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Jetforce 06-03-2008 12:02 PM

Good luck in ur assessment! I'm sure u'll do fine :-) xxx

black feather 06-03-2008 01:32 PM

*starts checking in* is there still a corner somewhere? I brought my own pillows and blankets....i just need a small space to cry in

Pomegranate 06-03-2008 01:37 PM

*moves over to allow black feather a corner* Do you want some tissues hun? x

Jetforce 06-03-2008 02:18 PM

*gives black_feather a hug and some tlc*

chocostashchick 06-03-2008 03:01 PM

SnowBerrySnuffles i hope the assessment goes well - you can do it and then come back here and give us a report or something
*gives black feather and emma and jeremy and newlife fuzzy blankets and sits down*
*hugs Alyssa and gives you tea so you don't have a hangover. by the way your new name is too long for me to update in my sig :'( drat*
no way Alyssa are you serious? i actually thought that i was possibly developing brain cancer or something (not that i cared.... which is concerning in and of itself)
so that thing where you suddenly for no reason feel like your whole body is made of lead out of nowhere and then it goes away just as suddenly in like a minute is a symptom of depression? really? get out now way that is weird. huh. why?

Jetforce 06-03-2008 04:11 PM

ty for the blanket :-D

chocostashchick 06-03-2008 05:59 PM

aww you're welcome blankets are awesome arent they
this one time i brought a huge blanket with me to the movies and everybody stared at me like i was a crazy person (haha irony) but i was so comfy

MammaMia 06-03-2008 07:59 PM

Thanks everyone for making me feel better about yesterday.

I feel liek crying, I have SOOOOO much work to get done for tomorrow. Bastards! DO THEY KNOW IT'S MY 18TH BIRTHDAY TOMORROW OR SOMETHING?


Small_Black_Flower 06-03-2008 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Hells (Post 606735)
Thanks everyone for making me feel better about yesterday.

I feel liek crying, I have SOOOOO much work to get done for tomorrow. Bastards! DO THEY KNOW IT'S MY 18TH BIRTHDAY TOMORROW OR SOMETHING?


Ahh Hun,
*throws Helen a *surprise early* birthday party ... with lots of Balloons and fun, to make her feel better!!
*dancys madly again*

Am feeling weak at the moment, got drunk at college (a little mistake), grr

But yeah anyways happy birthday for tomorrow hun :-D

chocostashchick 06-03-2008 08:46 PM

Happy Birthday Helen

MammaMia 06-03-2008 08:59 PM

Wow thanks guys :)

Any food, cus Im hungry!!! Whilst working and fed up of it :(

chocostashchick 06-03-2008 09:33 PM

*gives Helen an early birthday cake covered with tons of frosting.... icing, whatever*

*sits down with a massive mug of tea and sighs*

MammaMia 06-03-2008 10:07 PM

Awwwwww I love ya guys ^_^

LittleVampp 06-03-2008 10:18 PM

*knocks On door* is it ok if I come in.,...... I will be quite I promise

chocostashchick 06-03-2008 10:21 PM

hey Didi, come on in!

*passes Didi a blanket and pillow to sit on*

LittleVampp 06-03-2008 10:22 PM

Thanks :)..... finally Im welcome some where :)

*Takes blanket and pillow*
Thanks me cold
*Raps up in blanket and sits on the floor*

chocostashchick 06-03-2008 10:27 PM

awww on RYL you're always welcome :)

*snuggles into her blanket because life is too hard right now*

LittleVampp 06-03-2008 10:27 PM

Awww I know that feeling :) come.... Huggles :)

Whats up

MammaMia 06-03-2008 11:01 PM


chocostashchick 06-03-2008 11:04 PM

*hides in her blanket*

okay so whoever is around please please send good luck thoughts my way
i am needing it
i have to call a DBT specialist when i get out of work in half an hour and beg for therapy

*i think i just threw up a little bit in my mouth*

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