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I think I'll do the river walk, even if it does snow tomorrow. I can wrap up warm.
How are you Amy? |
Don't you have any parks or anything Beckie?
I'm spoilt where are live. There is so much and good public transport to get you there. Sometimes I'm too anxious to do it alone, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling a little brave. |
Not really. I live in a rural town so there must be some nice walks to do somewhere but nothing close really!
There is a river and a field with cows that you can walk through which could be nice but it's on the edge of town. |
It sounds nice. I like cows.
Me too. I might try to get there at some point, I'm just so tired all the time!
No wonder. You sound so busy with college. It would be good if you could get there and maybe take some photos. I love taking photos when I'm out and about. Sadly it's too wet to take my good camera. I have a digital one, an old slr cannon one from the 80s and an instant one. Love my cameras.
Unfortunately my phone camera has smashed so I can't take any decent pictures on it!
I enjoy looking at your photos in the picture thread! |
Aw thank you.
That's a shame about your phone camera.
Yeah. I can still take photos with it but it's a really terrible quality!
It's annoying! |
Anyone around? I really should go to sleep soon, but I feel like staying up for a bit longer.
I am here Lorraine.
How are you Dawn?
Sorry I missed you Lorraine. Anyway I have no snow so it looks like that I will have my weekly walk around the park.
That sounds nice Dawn :)
Hope you are okay Lorraine. |
I am worried about the fact that I don't think that they have emptied my bin. I got missed out last time so it's got a months worth of rubbish in it. There's no snow so they can't even make that excuse for not doing it. I even dragged it to the collection point which knackered me out (I am on assisted collection ).
If they haven't speak to your council, try not to worry as they will have to sort it if it hasn't been done, you haven't done anything wrong lovely.
I reported it online. They haven't done the rest of the block (including the non assisted) so I am just hoping that they are late rather than missing out our entire street!
Even if they have missed your street they can't just leave it. They'll have plenty of people moaning so I wouldn't worry. Glad to hear you've reported it online, I'd wait an hour or so and then if nothing has happened try ring them up or get one of your neighbours to. And then that way you will at least know what is going on. You will tend to get a much quicker response by phoning even though I know it can be incredibly anxiety provoking.
Thanks Amy. I looked online but I can't find anything except for an online reporting form which I have already done.
I looked on my council on the internet and they have until 5pm to collect and if it has been missed to let them know the next working day. Ours has an email form and phone number - although that is just the general council switchboard number.
I don't know if that helps at all. |
I hope you get your rubbish collected Dawn.
I'm waiting on the train to go for a walk by the river. Bad weather isn't stopping me! It's just lightly snowing at the moment. And lightly raining. |
Brill for getting out Lorraine! Hope the train comes soon. Are you taking any pics on your walk this time? Yay for a little snow :)
I had my rubbish collected. I don't know what time it was collected as it was between 12.15 and 1 pm - I fell asleep during bargain hunt and I woke up just as it was ending. I checked my bin afterwards and it had been emptied. So they were slo w as they usually come at 10 am. I also had to bring my own bin back as they didn't bring it back for me. I can cope with moving it when it's empty - I have terrible trouble when it's full. They also just chucked the assisted collection bins any old way so I ended up sorting them too for my neighbours. So I feel that I have done my good deed for the day.
Really glad to hear they've collected them. That must be a weight off your mind! And very kind of you to sort out the other bins :)
I didn't get very far along the river. It started to snow quite heavily, but it's stopped now that I'm sitting in Costa having tea to heat up. I'll wander around town and maybe go into a gallery.
How is everyone? |
I'm glad they have collected your bins, every once in a while mine gets collected much later than usual. It throws me every time! It was very kind of you to move the other assisted bins.
Sounds like you have a nice afternoon planned Lorraine. |
It's just started snowing quite a bit where I am :) it makes me happy inside!
Hope you warm up soon Lorraine, going to a gallery is a good idea you don't want to freeze. Enjoy your costa! How are you Sarah? |
I want snow!!
I'm alright thanks, how are you? |
Snow makes me happy too. I like walking in it when there is lots on the ground, but not so much in a blizzard. It's stopped now. I just ordered a coffee now because I'm still cold.
Does anyone have anything nice planned to do? |
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I didn't get very far with photos. Just a bridge by the Clyde.
Hey guys!
It's raining here but no snow yet! How are you all? |
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And a cold me.
Excuse my ridiculous hood. |
Not bad. How are you Beckie?
That picture is lovely Lorraine, you have a good eye.
It's not sticking here, quite a bit of rain before it came. I've got my CC coming at 3pm, nothing exciting sadly, tidying up later I think. |
Thank you. It was just using my phone and I had to crop it to post it. It was too wet to use my good cameras.
I hope your appointment goes well. I need to tidy too. |
You look good Lorraine!
I'm ok thanks. Rather tired though!! Hope your appointment goes ok amy! |
Thank you very much.
It's just cold here not raining or snowing. They have forecast snow for this afternoon though. I have been around the park at the bottom of the road though.
That's good you got out to the park. Did you enjoy your walk?
Glad you managed to get out Dawn :)
Yes I did thanks Lorraine but I only went around once whereas I usually go around twice.
Thanks Beckie |
Also it's snowing here. I am glad that a) the bin men came when they did and b) I went for my walk earlier
It's still just raining here! Very cold though.
We had some snow but just a little bit. I can't be bothered with snow!
Hi Hannah! How are you?
Hey Beckie! I'm alright thanks, how are you?
Good good :)
I'm ok thanks, finally warming up now! Been up to much today? |
Working and making about a zillion phone calls to my GP surgery because they are useless! :P How about you? Yay for warming up!
Fun times!
I'm lucky with my gp surgery as they are pretty good but my last one was absolutely terrible! Did you manage to get it sorted? I just had college today which was surprisingly ok, considering it was maths! But I broke my hdmi cable earlier so I can't watch my laptop stuff on the TV :( Will have to get another one tomorrow so I can continue to binge watch greys anatomy!! |
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