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Bellatrix 25-01-2017 10:22 PM

My fridge needed a biohazard warning when I came back from two weeks away. Believe it or not it was actually even messier before you came. I'd tidied up a bit.

Sketchy 25-01-2017 10:29 PM

A tea light calendar sounds nice.

My flat is a bit of a disaster at the moment. I need to tidy tomorrow. Oh the excitement!

not_so_insig 26-01-2017 01:09 AM

I had a yankee candle advent calendar for Christmas. I had one for last year too and I still have 2 votives left.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 01:51 AM

That sounds nice Dawn.

not_so_insig 26-01-2017 02:13 AM

I am wondering if I should take a photo of my happy box. I want to but I am worried that people wouldn't be interested.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 02:16 AM

I'd be interested. It might inspire people to create their own.

Buttons. 26-01-2017 02:33 AM

Echoing the above happy box sounds like a v good plan :)

Buttons. 26-01-2017 07:11 AM

Anyone awake?

chinahorse 26-01-2017 07:56 AM


chinahorse 26-01-2017 08:37 AM

I have like 8 outfits here and I can't decide what to wear. I do wanna be warm though. It's freezing!

[Luna] 26-01-2017 08:44 AM

Morning all!

That sounds hard Lillie, what kind of clothes do you have with you? Whats on the agenda for today love?

chinahorse 26-01-2017 09:19 AM

Not as many or warm clothes as I'd like but I went for a penguin jumper in the end. If in doubt penguins. When I go home next weekend I will have to raid my thermals draw. That and the long sleeved tshirt.

Today is firm meeting. Then work group then I may go into richmond to get a hoodie and post my sick note. Then I have a meeting with the dr for for a few minutes.

[Luna] 26-01-2017 09:25 AM

What's firm meeting?
Penguin jumper sounds adorable. Good choice!
sounds like a busy day!

chinahorse 26-01-2017 09:47 AM

It's a scary meeting where everyone challenges events in the community and other people.

Nah that's a dull as dishwater day for me.

Cacoethes 26-01-2017 10:28 AM

Morning everyone.
It is absolutely freezing today!

Buttons. 26-01-2017 10:43 AM

Know the feeling Beckie!!

I'm still trying to find a warm pair of socks :P

chinahorse 26-01-2017 12:16 PM

I know I'm only warm in bed right now. Just bought a superb cosy jumper though. But my time out is cut short by the fact I have to now go to a meeting.

Cacoethes 26-01-2017 12:27 PM

We had about 2 minutes of light snow this morning :ermm:

Hope your meeting goes ok Lillie

chinahorse 26-01-2017 12:43 PM


It's trying t snow here. I just gulped a cuppa it's so cold I'm struggling to feel my hand a d feet! But at least I have my snuggly jumper

not_so_insig 26-01-2017 01:45 PM

It's cold here too. Am supposed to be going for a walk around the park but I think that I will need my het and gloves. I wished I had gloves on yesterday because it was cold at the bus stop and my hands really hurt when I was on the bus.

chinahorse 26-01-2017 02:26 PM

Yes put them on you'd be mad not to!

It was trying to snow here earlier.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 03:38 PM

Good afternoon all. *waves*

not_so_insig 26-01-2017 03:40 PM

I have been on my walk around the park. Usually I sit down twice but I only sat down once because it was too blooming cold despite wearing a het, scarf and gloves.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 03:43 PM

Well done Dawn. I'm in the coffee shop having tea and toastie before I go for my walk. I struggled to force myself out today.

Cacoethes 26-01-2017 03:52 PM

Afternoon guys.

No more snow here luckily! It's still bloody freezing out though!
I got home early today because I was the only one to turn up for maths class! And I finished my paper in like 50 minutes so got to go home an hour early :)
My teacher said that she wants me to do my level 2 this year instead of starting a class again in September and exams in Feb so that will save a lot of time! Means if I pass then I can get on to do both English and maths GCSEs in September hopefully!
So I'm feeling good about that :)

Well done for getting out Lorraine :)

Sketchy 26-01-2017 03:54 PM

Beckie that's brilliant! You are doing amazingly well with all your hard work.

not_so_insig 26-01-2017 04:06 PM

Well done for getting out Lorraine.

not_so_insig 26-01-2017 04:08 PM

I agree with Lorraine Beckie that's brilliant.

chinahorse 26-01-2017 04:15 PM

Well done on getting out folks.

Cacoethes 26-01-2017 04:25 PM

Thanks guys! :)

How was your meeting Lillie?

chinahorse 26-01-2017 04:59 PM

I has a couple of meetings. One with my new psychotherapist and one with the consultant. I'm a bit down now but it's tea and biscuit time soon and you gotta love that.

Cacoethes 26-01-2017 05:20 PM

Hope you feel a bit better soon Lillie.
Yay for tea and biscuits!

chinahorse 26-01-2017 05:56 PM

Thanks I had tea and biscuits and did some colouring and there was a lush fruit salad of mangos strawberries pineapple and melon which was good.

Cacoethes 26-01-2017 06:07 PM

Cool :)
That fruit salad sounds amazing!!

I need to start cooking at some point but ceeb!

chinahorse 26-01-2017 06:13 PM

What are you having?

We are celebrating burns night a day late so am having haggis.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 06:13 PM

Fruit salad sounds yummy.

I'm just back home. I went a walk. Not the most scenic one, so no photos, although I did pass the park. I also got some shopping done and took my rubbish out.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 06:14 PM

I like vegetarian haggis.

chinahorse 26-01-2017 06:16 PM

Busy day lorraine!

The vegetarian haggis looks like squished nut roast. I'm going to try it as I read the ingredients and it's mainly veg.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 06:17 PM

It's worth a try.

chinahorse 26-01-2017 06:36 PM

I'm hungry so I hope there's an alternative or that it's nice

Sketchy 26-01-2017 06:39 PM

I hope you like it. How are you settling in?

chinahorse 26-01-2017 06:43 PM

I'm doing better I think. Was able to talk in firm and accept some help for the community. Just need to get up the cour age to do my yoga now. That and have a bath.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 06:46 PM

Well done. I think you are being really brave. Your yoga and bath should hopefully relax you.

not_so_insig 26-01-2017 06:59 PM

I have posted a photo of my happy box. I didn't realise how much stuff was in it until I had to take photos!

Sketchy 26-01-2017 07:02 PM

I'm going to have a look.

chinahorse 26-01-2017 07:06 PM

It's definitely second nap time. I'm so tired.

Don people agree naps are the best.

Sketchy 26-01-2017 07:09 PM

Naps are always good. Enjoy your nap Lillie.

Dawn, I've replied to your picture thread.

chinahorse 26-01-2017 07:20 PM

Can't nap it's nearly dinner and the haggis :/

Sketchy 26-01-2017 07:23 PM

Oh yes, you need to try this haggis. Can you have a nap afterwards?

Wonderland. 26-01-2017 07:27 PM

I hope tea goes okay Lillie.

How is everyone this evening?

I am colddddddd!

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