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Sugar and Spice 24-02-2008 05:42 PM

*hugs everyone*
I hope you are all ok and staying safe.

MammaMia 24-02-2008 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Monarkh (Post 574210)
Aw, Helen, that sucks. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad.


Originally Posted by Monarkh (Post 574217)
And you have to go through some kind of "mourning period" before things get better. Too bad life has to be that way...but the more things are hard for us, the better life is when we can move on!
*throws you some chocolate*
Always makes me feel better.

Thanks hun, been feeling better past few days :)

ScarredWolf 25-02-2008 03:09 AM

Are new people allowed in here?... Might be the best place for me at the moment.

Snorkmaiden 25-02-2008 06:58 PM

*shares stuffed animals with scarredwolf*
Your more than welcome here. Sometimes it is the best place to be.
*lies out on the floor with blanket on head*

chocostashchick 25-02-2008 11:12 PM

i think i am cursed
fate hates me
my car was just in a hit and run and because i dont know who the other driver was, i have to go through my insurance and pay $500 dollars for the deductible

my visa bill is an epidemic

i think i am going to binge on cookie dough and oxy and destroy myself quietly. excuse my while my lingering shreds of sanity disappear.

Snorkmaiden 26-02-2008 01:05 AM

*hugs Callie*
Hope you (and your car) are ok xx
*offers cookie dough and blanket to share*

chocostashchick 26-02-2008 04:18 AM

*shares blanket and snags cookie dough*
thanks Pam. my car is disabled but will survive thanks to my visa card's noble sacrifice.
*passes what is left of the cookie dough around*

Bella i just saw your post and i hope you're doing okay hun! that's rough :(

SpiralArtist 26-02-2008 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bella_forever (Post 577851)
I had to dump my fiance

we haven't spoken before, but i just want to let you know that someone out there read your post. hopefully you have support here (which it looks like you do) that was able to respond to you before now.
i feel for you and sending you good vibes.


l.e.g.o 26-02-2008 09:43 AM

hey all
hugs to everyone just wodering if its ok for me to chck in aain everything seem to be going down hill

Jetforce 26-02-2008 10:30 AM

**hugs Jo**

Hope ur well there...look after urself there

PM me if need be :-)

Nineflyz 26-02-2008 01:55 PM

can i come hide away here, i don't really want to face reality any more

Pomegranate 26-02-2008 05:49 PM

Can someone give me some sort of drug to knock me out? Please :( I don't want to deal with life right now x

MammaMia 26-02-2008 07:41 PM


Please let the baby okay, she deserves this so so so so so much!

Pomegranate 26-02-2008 08:08 PM

*passes you tissues with cool yellow ducks on them* It will be ok Helen *hugs* Have faith x

Pomegranate 26-02-2008 08:09 PM

And Nineflyz, of course you can! *offers you a hot chocolate* x

MammaMia 26-02-2008 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lifeisabitch (Post 584502)
*passes you tissues with cool yellow ducks on them* It will be ok Helen *hugs* Have faith x

Thank you hun!

l.e.g.o 26-02-2008 10:09 PM

i dont know whether to go back and get help-havig problems with flashbacks want to talk to someone about them but no idea who sorry

MammaMia 27-02-2008 12:07 AM

Maybe you should hun, at one point I was struggling and was debating whether to return to counselling, which I did, saw her for two sessions and don't need to see her anymore, unless I want to see her :D

It might help?

Massive hugs for everyone :]

Pomegranate 27-02-2008 01:03 AM

ok, now I get this is very very minor compared to some people's problems atm but I want to whine about it, and here seems as good a place as any. I found out today I have two essays due in three days that I have not started which I need to do to pass my course. I am having huge mood swings which are just retarded and making me feel horribly destructive (maybe you have noticed from posts). I have not been able cut for various reasons for 6 days now and it is driving me insane AND I am ill with some horrible virusy thing. So yes. I am pissed and I would like to disappear. Rant over.

*throws self on floor and attempts to bury head*

MammaMia 27-02-2008 03:27 AM

I'm scared frm that Earthquake, **** :\

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