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Billy! 10-11-2011 07:31 PM


High_Voltage 10-11-2011 08:03 PM

-waves nervously and walks towards everyone- hey

xxjuliexx 10-11-2011 08:28 PM

*yawns and sits in my tent looking around*

Doikers 10-11-2011 10:46 PM

*Hugs Charlie*

*Waves H V*

*waves to amy*

Billy! 10-11-2011 10:48 PM

*Glomps* MARK!

risenfromperdition 11-11-2011 01:35 AM

love you guyssss

Doikers 11-11-2011 10:54 AM

*Hugs Charlie*

*Hugs Heather*

razey02 11-11-2011 11:05 AM

Howdy everyone. *shyly walks into a corner with a blankie and some sweets...*

Doikers 11-11-2011 03:45 PM

*Waves to razey* Hi I'm Mark :)

High_Voltage 11-11-2011 07:35 PM

-waves back- hey

Louise 11-11-2011 07:39 PM

waves to everyone then gives them a hug.

Doikers 11-11-2011 08:04 PM

Hi , High Voltage , How are you ? *waves*

Doikers 11-11-2011 08:05 PM

*Hugs Louise* How are you hun?

Billy! 11-11-2011 08:34 PM

*Waves to/hugs everyone* How are you all?

High_Voltage 11-11-2011 08:55 PM

Good you?

Doikers 11-11-2011 10:27 PM

*Squishes Charlie*

*Waves to H Voltage* Are hugs okay?

High_Voltage 12-11-2011 12:16 AM

Yea *hugs*

Doikers 12-11-2011 10:56 AM

*Hug High voltage*

one_step_closer 12-11-2011 01:22 PM

*spreads the love*

Doikers 12-11-2011 01:36 PM

*Collects some of Lindsays Love and gives her some of my love back*

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