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~*forever_broken*~ 26-03-2008 06:08 PM

Such feelings are the reason my therapist suggested I get rid of the OTC pain meds I use to OD... hasn't happened :-( and it won't. Too much comfort in having them, in knowing I can OD when nothing else works...

*hugs everyone*

Stay safe people

MammaMia 26-03-2008 06:33 PM

Grrrrr *doesn't want to be safe*

*hides in tent feeling silly things like nobody really does care*

Detour. Derail 26-03-2008 07:09 PM

Helen...she didnt TELL me to go....but she woke me up asking if i wanted a tea or coffee and i was like "can i just have a knife?" she shook her head and left to see other patients...so i walked out...
Crisis team just called my house...they are calling back later

MammaMia 26-03-2008 07:15 PM

I realised she didn;t ask you earlier, I mis-read your post- silly me!!!

MammaMia 26-03-2008 07:18 PM

I hate myself for what I'm planning =\

What if I start the plan, and then the last part falls through, it'll all been for nothing...unless I buy alcohol myself?

:| ****.

zowie 26-03-2008 09:06 PM

Helen, how you doing?
I've kept myself busy, but I tonight isn't going to end well.

Detour. Derail 26-03-2008 09:25 PM

I cant do this anymore ><
please let me go...
please :crying:
Im sorry guys...
love you all so much

zowie 26-03-2008 09:29 PM

Alex, stay safe. Please hun, we all love you too.

Can someone please take these pills away from me? I can't control myself much longer.

Detour. Derail 26-03-2008 09:31 PM


zowie 26-03-2008 09:33 PM

Heh, oh hun. Whats wrong with us? xxxxx

~*forever_broken*~ 26-03-2008 09:35 PM

*snuggles Alexx and Helen*

Alexx love, please keep on trying, I know it doesn't seem like it but it'll get better.

Helen, hun, please stay safe... And no pain meds with the alcohol chica.

Me? I've got alcohol and am getting trashed tonight... Thank god gor alcohol...

Take care all.

*hands around blankets and pillows and a tea tray*

Detour. Derail 26-03-2008 09:35 PM

I dunno...
I'm just brokened :'(

zowie 26-03-2008 09:36 PM

I don't know what to do. Should I go to A&E?
Part of me just wants to ruin me.

Detour. Derail 26-03-2008 09:41 PM

go to A&E sweety...
please...for me?
I did last night...just like you said...
pretty please?

zowie 26-03-2008 09:45 PM

I've been talking to people on chat and they said mybe i should call samaritans or NHS direct.
If I phone nhs direct theyll tell me if A&E would take me seriously so I'll do that before going.

Im so scared :'(

Detour. Derail 26-03-2008 09:46 PM

huny they WILL take you seriously...
they'd much rather help you before you OD rather than after...

~*forever_broken*~ 26-03-2008 10:26 PM

Zowie, Alexx is right, they'll take you seriously sweetie.

*curls up in a tight ball in her corner under her blanket*

I'm not doing so well... I'm looking forward to tonights drinking binge and yet I'm worried it won't turn out well :pinch:. Actually I'm kind of scared :crying:

MammaMia 26-03-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by zowie (Post 653752)
Helen, how you doing?
I've kept myself busy, but I tonight isn't going to end well.

I'm doing crappier than ever woooooo :)


Originally Posted by Reason[TO]Believe (Post 653820)
I cant do this anymore ><
please let me go...
please :crying:
Im sorry guys...
love you all so much

No freaking ass way hun, I love you too much. :crying:

Detour. Derail 27-03-2008 01:18 AM

*yawn* im so tired.
Parents have just got back off holiday..so are recounting the past two weeks to me...
and im nervous coz the crisis team are calling me tomorrow...
what if my mum or dad answers?

squiggles 27-03-2008 01:26 AM

Grabs a duvet and sets up camp on first avaliable bed. Never been to a psyc ward before but think this is probably the safest place to be right now.
Hugs to all arounds.

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