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Katey-lou 25-08-2009 01:17 AM


sorry heads a bit of a mess tonight, ive just had enough of it.

*locks self in room and cries* maybe ill be safe in here :(

*hugs* to everyone

zowie 25-08-2009 10:18 AM

*Cuddles Helen* You CAN do this darling, you've managed to get through these feelings before and you can do it again.

*Hugs shadowedsoul* What's happened hun? It's alright if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but I'm here if you need me. We all are.

*Hugs Secrets* That's okay, I hope you feel better soon :) Here if you need to talk.

*Hugs Rach* If this person is your biggest supporter, they're probably the best person to tell. Try not to worry, chances are they'll want to help you through this. Good luck.

*Hugs Kahlia* I'm sorry things are tough at the moment. Try to reflect on how well you've done - One year! That's a huge achievement! I'm so proud of you sweetie :)

*Hugs Katey* Try to stay strong hun, I hope you feel better this morning.


I've been feeling really sickly for the last couple of months. Some people think it may have been the run up to the swine flu, and now I'm just regaining myself. But I don't know.
I told you all about how eating became an impossible task, well now I'm able to eat enough - But afterwards I feel sick and have stomach pains. I've been feeling tired and lethargic, and generally pretty sick.
Hopefully it'll pass. I'm just getting all paranoid that there's some underlining problem.

MammaMia 25-08-2009 11:33 AM

Arwen, I think you should speak to your gp sweetie, that really doesn't sound good. Yes I'm being hyprocritcal here but sounds like you should just get it checked. It may be nothing, but as you have other symptoms, they may have a better idea than just feeling sick all the time. When I was at Jade's and was feelign very very very sick, they couldn't diganoise anything other than 'possible viruis' because it could have been anything. However...more symptoms...usually point to something. Sorry am rambling now.

I know I can get through this feelings, I just don't want to anymore. Too tired of fighting. Too tired of the urges. Too tired of battling every waking minute. Too tired of many things to be honest. *sighs*

One of my best friends isn't doing too good and I let her down massively last night. I made her think I didn't care (or something) anymore and so she gave up fighting against this guy who keeps abusing her :/ Then went out walking dodgy streets, possibly took an od but definately collasped. I sent her (psycho!) sister back (as she'd gone out to find her but stormed off home) and haven't heard anything since other than "She will be"

Kahlia1981 25-08-2009 12:48 PM

*hugs Arwen* - I agree with Helen that you may need to get yourself to a GP and get checked out .

*hugs Katey* - Try to stay safe hon

*hugs Helen* - I know the feeling all too well with not wanting to fight for everything. Right now I'm in a battle to get treatment ....

*hugs everyone*

PapaBear 25-08-2009 03:01 PM

found out why the cougar attacked my pony. rabies, big time. i had to round up all the cats and revaccinate them. not fun.

because Mae was exposed to the virus and her body would act as an incubator and allow the virus to grow and mutate and likely infect my animals, i had to dig her up and send her to be cremated :(

i think, that to be honest, it was harder to have to dig her up and let her be cremated, than it was to see she'd been attacked and killed. =(

Breifly_Tragic </3 25-08-2009 03:29 PM

*Hugs PapaBear* Sorry to hear that it was so hard! Hope you're ok.

*Hugs to everyone else*

I feel like this is all I can do right now. Just sit...and type...try to help other...because i just don't want to stop and feel what i do anymore....I'm going to slip off this edge and I'm at the stage where I couldn't care less. Maybe I'll just let go instead.

*Goes to corner and curls up*

Detour. Derail 25-08-2009 09:07 PM

I hate this. & Who I am. & how I KNOW that there'll only be one person who will make an effort when I'm gone.
I feel bad saying that. But its happened before. I move away. People are like "awww I miss you!!" and then slowly but surely...nothing. And before you know it....it's been two or three years and they arent the person you once depended on.

Breifly_Tragic </3 25-08-2009 09:40 PM

Don't hate who you are. You are an amazing person and you will make some good friends in Uni && I'll be here all the time you know this!
Don't let him get to you so much doll, he's only doing it because he's bitter he lost you.
Chin up sunshine. Do NOT fall because of that scum bag.

Detour. Derail 25-08-2009 09:44 PM

You want attitude?! I'll give him ****ing attitude!!!
He better stay out of my way. I swear to god Jade. I'll kill him.


Big girls dont cry. They get even.

Its people like him who make me cold and hard and bitter. Thats not who I am

Synthetisk 25-08-2009 09:51 PM

*shuffles back in*

Woah, it's been a long time...

shadowedsoul 25-08-2009 11:07 PM

hmm thanks zowie. hmm everthing has gone wrong at work, getting my ass kicke dand a writen waring for somthing so dam stuiped its unreal. my perents hit the roof. and just yelled at me, i guess if im being fair,they had every right to be angery, i brought this on myself. im trying to fix it. it might be unfixable. and i might loose my job. if that happens im screwed. it doesnt help anything my mum shouting at me calling me a lazy bitch, and yelling in my face do you have any idea what you just done to this family. meh i frigging hate me so much,why was i ever born. =/

Kahlia1981 26-08-2009 02:22 AM

*leaves hugs for everyone*

MammaMia 26-08-2009 02:41 AM

*hugs Kahlia and hides back in the denial tent*

It's fine.
I'm fine.
I'm not passing out again.
I'm not wantitn to go out for a walk.
I'm not wanting to cut.
I'm not wanting to od.
I'm not wanting to die.
I'm not 4 weeks free :'(

SoMuchMore 26-08-2009 05:42 AM

*hugs helen* I'm sorry things are bad for you right now... I wish I knew what to say, hope you feel better and are staying safe.

I was talking to my friend today about how i've been... and he said, "OD-ing is bad, but cutting, i'm down with that." It seemed so odd to me hearing someone who had never even known anyone who SI'd before me to say that he is cool with cutting. I dunno why it's bothering me that he said that. I just hmm.. words are leaving me at the moment. sorry.

Breifly_Tragic </3 26-08-2009 09:12 AM

*hugs to all*

Its officail I gave in. && I'm past caring. I'll hold my head high and like its all fine.

"Hold your head hig little girl, they're jsut dying to see you fall"

Welll no ones gonna see it. No one but me. && you lot I guess.

&& Alex you are NOT cold or bitter. && you're right big girls DO get even...we do it by not showing how much they get to us. Stay strong. Unlike me :)

PapaBear 26-08-2009 09:15 AM

i got depressed. i also got bored. so i bleached my hair, then dyed it bright blue. oddly enough, it made me feel better. sweet =)

MammaMia 26-08-2009 10:56 AM

*hugs Laura back* Thank you sweetie

Wow Shayne, sounds like fun :D

Not having a good day. Collasped twice before bed. Then wasn't asleep til gone 3am. Then woke up about 7.30am and couldn't get back to sleep (but did) and have been waking up since. Then when down the stairs and passed out as I was heading down them, so obviosuly fell.

lolly_x 26-08-2009 11:29 AM

helen you need to get checked out.
You eating hunni bee

Kahlia1981 26-08-2009 12:10 PM

*offers hugs for everyone*

I went on a Leave of Absence from uni today just telling them straight out that I couldn't write and that was the reason why. I did a huge walk, some 90 minutes or so and got quite sweaty so now my wrist splint smells even worse as does the skin inside it. I had a phonecall tonight from the mental health team and they are going to ring me on the weekend. The chick didn't realise how much the shoulder surgery has damaged my life. Not that I'm ungrateful that it happened, but I would like some freedom and my independence back. It made me realise how much I've lost and now I feel kinda down. Oh well.

MammaMia 26-08-2009 12:21 PM

*gentle cuddles Kahlia* Sorry it's not more. I'm sure the surgery will have benefits for the long term rather than current short term???

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