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MammaMia 20-03-2008 06:08 PM

You're welcome :)

We have an endless supply of hugs, comfort, drinks, food, fire, and so much more :)

*checks on the fire, oh better keep it going...*

Detour. Derail 20-03-2008 06:49 PM

I caught the edge of my cut last night.
It had started to heal...but still bleeds badly...
I think i went deeper than i thought...
Im scared...
Im scared about going into a psych ward.
But Im scared about NOT doing it...
If that makes sense?
*walks into the denial tent*
lalalalalaaaa....im fine ^_^
fine fine fine

chocostashchick 20-03-2008 07:10 PM

hellooooooooooooooooo Alexx and Helen and Chloe and Jeremy and Katey-lou
the Denial Tent is the most fabulous place ever and there is a campfire and smores and you can hide from your problems there forever and it's all lovely and great

*sits in Denial Tent and pouts and refuses to leave*
still havent packed yet
flight leaves in 6 hours
must leave for airport in like 2 hours
can i curl up and die now please?

Pomegranate 20-03-2008 07:13 PM

*hugs everyone* Callie hun, not packing is not going to make it go away. You still have to go and if you leave it much longer you will be all rushed and that may make you feel even worse. Besides, you can't curl up and die because you are too much of an important member and the denial tent wouldn't be the same without you. Try to enjoy yourself x

Auburn Shadow 20-03-2008 08:20 PM

Anyone mind if I come join you in the denial tent for a while? I bought cookies...


MammaMia 21-03-2008 12:33 AM

*screams loud*

~*forever_broken*~ 21-03-2008 12:34 AM

*hugs everyone here on the psych ward*

Sorry I disappeared for a few days... I'm not feeling all that well... Not really communicative... Not up to much at all to be perfectly honest (which sucks because I'm to the part of break where I've got to visit everyone :crying:)...

Callie, hun, I hope Spain goes well sweetie, much love for my RYL twin...

Helen, I am sorry to hear about your friend and her baby. That is awfully hard for all involved... *hugs sweetie*

Alexx, sweetie, how goes it?

Everyone else, Jeremy, effervesence, everyone ok?

Hello to the new folks and welcome to the psych ward, home of the denial tent :-)

*makes a tea tray with tea, coffee, hot cocoa, and biscuits to pass around*
*grabs her cosy blanket, pillow, and stuffed lamb and curls up in her corner for a good cry and a nap*

Detour. Derail 21-03-2008 12:52 AM

*cuddles anyone and everyone*

MammaMia 21-03-2008 01:18 AM

*hugs Ally, Callie, Emma, Alex and everyone*

Arrrgh why the frigging ass did I do it...least Emma knows.

I'm so sorry :(

Pomegranate 21-03-2008 01:38 AM

Helen, everyone is allowed a slip up, you were doing so well. One SH incident does not mean you have to disqualify everything you have worked for.

*hugs everyone*

I cut earlier today too and went to tesco, at tills I realised blood was dripping down my wrist and then just as I tried to run to my car and get away my shopping bag split and a bottle of wine smashed and spilt everywhere. Loser.

But now I am drunk and all will be ok. I love you guys x

MammaMia 21-03-2008 01:41 AM

LOL, you soooo didn't say that on the phone.

I lied, I did bleed but forgot and I'm NOT okay and can't be....but not like you can find me as you do not know exactly where I live.

You are NOOOOOOOT a loser Emma so shut up about that :)

I love you Em xxx

Ow ow ow my leg really ****ing hurts *cries*

Pomegranate 21-03-2008 02:08 AM

Helen, I TRUST you, you CAN beat this. You know I cannot get to Birmingham tonight and even if I could, you are right I do not know where you live. But I do know you are better than harming. You do not deserve to hurt yourself. You deserve happiness, hope and a life. Self harm gets you none of those things.

Your right, I didn't tell you that on the phone, but I didn't have too. You are so strong, and so capable. What difference does it make how weak I, or anyone else is? Doesn't mean you have to do the same thing.

MammaMia 21-03-2008 02:31 AM

Emma, you're actually scaring me in a way. Oh well, but you're not weak seriously.

I know you trust me, and I'm proving that point to you. I'm trying so hard to beat this crap. I am better than harming yeah. I don't deserve to hurt myself and yet I go through cycles of doing it.

I want happiness, hope and a life but don't seem to have it anymore and it's not fair :(

I wish I could be cuddled and be okay. I could have people be with me every step of the way, but nobody can be with me 24/7 and even if they could....I'd have to do things on my own at some point.

I just want a cuddle in person right now. I want everything I can't have. I want my nephew right now, but least I can see him later. I want to tell my best friend, well one of them everything and be with her and for her to give advice and whatnot.

I wish I could drink alcohol and be absloutely drunk, but it's not the best idea, I know.

Heh, I wrote a thread full of crap =(

Jetforce 21-03-2008 01:22 PM

Any1 know where ally or alyssa have disappeared too?

I'm worried about her :-(

MammaMia 21-03-2008 02:58 PM

I'm sorry about having to rush off the phone this morning Em.

I hope you're alright sweetie.

Ahhh you're probs at work thinking about it.

*hugs everyone and hides*

~*forever_broken*~ 21-03-2008 05:08 PM

Jeremy, here I am. I posted yesterday but I guess you missed it.

And sorry to those I may have worried... I didn't mean to... I just wasn't up to supporting and I do feel the need to do SOME of that while I'm in here... it's not as if y'all are having a good time of it or you wouldn't be in here either


Pomegranate 21-03-2008 05:36 PM

Just got back from work. Don't worry about last night Helen :) Hope you are ok.

Trying to gather the strength to move and go to A+E. I know it is supposed to ideally be within 12 hours but I had to go to work and it is only 14 hours now.

*hugs everyone who needs it*

MammaMia 21-03-2008 06:08 PM


Please go && then give us a call when you're done please?

Love you missy, now go get looked at =]

Check me all hyporcritical....

Sugar and Spice 21-03-2008 08:45 PM

*hugs Ally and Emma*

Emma, please go and get checked out. I'm sorry to hear that you slipped up but that doesn't make you weak. You just have to take it in your stride and keep plodding on. I know it's harder than it sounds, but that's what we are here for, to help :)

Ally, I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so low. It is hard having to visit people when you feel so low but hang on in there hun.

Hope everyone is ok x

MammaMia 21-03-2008 08:58 PM

*rolls eyes*

I hope everyone is okay :)

*hugs all*

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