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YodaBearInterrupted 21-11-2011 10:14 PM

*hugs Mark and Louise*

Mousie 22-11-2011 12:02 AM

In US... I have a Nurse Practitioner and a therapist, and they have the option for a community support person, but only if you call them to meet with them. I'm thinking I'm going to do that because I really can't handle this by myself. Thanks for the advise.

Doikers 22-11-2011 10:58 AM

*Hugs Louise*

*Hugs Matt*

*Hugs Mousie*

Synthetisk 22-11-2011 03:51 PM

I haven't been around here since I was... 19 I think? 21 now. Erk.

I'm on a huge down right now, I can't go visit my boyfriend and my flatmate isn't back until Friday night. Everybody is busy and I don't want to disturb them, so I don't even know what to do right now.

Anyway. *curls up under blanket*

Doikers 22-11-2011 04:56 PM

*Hugs Feli* Hi I'm Mark :)

caiden 23-11-2011 03:08 AM

*hugs everyone* just checking in real quick. yep, im still here. hiding off over in my quiet little corner.

YodaBearInterrupted 23-11-2011 06:26 AM

*hugs Caiden and Mark*

Hi Feli, I'm Matt *hugs*

*puts some goodies on the table for everyone to enjoy*

m0nk 23-11-2011 02:36 PM

*takes a goodie and pretends its apodorm* i only get them when im at the ward.

Synthetisk 23-11-2011 04:17 PM

Hi hi *waves* My name's Daniel, but I like being called Feli!

*hugs all around*

How are things today for people?

Doikers 24-11-2011 11:48 AM

*Hugs Monk*

*Hugs Feli*

*Hugs Matt*

*Hugs Caiden*

Synthetisk 25-11-2011 03:21 AM

*big hugs for everyone*

Thinking of calling the crisis team tonight, even if it will go nowhere.

Doikers 25-11-2011 11:33 AM

*Hugs Feli* I hope your call went well .

razey02 25-11-2011 07:52 PM

howdy everyone. I just want a hug or two please. Anyone got lollipops and sherbet? *reaches for my packet and blankie*

Synthetisk 25-11-2011 10:15 PM

I couldn't do it. I got too scared to and now I'm not sure what to do.

*huuuge hugs for razey02*

risenfromperdition 26-11-2011 03:18 AM

hoping everyone survived thanksgiving >.<

Billy! 26-11-2011 03:25 AM

*Hugs everyone* I've had the worst day, lost trust in a lot of people. I'll survive though.
Happy birthday Heather :)

risenfromperdition 26-11-2011 04:34 AM

thanks love <3

Billy! 26-11-2011 04:35 AM

You're welcome. Hope you have a good day :)

risenfromperdition 26-11-2011 04:37 AM

love youuu. am here if you wanna message me <3

Billy! 26-11-2011 04:45 AM

Thanks honey, If you wanna know just read my R/V, it seems that i'm writing in it a lot tonight.

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