

Just the 17p lemonade! I am poor lol
I get paid on Friday though and I have enough food to last me until then.

shadow-light 14-06-2021 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4302041)

I don't like things on Zoom, are you going to continue giving it a try if there is another session being held, Hazel?


I have a bit if a live/hate relationship with zoom... In some ways it's easier but in others it's a pain. It's only 6 sessions and it may lead to something else so I'll stick with it, i need to relearn how to interact with people in a none text environment at some point afterall

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