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Laura2.0 24-08-2011 05:29 PM

*hugs Ella* *hands a blanket*
*hugs Mark* better not forget the meds again today...
*hugs Laura*

Doikers 24-08-2011 05:34 PM

I won't forget tonight (I hope) *Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Laura* Thanks for the vibes , I am so nervous.

Louise 24-08-2011 07:03 PM

*hugs everyone* I have had a hard day today, been crying a lot.

Does anyone know how Lindsay is?

Laura2.0 24-08-2011 09:38 PM

*hugs Mark*
*hugs Louise*

I still don't know what to do the whole week. I hate it when I have too much time and nothing to do. I can't cope and need distractions till I have to go inpatient.

Doikers 24-08-2011 10:20 PM

*Hugs Louise*

*Hugs Laura*

risenfromperdition 25-08-2011 03:06 AM

*hugs laura*

Doikers 25-08-2011 10:02 AM

*Hugs Louise*

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Heather*

I've been in pretty much Daily text contact with Lindsay , I'm pretty sure she was discharged yesterday at some point , she may pop by soon *Hopes*

shadowedsoul 25-08-2011 11:23 AM

hugs all, hides and curls up

Doikers 25-08-2011 11:34 AM

*Hugs Jill*

shadowedsoul 25-08-2011 12:02 PM

hugs mark back, how are you today?

Doikers 25-08-2011 12:39 PM

Detox Nurse Appointment at 2pm , Getting pretty nervous :S

shadowedsoul 25-08-2011 01:30 PM

hugs i hope it goes okay sweetie, good luck

Laura2.0 25-08-2011 01:52 PM

*hugs Mark*
*hugs Heather*
*hugs Jill*

how are you all today?

one_step_closer 25-08-2011 02:30 PM

Hi everyone, i'm out of hospital now. Just trying to catch up with things.

Laura2.0 25-08-2011 02:34 PM

*hugs Lindsay* how are you?

Doikers 25-08-2011 02:44 PM

The Nurse was nice , they could give me Librium to come off of the drink but because it could make me drowsy or have a fit I would need someone to stay with me for 3 days solid which is a problem as I'm trying to not worry any of my family and can only think of one person I could ask . I think it maybe taking the piss too , I live in a one bedroom flat so I would natrually sleep on the living room floor and she would take my bed , but it's a lot to ask

Doikers 25-08-2011 02:45 PM

*Hugs Jill*

*Hugs Lindsay* welcome back :D

*Hugs Laura*

Laura2.0 25-08-2011 03:10 PM

*hugs Mark* I understand that you don't want to worry your family. I was the same but now I tell my mom some of the things and she seems to be less worried, because she knows what's happening.

Emo 25-08-2011 05:17 PM

Welcome back Lindsay.
* waves * hi everyone
what is everyone up to ?

Doikers 25-08-2011 06:28 PM

*waves to Ella*

My Best
Friend said she would stay over at mine to look after me , I love her ( Not like "that") but the fact she would do this for me ? She is like the best friend I've had in like ....ever

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