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Katch 18-05-2008 03:27 PM

Hi Hells, Susan and Emma - how are you all today?

blondiebear 18-05-2008 03:35 PM

Good morning all. Well, it is morning here.

I got exactly one piece pinned into place on each shirt, while watching three hours of Modern Marvels.

When I was leaving the study to go to the front room, I accidentally tripped over a box of books to go back to the used-book store. My outermost toe on my left foot is major sore. I have a four inch long bruise on my left arm from falling into the doorway. I'm right handed so i guess it is good that it is my left arm. When I showed my bruise to my husband this morning he told me that I really had howled last night.

Yes I did measure the bruise. Yes, I am that obsessive. If I haven't mentioned it before, I insisted on having a tape measure graphic on my business cards for my sewing business.

The sunrise was beautiful but we're in for another 100f/38c day so it is time to close up and set the air conditioner soon. I so do not want to work today. That said, pass the pepsi and I'm off to get ready. I think the best thing I can do for my foot is to carefully put on the sock then secure it in my athletic shoe.

*Joins in the communal hug* *closes the study window, grabs pepsi and yogurt to head for the bedroom*

Katch 18-05-2008 03:39 PM

Ouch - poor toe - hope it's not broken or anything - I always scream really loud when I stub my toe.
Hope you get your work done - then you can rest and play and think about your holls - cool.
It's been really cold here all day but the sun has just come out - but late it's 3.40pm - oh well - better late than never.

Katch 18-05-2008 07:20 PM

Did I scare everyone away????

blondiebear 18-05-2008 07:39 PM

Sorry Katch. I'm working today so I'll be in and out. My husband thinks the toe isn't broken. I'm worried about my 17 year old friend. I can live with it if her family decides that they don't want her to talk to me. I just wish they would let me know if she survived the infection in her foot and leg.
Got some stuff for a sailboat cut out. I don't know what the pieces are, just that I'm to copy them. Many pieces of twill tape and velcro, so it will be time consuming but not difficult. My brain is at its best in the morning, so even though I may not sew the stuff until tomorrow, I have the math and geometry thinking done. I'm slightly dyslexic with numbers.

Ally, Chloe, how're you?

~*forever_broken*~ 18-05-2008 07:44 PM

Nope, Katch, weekends are just like this sometimes (though y'all were really busy yesterday:blink:. I myself am going to head home in about an hour (3 1/2 hrs all to myself, me and the music and (unfortunately) my thoughts:blink:

Take care all

Katch 18-05-2008 07:48 PM

Alyssa, That's Ok I was just looking - try and concentrate on the music rather than your thoughts and relax a bit - your Aunty wants you to be happy and safe xxx

Blondiebear - I am sorry you are so worried about your frined - I really hope she is OK and that someone lets you know soon. As for the sewing talk - I can't even sew a button on straight so I think you are amazing... xxx

irkeninvader 18-05-2008 08:31 PM

*peeps in and hides behind the door*

I've been here nearly a month now but this thread scares me slightly, what with it beind so big. Just thought I'd pop in and say hello and offer some hugs and sweeties to anyone that might want them.

Katch 18-05-2008 08:49 PM

you don't need to be scared - most people tend to pop in have a quick chat go and look around and pop back again. You can say what you want and we all chat to each other - it does get a bit difficult someitmes to keep up with whats going on for everyone - as byt the time you have replied to a post - there have been a few more - anyway welcome and thanks for the hugs and sweets

zowie 18-05-2008 08:51 PM

*Sob* I'm not in hospital anymore, so I must be okay now.

Katch 18-05-2008 08:53 PM

Hey Zowie - I bet you are feeling pretty lost right now - come and chat to us

zowie 18-05-2008 09:01 PM

I am feeling lost, and so alone.
Why don't they take me seriously? The crisis team seem to think that having a cup of tea or watching some tv will stop me from wanting to venture out and stab someone.
I just want to die, and no one seems to care.

Katch 18-05-2008 09:06 PM

you know we care - but i totally understand how you are feeling. Do you have anybody at all that understands how strong the urges are and how bad you are feeling that could speak to someone for you. It seems so wrong that the 'Professionals" don't get it and I am so sorry that they think you are OK when you know that your'e not. Anything I can do to help just let me know - even if it's only listening - I can do that xxx

irkeninvader 18-05-2008 09:22 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome Katch :satisfied:

Zowie, sorry you're feeling so alone. Would it help to have a bit of a rant and let your feelings out? *hugs*

Katch 18-05-2008 09:27 PM

I think Zowie has gone for a while - hopefully she will be back soon.

Atonement 18-05-2008 09:36 PM

*walks in* hello everyone. I am Addison.

Katch 18-05-2008 09:38 PM

Hi Addison - sorry it's a bit quiet in here tonight - but I'm happy to see you - I was just about to give up on any company in here for now - I just hope everyone is out there having fun and enjoying the weekend - I do miss them all though.

Hey I have been to the statue on your photo - Rio de Janeiro: The Christ ,Corcovado - the views from there looking down on the city are amazing.

Katch 18-05-2008 09:53 PM

well - if anyone does pop in I said Hi to you and left some hugs for you all. Hope to see some of you later - but if not take care and stay safe. miss you all.

Detour. Derail 18-05-2008 10:20 PM

Big welcomes to Addison and irkeninvader (sorry i dont know your name :-()

Heyyy Katch how are you?

Sorry to be anti-social guys...but...theres a dark corner with my name on :(

effervescence 18-05-2008 10:23 PM

hello everyone.
this time difference sure is annoying.
i am so tired. on the upside my lecture finished early this morning - was back by 8.43. wish i could go back to bed.
my damn cough won't go away.
i was thinking last night, i haven't cut for 2 weeks. i don't even feel pleased. every day gets harder and harder to resist it. i really want to hold out till the 29th, when i see my psychologist, but it's 10 more days :S
i don't know if i can do that, its sooooooooo tempting.
i decided yesterday i'm going to write a story, i was supposed to be studying but oh well.
hope everyone is ok.

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