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Laura, you are not a monster , trust me *Hugs*
Dear my Wardies,
Tomorrow I am going to Swindon to meet Felicia . I'll miss you guys but will be back early next week , Take good care of yourselves and each other. Love Ya'll, Mark. |
Have fun Mark!
*huggles* |
Have a wonderful time Mark *hugs*
*hugs Laura* your not a monster at all. *hugs Laura* how are you? |
*hugs Mark* have fun!
*hugs Laura* you are not a monster. *hugs Oliver* how are you? I'm tired. I gained weight, cause my mom is trying to fatten me up. I found the scale today (mom hid it). I'm going to lose all that weight again. I want to feel **** physically, cause then I don't have to feel all this emotional pain. |
My boss just emailed this to the staff... The following content has been hidden - Reason : email
Think she's trying to tell us something? lol Sorry Laura x2 I needed to find an easy way to individualize so...: *hugs Laura -US-* You are not a monster dear. I think it probably will go back to lessening even without SI when you are in your own place if you are more comfortable there. *hugs Laura -DE-* Could she have hidden it because you need the 'fattening up' to be a healthy weight? I can understand the want/ need to be smaller and feel physically rather than emotionally but that will not help you in the long run and a closed ward won't allow you to make yourself ill AND we here care about you. PM Box is always open if you need a listening ear *squishes* *huggles Mark* Have fun! Get lots of pictures! *packs extra hugs and a care pack in you travel bag* *hugs Oliver* How are you? |
*Hugs Oliver*
*Hugs Crimson* *Hugs Lindsay *Hugs Matt* *Hugs DarkAsylum if okay* *Hugs Felicia* *Hugs Laura* *Hugs Mark* hope you have a great time. Look after yourself mate. |
*hugs Ian*
How are ya? |
Hey thanks Crimson :) *Hugs Crimson back* I'm ok thanks, a little lonely but im ok. How are you?
*hugs and sits with Ian* Since it's almost time to go home... Not too bad at all.
*hugs Crimson, Laura and Ian*
*hugs my wardies* Hope everyone's ok? Sorry haven't read back, have been dissociating like crazy so my brains a lil fried.
*Random rant alert* whats the bloody point putting a trigger tag on a bloody thread if you're gonna use triggering words in the title? bloody imbeciles!!! raaarrrrgghhh. Sorry guys. much love xx |
Hi everyone.
Hey Lindsay, how are you hun?
I'm ok, I think. How are you, Mara?
*hugs Crimson*
*hugs Ian* *hugs Oliver* *hugs Mara* *hugs Lindsay* how are you all? Today I found out that my mom knows that I purge and in her opinion it is disgusting and sick. I'm not underweight, I'm in the normal BMI range. I feel fat though. |
*hugs Laura* I'm sorry about what your Mum thinks and how you are feeling, that must be tough. I'm here if you want to talk.
I'm feeling lonely and like I want to die or at least overdose. |
*cuddles Lindsay*
*hugs all*
*finds puppy sinclair and feeds him, then hides* |
*curls up and sighs* *snuggles oliver if want* |
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