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nonperson 31-12-2017 01:50 PM

What's happening out of the window?

Mine's on my lap - he insisted that there was space for him as well as my laptop.

I'm trying to build myself up to going to the shop...

I also realise I said morning when it's afternoon already.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 01:54 PM

There’s an interesting wire swaying about, but she’s got bored with it. We’ll probably play for a while with her toys.

You’re best getting the shop over and done with.

nonperson 31-12-2017 01:54 PM

I know, I think they close early today too.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 02:06 PM

Yeh you’re right.

You doing anything for new year? I’m staying here all day, then going back to my flat. Not doing anything for new year.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 02:07 PM

I plan to watch Disney movies all day and get an indian takeaway later.
Ive just got a free trial of Disney Life and its great

Sketchy 31-12-2017 02:08 PM

That sounds great. I love Indian food.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 02:31 PM

Me too!
There's sooo many indian restaurants around here!
Ive found a really good new one though

Sketchy 31-12-2017 02:47 PM

Hi Beckie.

Molly is running around mad.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 02:51 PM

Haha! Awww!

Sketchy 31-12-2017 02:55 PM

Molly has calmed down and went into her bed. I’m watching hook. Going to make some lunch soon. Jacket potato with cheese.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 03:02 PM

Hook is a good film!
And good lunch choice.
I should have got potatoes. Jacket potato is so easy to do and healthy!

Sketchy 31-12-2017 03:04 PM

I love spuds!

Hook is great. I used to watch it as a kid with my granny.

What you up to today? Doing anything for new year? I’m not.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 03:08 PM

I never do anything for new years
So just chilling!
Currently watching Hunchback of notre dame. Haven't seen it in years!

Sketchy 31-12-2017 03:15 PM

Sounds good.

I’m making my spud now, but miss Molly has woken up and will try and steal it.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 03:19 PM

Cats think everything is for them

Sketchy 31-12-2017 03:50 PM

I filled her food bowl, but she was still more interested in my lunch.

I’m now having a cup of tea.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 03:54 PM


I'm drinking coke zero.
I've gone off tea for some reason

Sketchy 31-12-2017 03:56 PM

I like Coke Zero.

I can’t believe it’s new year already.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 03:58 PM

I know
Its come around really fast!

Sketchy 31-12-2017 04:04 PM

Molly is finally going to sleep.

I really need to tidy my flat tomorrow. I have someone coming to do the annual check of my boiler and gas on Friday. Dreading it. I hate strangers coming to the flat.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 04:08 PM

Bless her!

I know what you mean.
I hate strangers coming in too.
At least they don't usually stay long.
I need to clean my house too.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 04:10 PM

My New year resolution is to get the flat all nice.

Tonight when I get home I’m just going to relax and have a wee whisky for the new year.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 04:17 PM

Thats a good resolution!

That sounds good.
Im just going to have my takeaway.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 04:19 PM

A takeaway is a good treat. Indian?

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 04:20 PM

Im really looking forward to it

Sketchy 31-12-2017 04:23 PM

I love Indian food because there are so many tasty vegetarian options.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 04:27 PM

I always get a veggie korma!
Im such a wimp when it comes to spicy food!

Sketchy 31-12-2017 04:29 PM

I like paneer dishes. I spotted paneer in my sister’s fridge. I hope she’s planning on making a curry when I’m next over with her!

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 04:31 PM

Is she a good cook?

Sketchy 31-12-2017 04:32 PM

Yes she’s great at cooking. Her home made soup is amazing.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 04:34 PM

Thats good!
Chels sometimes cooks for me when i go over or she comes here. Shes good at cooking.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 04:39 PM

That’s good. Do you and Chels have another meet planned?

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 05:00 PM

Not yet.
Probably will wait until all the new years stuff settles down. And she's usually very busy anyway

not_so_insig 31-12-2017 05:43 PM

I am guilty of not being a good cook. Most of my cooking consists of pre perpared meals. I have a slow cooker and can do chilli, jacket potatoes, spaghetti bolognese and sausage casserole in it. I can do a whole chicken in it though and rice pudding.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 05:45 PM

I’m a lazy cook. I’m capable of cooking, but tend to go for the easy option.

How are you Dawn?

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 05:46 PM

I didnt know you could do so much in a slow cooker!
I have one but I've never used it.

Im a decent cook.
I should really get out my recipe book. Its a slimming world meals for one book and has some yummy looking stuff in it

Sketchy 31-12-2017 05:57 PM

I hope you find some yummy recipes.

I think I’ll make a cup of coffee. It might heat me up.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 06:00 PM

Are you cold?

Im waiting for the right time to order my takeaway.
Think I'll do it at 6

nonperson 31-12-2017 06:06 PM

Mmm, indian takeaway.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 06:08 PM

I am cold. I put the heating on for a while so I should be warm. When I get home I’m going for a shower and changing into my thick warm onesie.

Hi nonperson!

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 06:15 PM

I love indian takeaway.

Sounds like a good plan lorraine!

nonperson 31-12-2017 06:21 PM

Hi there folks.

Sketchy - In answer to your question from ages ago, I'm not doing anything for New Years either. Might watch a film. I was hoping there would be a good singer to watch on BBC before the fireworks but it's no one I want to see. Shame.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 06:24 PM

That’s a shame. I don’t know what I’m going to watch tonight.

Nonperson you can call me Lorraine if you like.

Cacoethes 31-12-2017 06:25 PM

I'm thinking of renting a film off amazon.
There doesn't seem to be anything decent on tv tonight!

Sketchy 31-12-2017 06:26 PM

That’s a good plan.

I got some dvds for my Christmas and birthday, so I can always watch them.

nonperson 31-12-2017 06:29 PM

I've got Star Wars: Rogue One that I've had on bluray for ages but haven't watched yet. Might put that on.

Currently I'm binge watching Skins on All 4!

And ok, Lorraine. I feel strange calling people by their real names!

Sketchy 31-12-2017 06:32 PM

That’s a good film. I can’t wait to see the new Star Wars film. I hope to go soon.

nonperson 31-12-2017 06:33 PM

I won't be seeing it in the cinema so I'm gonna have to wait aaaaaages to see it.

not_so_insig 31-12-2017 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4149211)
I didnt know you could do so much in a slow cooker!
I have one but I've never used it.

Im a decent cook.
I should really get out my recipe book. Its a slimming world meals for one book and has some yummy looking stuff in it

There's a slow cooker slimming world group on Facebook. They have plenty of syn free/low syn recipes in the group.

Sketchy 31-12-2017 06:37 PM

That’s a shame Nonperson. I hope to see it next week. I love going to the cinema, but only when it’s quiet.

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