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effervescence 08-05-2008 05:39 AM

susan im glad your cat is eating - always a good sign.

ally, some people suck but im SURE there will be flats who are fine with having a cat - u just have to search some more hun.

handed in my latest psych report today :s i really want a good mark on this one. at least better than the last one. im soooooooooooo nervous! and i want my chemistry results too. argh.
im supposed to be studying, as usual, but im too tired and depressed.
my psychologist is going away so i dont see her for 3 weeks, which is a long time for me to go without. argh.

Sugar and Spice 08-05-2008 06:11 PM

Sorry in advance for my brief post - it's not because I don't care. I guess I'm being selfish but I'm trying to pour all of my energies into staying positive and overcoming some of my obstacles. While I am doing this, this isn't really the best place for me.

I will pop in regularly to see how you are all doing though :-)

*hug everyone in need*

I hope you are all doing alright and keeping safe. Thinking of you all in these difficult times x

Detour. Derail 08-05-2008 07:00 PM

I want to go out :-(
I really want to see him :-(
But I'm so ill...
It's not fair >.<

MammaMia 08-05-2008 07:03 PM

I'm soooooooooooooooooooo good :D

Haven't cut since yesterday afternoon!!! Things are going good!!!!!! Feeling positive about loads of stuff atm :D Yaaaaaaaaaaay and my tan has started already lol!

zowie 08-05-2008 07:41 PM

Helen, it's lovely to hear you're feeling so happy!
Alexx, I'm sorry you're feeling ill...Get well soon hun :)
effervencence, well done on finishing you're report, try not to get too nervous and work yourself up.
blondiebear, you're not being selfish. We like knowing how you're doing, and I hope you don't feel too homesick!

As for me, I've finished my psych coursework and am travelling the two hours to college to hand it in. A bit nervous, I never felt safe at college, but pleased I've got the work done.
Didn't take my meds last night. Beth wouldn't let me, she wants me to save them up for an OD. She's scaring me quite a lot at the moment, very intent on making me feel worthless and shitty - Been harming myself alot just to calm her down.

Hope everyone's doing okay. Love you all xxx

Detour. Derail 08-05-2008 08:58 PM

hmmmhmmmhmmmmmm ><
*sings loudly*

Katey-lou 08-05-2008 09:30 PM

ARRGGHH am sat here waiting for the crisis team to ring meback and i'm debating just rnning i changed my mind i dont wanna talk to them. i dont want them to try and talk me out of it. i cant. theres no point me living anymore!!!! not going to be on ym course n e longer after theyve looked at my CRB tomorrow!!!! so whats thenpoint

MammaMia 08-05-2008 10:19 PM

Thanks Zowie :) xxx

Alex, u okay hun?

~*forever_broken*~ 08-05-2008 10:24 PM

Katey what's up sweetie? What can't they stop you from doing? *snuggles* Please stay safe hun.

Cloe, how ya doin' sweetie? I'm sorry you've got such a wait till your therapist is back *massive hugs*

Zowie, sweetheart, do you have someone who can help you be stronger than Beth? You need to take your meds hun *hugs you gently*

Carole, that sounds like a very responsible decision. Take care luv.

Alexx,*snuggles her RYL little sis* I'm sorry you're ill. I hope you feel better soon hunni.

Susan, you're not being selfish! *hugs her wonderful RYL mom* When do y'all get back in?
Had a meds appointment today. Was told that I could stay on 300 mg Wellbutrin as long as I didn't cut... But since I just cut the other day it's up to 450 mg now :(. I'm not too happy to have been given an ultimatum (you can, if you don't). And while I did learn that I could continue to go to the uni health and counseling center this summer (means I've got more time to save money and figure out what to do)... He then told me that after that I need to find a therapist and a doctor... Yeah, like I can afford both:pinch: I don't even know where I'm going to live and work:crying:. Last night I kept thinking it would just be easier to die... Then I wouldn't have to worry about an apartment (that let's me have my cat) and a job... I don't want to go home:crying: I need to stay here, away from my well-meaning but nosy family:crying:

blondiebear 08-05-2008 11:09 PM

Hugs to all. I'm still so tired that the circles under my eyes go to the corners of my mouth and I'm afraid that I will drool on the keyboard. My vision is swimming too.

Two more nights in the motel, we go home Saturday morning. Philip says he will go over to our place for a few minutes on Friday evening to open the windows so it can air out overnight. That and the fact that the gas won't be turned on until Saturday morning is why we are staying over Friday night. We could go back to our house on Friday if we wanted to. I dunno how it is where the rest of you are but here our hot water heaters run on natural gas.

I'm here in Philip's office with him. It is not a place I spend much time but it is not as strange to me as the motel room. I don't mind motel rooms at all, we travel so much, i don't want to be there alone and it is weird to stay at the motel yet do our regular day to day things.

More hugs toi y'all. Maybe I'll get enough sleep on Saturday and be less dain bramaged on Sunday.

Ally, you will find a place.

effervescence 09-05-2008 02:33 AM

i'm sick :(
and supposed to be studying but my heads all fuzzy.
and i got really average marks on my chem and molecular bio exams :(

Jetforce 09-05-2008 05:02 AM

*hugs chloe*

at least u passed ;-) i would of failed miserable ;-S

But yeah, hope u feel better soon hon xxx

effervescence 09-05-2008 08:10 AM

yeh, i passed, i duno if i did well enough to get into honours tho. which is important, cos my degree is often the only thing i can work towards - "get my degree, do well and everything else will magically sort itself out :S"
how are u jeremy?

Jetforce 09-05-2008 03:05 PM

Errh, not feeling too flash atm :-(

Oh well...*sings to himself lalalala that's life*

MammaMia 09-05-2008 03:12 PM

Yaaaaaaaay for me ^_^

2 days free =]

Managed to talk about both of my violent exs :) Which is gooooood for me.

Plus I've managed to get half of my last unit of work done yaaaaaaay!

Katey-lou 09-05-2008 04:38 PM

can i sit and hide in here for a while. i'm slightly drugged up today the crisis team caught up with my last night, after they ended up ringing the police because i became un-contactable. they came looking for me and and then i went up to see them at the hospital, with the company of the police :( i was given meds to help me sleep last night (or rathr knock me out!) was ther was ok making sure i'd sty at home i think. then they came out first thing this morning and then later on they came out again with a nurse from the duty team where my CPN is based (but shes off at the minute) to see what they can do right now for me and over the weekend i've got a relapse plan in place at the minute so now too good. i have to ring them if i start wanting to hurt myself in anyway. :crying: not sure how liekly thats going to be. but theyr bringing me extra meds out tonight, and have taken my normal meds off me for now.

Katch 09-05-2008 04:52 PM

Hi Katey Lou - hide away - but chat if you need to, I will be back to listen. I really hope that they give you some good help - not just meds but a chance to really chat and try and sort a few things out. Hugs to you.

Pomegranate 09-05-2008 05:25 PM

*hugs everyone* I'm sorry so many of our lovely VETS and psych ward members are struggling atm. I don't have much for any of you at the moment but I am still thinking of you all.

*throws self into corner and hides under duvet, hopefully forever*

Everything is so messed up at the moment. I currently hate my family apart from my Grandma. I will write more about it, but for now I am about to drive back up to Wales again, lol then back home to berkshire tomorrow morning and then back to warwick sunday and back to wales monday. I think I have now managed to freeze my emotions.

MammaMia 09-05-2008 06:43 PM

Woah my head is spinning with where you're going Emma. Hope you're doing okay sweetie, did you get my text the other day??? :) Lovvvvve yoou! xxxx

Katey, I'll be in and out all night but if you wanna talk we're here to listen xxx

Detour. Derail 09-05-2008 08:04 PM

Hi guys...how are you all?

I'm...slightly annoyed coz I thought I was FINALLY starting to feel better-managed to eat properly for the first time in days without crying in pain...then i just got a horrible painful twinge again ><

I went for my blood tests...*sits nervously and waits*

I was so close to kissing him today...I wanted to so badly....but this STUPID sore throat >.<

I sneezed before and my ear started to bleed:blink:

Im SO gonna fail my exams...

And I had a really scary experience last night...I need something to help me sleep...but I doubt my doctor will give me anything...but it scared me so much :crying:

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