![]() |
It is nice. I'm going to her flat on Friday for dinner.
I'm not sure about the meds thing but it is very cold today!
I've been drinking lots of tea trying to warm up! That's nice :) |
Tea is always good. I think I'll have some soup later. That should heat me up.
I have come back from the vet with my cat. Apart from going to go for a dental checkup in 6 months time she is in good shape.
Glad your cat is ok Dawn.
I'm going to moan. I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing!! Think I better make a hot drink or something. |
I've still got some of the soup I made from last night. Think i'm going to use it as a pasta sauce tonight. I really fancy pasta.
Glad your cat is ok Dawn! |
Pasta sounds good.
Glad to hear that your kitty cat is doing okay Dawn :)
Pasta is nommy stuff Bex. Hope you warm up soon Lorraine! I need to go out to tesco but uhh that takes effort, I wish I had turbo boost button that would be handy. |
That would be handy. Could you buy yourself a treat to motivate yourself?
I will end up going as I ran out of milk earlier. I may look for a treat, not entirely sure what. It's just one of those days where it's hard to get going I guess. Sorry I'm just being a mopey git!
You up to much this evening? |
You aren't being mopey. We all have those days. Sometimes it's just too hard, but the sooner you go to the shops, the sooner you will be home again and able to relax. Is the shops far?
I should be doing housework, but I think it will likely be a lazy evening for me. I'll try and do a few odds and ends about the flat. |
No it's only a ten minute or so walk. I'm going to go after this fag.
Sometimes we need a bit of a lazy evening. If you manage to do a few things then brill but don't beat yourself up if you don't. Mondays are definitely hard to motivate yourself on! |
I agree with Mondays being difficult!!
And the cold doesn't help! |
I just ate some soup and have finally heated up.
And I did my dishes. I've put the washing machine on too. |
Go you Lorraine!
Finally been to tesco and it wasn't actually all that bad tbh. Bex it doesn't actually feel to cold here. |
Glad you got out to Tesco. Well done.
That's good Lorraine!
Glad you got to tesco amy. I'm nice and warm now. Just had a shower. And it's warmed up a bit outside oddly! I don't feel as cold going out now as I did earlier! Now eating some grapes and watching greys anatomy. |
Thank you both!
Glad you've warmed up now Beckie :) |
I really want to go to bed but my hair is still wet :(
I'm pretty tired and last night I didn't sleep for hours after I went to bed! I can't wait until these exams to be over and they haven't even started yet! |
It will be over before you know it. I hope you manage to get a good night sleep for tomorrow.
Have you not got a hair dryer you can use?
Can you take some promethazine if you don't get to sleep quickly? Try not to stress too much about the exams lovely (although I know, easier said than done!), they will fly by quickly and I'm sure you will do well. |
I was going to try and reply to the world and it's friend but as magnifier not great am just going to say love you all and glad people are more warm, cats are okay, done washing etc :)
Oh my days I'm out of date already :P love and all that fluff was responding to previous page-not the brightest penny :P
Beckie re hair know how annoying it is maybe try wrapping it in a towel so still drying but you can sleep? |
Hello Katy lovely <3
Hello Katy, I hope you are well. X
I've missed so much! And yes the slept but woke up again thing is happening.
Hello all! xxxxxxxxx
Don't worry about it Lillie, with this thread turn your back for a second and you run the risk of losing the plot completely :P Anyone else up at ridiculous o'clock? |
I slept on jodies sofa a bit.
I'm awake now though boo |
BOO! :p
glad you managed to get at least a little sleep, think sofas can sometimes be quite comfy :) How are you doing? |
It was my choice I slept in bed a bit but was in too much pain to stay there. I'm in less pain now thank goodness. And I just had a smoothie ice lolly for breakfast lol.
How be you? |
Whatever place makes your pain even a bit less is so important.
Oooh that smoothie ice lolly sounds really good what flavour/s? I won't go there. |
It was mango flavoured nomnom. And small enough so that I can have another and having a smoothie for breakfast is totally legit lol
Sounds like a poa :D Have to confess though don't know what mango tastes like.
You've never had mango?!
Not to my memory no! I must try-not sure Aldi will sell mango though :P
My aldi do!
I will check next time go :)
You should it's tasty. And get the cut up stuff it's so much easier!
Do you have any plans for today? |
Will defo try :)
Survive :P |
I agree, mango is very tasty!!
Mango is one of the best fruits going! Frozen mango makes pretty good fake ice-cream too :)
Oh my days think am under a mango-fest :P
I'll have to try the frozen mango thing!
You have to try it Katy! English lesson is about to start. And I saw my maths teacher, she said she accidentally gave me the harder level 2 paper (I'm meant to be doing level 1) and I passed it!!! And I did it really quickly too as with level 2 you have 10 extra minutes to complete it and I didn't have that. So I'm feeling pretty good about that!! She's given me a level 1 paper to do at home so hopefully it should be easier. |
Go Beckie!! Clearly you are a secret maths genius! :P
I think if we haven't persuaded you that you need to go and try mango by now Katy nothing will!! :P |
That's great Beckie, well done! :D
I don't particularly like mango :P |
I think mango is ok not my favourite fruit though. I prefer mango chutney though.
Beckie you maths legend!
You do realise when I bankrupt myself on mango it's all your faults' :P |
Thanks guys! Not so sure about the secret maths genius thing though :p
Did my English reading exam. I finished 20 mins before everyone else so I either nailed it or messed up entirely!! Oh well. It's done now! How's everyone's days been? |
I have been having a lazy day. Done nothing much but I put my dinner in the slow cooker.
Hi all. Beckie I'm sure you did well in your exam. Good luck.
I'm on train, on way home from writing group. |
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