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Glad you are surviving. Remember I’m here for you. *hugs*
*loves on buttons*
I'm home! ! Aaaannnnddd it's freezing and I have no want to shower and I have no clean uniform for tomorrow. |
Heya. :)
Hey you :) how's things?
Right Now to shower. I have washed up and chatted to my mum so thats something. Decided I'll just borrow a work top tomorow. Cba for doing washing this late. Still need to shower though. Sorry I'm waffling away again. |
1 Attachment(s)
No need to apologise, Lillie! It's OK to waffle. I do it all of the time! :) Showering is a good plan. Can you hop in the shower now so you get it over and done with? Not nice if it's cold, mind. Borrowing a work top tomorrow is a good plan!
I'm alright. Was really anxious about doing kid's church tomorrow, but I told my friend and she's going to do it with me so I don't feel as worried about it. :) These are Alec's parents. They look very chilled; I hope Alec is just as content when he moves in with me. :) |
*wanders in* Hello!
I hope you've managed to shower Lillie. They are lovely Ducky! I'm sure Alec will love living with you - though to start with I imagine there might be more curtain climbing and such antics than chilling out :P How long now until you get to take him home? |
I am clean! And laundry is on a timer. Just the mass of wet hair to deal with now.
Haha what chilled kitties! Must be taking Alec home soon now? |
Hey Hannah! How goes it?!
Yes, my curtains sure are going to take a bit of a bashing, I think! And I'm going to have to remove all of the ornaments I dont want broken off of my shelves. :P |
Well done Lillie :) How are you doing?
Haha, probably a good idea Ducky! :P He will be worth it though!! |
Well done, Lillie. Think of how lovely bed will be once you've dealt with the mass of hair. :)
Nope, not long at all! I'm collecting him at 11am on Saturday the 7th. :D |
Oh that's so exciting, just a week to go!! Make sure you show us many many pictures once he's settled in!
Hey Lillie, Aubergine and Hannah. Hannah, haven’t seen you around this thread in a while. Good to see you.
Aubergine, Alec’s parents are adorable. Won’t be long until you get your kitty. My friend is getting a new kitten called Wilbur. He already has an adorable older cat. I hope they get along. I get to see Molly tomorrow! I have an Easter present for her. A bunny rabbit soft toy, foil balls and kitty treats. She gets spayed on Wednesday, so I’m spoiling her. |
Hey Lorraine! How's it going? Good to see you too :)
Aww, I bet Molly will love her Easter presents! |
I’m ok. You?
She’ll be one spoiled cat, because my sister got her presents too. |
I will show you MILLIONS of pictures when he's settled in. You'll all be very bored of pictures of him. :P
Hey Lorraine! How's it going? Spoiling her is a good plan! Will you spoil her again after her operation? |
I'm alright thanks :)
Haha, lucky Molly! I'm cat-sitting for my parents in a couple of week, I'm planning to spoil the cats with lots of treats to try and bribe them into loving me :P |
Ducky, I can assure you I NEVER get bored of kitty pictures!
Alec's parents look amazing! Love the poses. *chuckle*
Bribing the cats to love you is an excellent plan! I feel I shall find myself doing the very same thing. :P
Hey Person! Good to see you. How's tricks? |
Yes Aubergine, I’ll spoil her after the operation. My sister is working all day Thursday and Friday, so I’ll be going over to look after her and make sure she doesn’t lick her stitches. She’ll be really sleepy, so I’ll set out her favourite blankets and cuddly toys. My poor baby!
Hey Nonperson. How are you?
To bribe a cat all you need is a bag of dreamies!
Will she have a cone of shame, Lorraine? Sounds like you'll make her nice and comfortable. :)
Probably, I’m not sure. She won’t like that! I just keep reminding myself this is for her good in the long term. My sister is worried and feeling guilty too. But Molly will be fine. She’s a tough cookie and has both me and my sister to spoil her.
I’m off to bed. Goodnight everyone. |
She'll be fine, Lorraine. :) You don't need to feel guilty - it's really important that she has it done to protect her future health. 100% the right thing to do.
Night night. :) |
Good morning :)
What's everyone up to today? |
I'm meeting my friend for a walk in an hour... which means I desperately need to shower. Her not-so-little baby should hopefully cheer me up. Have you got to wear bunny ears again today? |
Morning. :)
Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! Morning all x
Thanks Emma! Just at church. :)
How are you guys? |
Morning, how are we all?
Morning Eska. :)
I have a sore neck and back. :( How are you? |
Oh no, do you know why? I hope it feels better soon.
I'm ok. Going to have a nice quiet relaxing day. |
Not too bad. Got to go to two appointments in half an hour then seeing my friends for roast. Still need to pack!
What’s everyone upto today? |
Emma I hope your appointments go ok! Good luck with the packing too.
I'm just getting ready to go back from my boyfriend's to mine, and we're then I'm having dinner with my housemates this evening. |
Was doing kids church, but got sent home for being too much of a cryey mess to be any use. :wow:
I hope the appointments go OK, Emma. Roast sounds nice. :) Packing is the WORST. Dinner with housemates sounds good, Eska. :) |
Aw Aubergine, I’m sorry you’re not having a great morning. What are you up to for the rest of today?
Awww Aubergine, I’m sorry things were so crappy. Have you got anything nice planned for the rest of the day? Are you seeing your mum?
Eska, dinner sounds good! |
Aww aubergine sorry to hear that honey. Can you do something nice now?
That sounds nice eska :) Emma, busy day! Hope the appointments went ok? And yes I'm a bunny eared idiot again. More so as my boss won't wear them. But meh. Mostly just want to go home so I can cry. What a cheerful notion. Not. |
*sends hugs to those who want them*
Seems like everyone is having a bit of an off day :-(
I can’t believe your boss expects you to wear them but won’t wear them themself! Appt was ok- got an infection so going to have to fill prescription at the airport tomorrow :-/ |
*takes a hug*
Thank you. :) *also takes a hug* I'm seeing friends later.
I hope you get the prescriptionOK tomorrow, Emma. Sounds difficult, Lillie. I'm sorry that things are so hard. I'm off to OOH GP because my back hurts to walk but is numb to touch, which is not normal... |
Hey guys.
Sorry I haven't been around but would like some company if that's okay. Hope you're okay, aubergine. |
Hey Mary. *sits with you*
GP was very kind. Have pain relief. Should go after a few days. :) |
Hey everyone. *leaves hugs for you all*
I'm glad the GP was nice and you have pain relief Ducky, I hope it helps :) |
Hey Hannah! How are you?
Hello. I ate the Easter egg I bought for my friend. I'm not surprised!
Oops Lindsay.
My mum gave me 2 easter eggs. |
Oops Lindsay! Did you enjoy it?
I got no easter eggs. :( |
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