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Eska 29-03-2019 03:25 PM

Aw, sorry you're meh.

I'm ok. Have a bit of a headache but it's not too bad.

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 03:28 PM


Headaches suck!

Eska 29-03-2019 03:45 PM

They really do! We should abolish them.

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 03:56 PM

We should!!

Such a lovely, sunny day today!

Eska 29-03-2019 04:44 PM

It is! And I'm in work, boo hiss.

Buttons. 29-03-2019 04:46 PM

Sorry to jump in without responding to people just wanted everyone to know I had to get rid of Albus (new dog) as he attacked Molly. Feel bad for him but I'm not putting Molly in the firing line. Just to avoid awkward convos. Hope everyone is well :)

Buttons. 29-03-2019 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Eska (Post 4215062)
I'm in work, boo hiss.

*hisses at work and kidnaps you for a lovely outdoor barbecue*

one_step_closer 29-03-2019 04:50 PM

Bloody cha cha slide! Thanks Beckie!!! Are you resting today rather than going swimming?

I hope you and Molly are ok Buttons.

How are you Katie?

I at least hope your headache doesn't get any worse Eska. Also, I feel like coming to your work and following you around just saying boo hiss and general woe things!

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 04:53 PM

Boo to work!!

Oh no buttons! Is molly ok?

Sorry lindsay :p
I'm not swimming today

one_step_closer 29-03-2019 04:56 PM

How is your day going Beckie?

Buttons. 29-03-2019 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4215065)
Bloody cha cha slide! Thanks Beckie!!! Are you resting today rather than going swimming?

I hope you and Molly are ok Buttons.

I only just got that song out of my head and now thanks to you IT'S BACK IN THERE. Thanks a bunch!
Both me and Molly or a bit shaken but okay.


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4215066)

Oh no buttons! Is molly ok?

Yeah she's just a bit shaken up x

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 04:58 PM

Cha cha real smooth

I've not done much
Just been to asda, watching criminal minds and applying for jobs

one_step_closer 29-03-2019 04:59 PM

It's not my fault! "To the left..."

I'm glad you and Molly are ok. Be kind to yourselves.

one_step_closer 29-03-2019 05:00 PM

You totally ninja slid in there Beckie!

Sounds like you're keeping yourself occupied, and that's ok. Did you get anything nice in Asda?

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 05:09 PM

Take it back now ya'll

Just the usual!
Salmon for dinner tonight

tamobhuuta 29-03-2019 06:06 PM

How is your headache Eska?

I have had a nice day, had a cup of tea in the garden while my sister had a ciggie.

Buttons. 29-03-2019 06:08 PM

Lins and Beckie you both are a nightmare!

I don't like hot salmon, cold only at a push, mixed with cucmber.

Also one of my dermal piercings came out! Not good!

Buttons. 29-03-2019 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4215075)
I have had a nice day, had a cup of tea in the garden while my sister had a ciggie.

Tea and cigs sounds like a good plan to me!!!

tamobhuuta 29-03-2019 06:13 PM

What's a dermal piercing?

Eska 29-03-2019 06:13 PM

Headache is still there, not getting worse though so eh.

It's a lovely day for spending time outside!

Lins I would love to have you shadowing me in work, that would be amazing.

Buttons I'm sorry about Albus! I hope you and Molly both feel less shaken soon.

Beckie salmon sounds so good!

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 06:14 PM

Sounds nice tamo :)

Shame about the dermal piercing!
I really want mine done again but applying for jobs so probably best not in case I get interviews

nonperson 29-03-2019 06:55 PM

Hullo all.

I'm glad I can't remember the tune to cha cha slide so luckily it's not getting stuck in my head. =)

Oh that's a real shame about Albus, Buttons. I suppose you can never quite tell what a rescue dog will be like. =(

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 06:59 PM

You're lucky np!

I sliced my finger with the potato peeler.

nonperson 29-03-2019 07:02 PM

Ouch. =/ Is there such a thing as a child safe peeler?

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 07:04 PM

Not that I know of!

nonperson 29-03-2019 07:12 PM

I think you need one. >.>

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 07:20 PM

I definitely need one!

nonperson 29-03-2019 07:23 PM

Or maybe don't peel potatoes.

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 07:27 PM

But I like potatoes!

nonperson 29-03-2019 07:30 PM

I'm not saying don't eat them, just don't peel them! Skin-on chips and jacket potatoes. Mash might be... interesting... with the skin on though.

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 07:32 PM

Its not the same somehow!
But I think I'll have to, to prevent further injury!

nonperson 29-03-2019 07:37 PM

Safety first. =)

I think I'm paying for all those steps I did yesterday. Leg muscles have got progressively more achey throughout the day. =(

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 07:41 PM


Ah no! Achey legs are not good

Stellata 29-03-2019 07:44 PM

Sorry you're achy, np. Though I'm not surprised!

Sorry about Albus, Buttons. Take good care of you.

I'm ok, Lindsay. I didn't sleep so well last night, dreamed not very pleasant dreams, but feel better after a nap this afternoon with no dreams!

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 07:51 PM

Glad you feel better katie :)

nonperson 29-03-2019 07:53 PM

Hi Katie.

Naps solve everything. =)

one_step_closer 29-03-2019 07:56 PM

Boo to bad dreams. I'm glad you had a restorative nap.

Oh dear NP. I hope you are less sore soon.

Stellata 29-03-2019 08:01 PM

Thanks Lindsay, Beckie and np.

What's everyone up to this evening?

one_step_closer 29-03-2019 08:02 PM

I just finished a book so might try to choose another one to start. Going to watch a bit of TV too.

What about you?

Stellata 29-03-2019 08:10 PM

What were you reading?

I'm going to find something to watch online. Just finishing my dinner first.

nonperson 29-03-2019 08:12 PM

I'm watching tv and waiting for dinner to finish cooking.

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 08:14 PM

Im watching criminal minds and eating an apple
A rather disappointing apple

Stellata 29-03-2019 08:16 PM

Oh no Beckie, not a disappointing apple!

I'm hoping for a new episode of Supervet.

Stellata 29-03-2019 08:22 PM

Yay, new episode hooray!

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 08:23 PM

Its so hard with apples because you cant really tell what they are going to be like just by looking at them!

Stellata 29-03-2019 08:27 PM

Very true, same with any fruit really.

tamobhuuta 29-03-2019 08:35 PM

I like apples but only granny Smith's.

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 08:44 PM

Ew green apples are a no!

Stellata 29-03-2019 08:46 PM

Agreed, unless they're cooked in a pie or crumble - Bramleys.

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 09:00 PM

Yes cooked are the exception!
Do love an apple pie/crumble

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