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Hey guys , I'm mentally knackered , I just wanna sleep for a while .
*Hugs Helen* I hope you have a good night and sleep well . *Hugs Kahlia* Did you get any sleep? , I hope you are not too tired. Happy bank holiday Monday ( Do you have it down there? ) *Waves at Owen* :) |
*waves at owen* Rosie says hello, and sends you safe hugs. Sweetie, could you clear something up for me? Are the mummy and daddy people Julie's mummy and daddy?
Hi Mark, I wanna sleep to, but lots to go through in my mind and with my hubby. Lol, okay you can have a corner, so you're an uncle then? :) *leaves Helen a cuddly rabbit* *waves at everyone else and goes round giving hugs to everyone she can find who wants one* |
*hugs Mark* - We have May Day holiday Monday here today :) Sadly, no sleep and it's now 6:45 (ish) *sigh*
*hugs Helen* - I'm here if you need me hun, okay? *waves at Owen* - Oh dear, that doesn't sound too good. I hope that you and Julie are okay. I spy a Kat! |
kahlia: ah you spotted me! *hides behind a phonebooth grinning*
*sits and stares into space*
Kat: We must have been typing at pretty close to the same time lol :D
*ducks down behind a bench* |
*peeks out from behind the phone* oooh where's kahlia gone...?
yes they julie's mummy and daddy
Hey owen im amy, hows you? Kats gone for a bit cos its my turn to come out cos rosie's been out and i bugged kat until i could come out.
*runs out from behind the phonebooth and launches into a pile of duvets* |
I'm so tired... *cuddles all who want them*
Just got off WoW - transferred my 72 pally and Jarrod's 80 pally (paladin - i.e., holy warrior basically, use spells and such but also wear plate armor and fight with melee weapons) to the server we've been playing on more recently. Previously, the highest level toon that I had was a 64-nearly-65 (now) death knight... but now I have one that's into Northrend (the land of the latest expansion :D). That's a happy. With the help of our guildies she'll hit 80 shortly. Woohoo!! :D I really have procrastinated on my final essay for soc... haven't worked on it AT ALL today. I just can't focus. :crying: I feel like ****, despite how positive the above paragraph sounded. :'( I don't know if I can get through this week and do well on my finals... I really don't know if I can do it. *hides in a hole* :'( |
what are finals april?
*cuddles everyone who wants one*
hey guys i gtg to art school talk to u all later *hugs*
*waves at helen* (learnt your name from peeking) I dont do cuddles. but its nice to know they're there
That's okay Amy :) *waves back*
Julie, have a good day sweet xx |
you are cool
time for me to go cos kat needs bed. thanks for being nice. hope i was alright.
Thanks, sleep well xx
Amy, finals are final exams, which are exams that see how much you've learnt over the course of the semester. :)
*cuddles Hels* I'm sorry that you're not doing so well at the mo... wish I could help somehow. Feel free, though, to type it all out, even if we've heard it before, because typing it out CAN help. *more cuddles* Trust me, I know!! :P You all must be SICK of me blathering about uni.... :-S *spies no one & feels lonely* I am so anxious right now... per usual... typing helps some, as I said last night, because it helps get out some of the pent-up energy... I don't know, I just want to feel better, damnitall. :'( I am so sick of being this way. I hate myself so much. :crying: *hides and is invisible* |
Updated my r/v thread... :'(
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