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Hi Lorraine! How are you?
I'm good. I was out for a few drinks with a friend. How are you?
Sounds nice. Did you enjoy yourself?
I'm ok. Not long been back from my friend's. Just staying up until my electric blanket heats up then bedtime! I am shattered! |
I did. It was good to catch up. Did you enjoy yourself? I hope you heat up soon. It is rather cold.
I did thanks. It's a friend's birthday tomorrow so we just watched a film and had some pizza and cake :)
It's freezing! It's all icy outside. |
Pizza and cake is always good.
I went out for something to eat with my friend and had Mac n cheese. So yummy. It is freezing, but it isn't icy here. Which is a bit of a shock! |
Ooo mac and cheese! One of my favourites!
I can't believe it's not icy where you are! I thought Scotland was always worse than here when it comes to cold!! I'm off to bed now. Will be so nice knowing I don't have to get up tomorrow! Night night and sleep well! :) |
I know, we usually are. I'm grateful this time we're not.
Night night and sleep well. X |
Hope everyone had a good sleep and have a good morning :) anyone got any plans for today?
Morning guys!
I've just got to wait until my washing gets collected between 2 and 3 and then asda. Washing won't be done til Monday which is a little annoying! |
Katy how are you?
When you getting a new washer Bex? Just think how fluffy and soft all your clothes will be when you get them back on monday! I've got my mate Em coming later and staying the weekend, we are finally doing Xmas :-) This reminds me Katy we still need to do ours! And I found this things last night that shows you how to make Pottopoly (HP monopoly)!!!! We so have to make this, and theres a shop on etsy where you can buy the little figures :-D It's all very exciting. |
I'm not sure when I'll be able to get a new washing machine. I absolutely can not afford it atm so need to text my mum about it. She bought me one but she had to use it as hers broke and it's got a leak apparently.
Such a pain not being able to do my own washing! All my clothes do come back really nice and soft and smelling nice and the towels are so fluffy and lovely so it's not all bad! Hope you have a good time with your friend Amy! :) HP monopoly sounds AWESOME! |
Hope you enjoy your friend coming over Amy and Beckie hope your washing turns out as lovely and fluffy as possible!
Ames I'm still waiting on you to rearrange our Christmas meet up-your pressie still stays in my walker-bag-thing! The Potter monopoly plus figures sounds EPIC!!!!!!!! |
It was more of a remind you to remind me because I have the worst memory ever. I'm a human version of Dory!
When I got out into town this weekend I'll have a look in the charity shops as you need an old monopoly board to make it, so will try find one. Shouldn't be too difficult as theres like 10 in town. Think I've got more chance of winning this than HP scrabble against you :-p We will definitely get on to meeting up, think I'm quite booked up with appts next week but I'll message you once I've been shopping to see where we both have some time free. |
Ha ha we both aren't on a winner then as my memory is shot as well!! We need an organiser :P
Monopoly sounds good. |
We need to go find us an elephant, they are good at remembering things. Stealing one may pose a little bit of a challenge though...
I really need to move and go buy food before Em comes. But ughhh, moving takes effort. |
Agreed bu knowing us....we'd lose the elephant :P
Hate movement but food plus friend good motivator :) |
That is super likely!
Thing is I know she will come with me later as she likes to choose her own food. So it will happen at some point! Talking about memory I've somehow misplaced one of Em's presents, I don't even know how. So now I'm here wrapping up a spare present I got in case I forgot anyone. I swear I have some little elves that just move things about to make me think I'm going mad! |
Hi all.
We all have the elves Ames-or at least think we have :P
Hi Lorraine x |
Hey guys :)
How are we all? |
I'm ok. Having a lazy day. How is everyone else?
Anybody up to anything exciting? |
Glad you're ok :)
I've just cooked and eaten a syn free pizza with cauliflower as the base instead of dough. It was very tasty and filling! I'm not up to anything really. Just watching greys anatomy! How about you? |
I'm hiding in bed, which isn't a good thing, but I'm exhausted. I did get out for a coffee with my sister though.
Your pizza sounds good. Was that base hard to make? |
I think hiding in bed can be ok sometimes, especially when you're exhausted. I'm glad you managed to get out today.
No it was really easy! You just cut the cauliflower into florets, blend them up really small, stick it in the microwave for 5 mins then add beaten egg and then you just put it on the baking tray. |
Mmmm I want pizza now.
Everyone is definitely eligible for a duvet day don't worry about it :)
Pizza is awesome hats off Beckie :) |
Hi Katy. How are you?
Surviving thanks :) How are you doing?
I'm ok thanks. Just really tired.
Life can be tiring sometimes. Glad otherwise you're feeling okay :)
Am just debating on what to watch on TV (serious issue clearly :P) |
That is a serious issue. I think I might see what's on iplayer. I'm too lazy to watch tv in my living room. My bed is too comfy.
Ha ha understandable! There are some decent things on iplayer atm you seen spy animals?
No I haven't seen it. I do like animals though.
It's a pretty good programme imo first one is about animal emotions second one their intelligence info more natural 'cos they hide the cameras so well as animals/rocks/whatever.
That sounds good. I'll have to check it out. Did you decide on what to watch?
I keep flitting from one thing to another atm I'm sure I'll settle on something soon.
I hope you find something good.
Sure I will :)
Hey guys :)
I've just spent the last couple of hours downloading more music to my ipod. And now watching family guy. Have you decided what to watch yet Katy? |
I like family guy. Hope you got some good music.
I got some good stuff :)
I'm off to bed now. Night night all! Sleep well! |
Night night. I hope you have a good nights sleep.
Afternoon guys :)
How are we all? |
Hello can I join in?
£ hope all of you are having good weekends so far? |
Hi Lillie! Nice to see you :)
I'm just watching the horrid Henry movie. What are you up to? |
What's that about?
I'm having a pamper. Just had a bath and moisturisede and now have a chocolate face mask on. I want to eat myself! |
The horrid Henry movie? It's based on a kids book and tv series. I was just watching it cos there was nothing else on. Back to greys anatomy now!
That sounds lovely! I think I'd be the same with a chocolate face mask! |
Good afternoon everyone.
A pamper day sounds good. |
Ahh greys is perfection!
Hi lorraine now paranoid that's not your name! I'm going to pop out in a bit. I need a new razor and some batteries. Unless I steal the ones from my Christmas tree. |
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