![]() |
Oh come on, there were barely any spoilers!!
We just mentioned old people! Calm down dude!! :p |
WILL NOT CALM DOWN *full blown tantrum*
Im gonna go and attempt sleep. Im tired now but that'll probably only last like 10 minutes XD Night all!! |
Hope you sleep well :P |
Morning all :)
Good morning.
I’m at my sister’s. Woke up holding paws with the cat. She’s being very affectionate. |
Aww your cat sounds like a sweetie.
My dog is currently looking at me like muuuuuuuuuuuuum is it breakfast time yet-heart broken I'm making her wait another half an hour. Although I did break and give her a treat a little while ago. It's Xmas eve after all and I'm a soft bugger :P |
Awww cute doggy.
Molly will be getting fed soon too. Happy Christmas Eve! |
Hope Molly enjoys her breakfast. My dog has gone to sleep and calling her softly hasn't worked so she's in a deep sleep, may wait until she wakes up before giving her her breakfast.
Tbh I'm not feeling the Christmas spirit but it's important to my family so I can put on the show. |
Okay I take it back about the dog being in a deep sleep, I nipped into the kitchen for some water and she heard that alright-she has now had her breakfast, wolfed down at a quite astonishing speed :P
Morning everyone :)
I'm waiting for the train into work and it's raining. Boo. I'm super early for it but if I missed it I would be an hour late so I'm kind of ok with that! |
I bet your dog is happy now. I’ve just fed Molly. Sister is still sleeping, so I’m going to watch some tv.
I know what you mean about Christmas spirit. I really miss my mum. It was her favourite time of the year, so I’m trying to make it good. Very hard though. What are you doing for Christmas? I’m going to my dad’s with my sister and uncle. |
Morning Eska. Shame it’s raining. Hope you have a good day at work.
Hope the rain stops for you Eska.
That sounds tough Lorraine *hugs gently* Dog is definitely happy although now breakfast has happened she's constantly demanding belly rubs :P |
Thanks Buttons.
Aww give her some belly rubs. Molly is playing with her toys. She’s been good and quiet since my sister is still asleep. |
Thanks both :) I'm now in town and sat in a cafe with a hot chocolate so things are looking up! Hopefully work will be a sensible degree od busy.
*sends Lorraine hugs* Say hi to the dog for me, Buttons! |
Thanks Eska.
Hot chocolate sounds good. Enjoy. I hope work goes well. |
I'll say hello to the dog for you Eska, enjoy your hot chocolate!
Glad Molly is playing quietly :) I just gave dog a new bone (now have the give a dog a bone song in my head :P) and she's very much enjoying it. |
...although my dog has decided to attempt to crunch it up on my mattress so you win some you lose some :P
Aww doggy. Hope she enjoys her bone.
Molly is now wandering round the flat. But she’s being good and quiet. Sister is still sleeping. I’m watching ‘love actually ‘. |
Morning guys!
Morning Beckie.
Hi Lorraine.
How are you? |
Good morning! (It's my morning still) how are you both?
I slept for 11 hours solid in bed and 1 on the sofa!! Literally more sleep than I usually get in a week. |
Hi Lillie!
Sounds like you needed that sleep! Im ok. Just watching Casper and waiitng for bro to pick me up. Don't know when he's coming though due to my familys appalling organisation and planning :p |
Afternoon everyone. :-)
I definitely did Beckie, I'm still not doing great health wise.
Oh dear some families can be Erm tastefully disorganised lol. Would texting him be worth a go? |
Hi Lindsay!
How are you? Sorry you're not feeling great Lillie. Will you get to rest over Christmas? Texting will be futile I'm afraid! Probably wouldnt even see it for 2 days XD |
Oh didn't see you there lindsay! Hope youre alright today :)
Not really as I work in customer service/retail so it's the busiest trading time of the year. I've had the past 2 days off sick, wasn't in today anyway and then obviously have tomorrow off so that's better than nothing. Haha sounds an awful lot like my brother! |
That sucks Lillie :(
At least you get a little bit of time My whole family is terrible for it! Except me, I always reply to texts. Well, sometimes I think I've replied when I actually haven't but still better than them! |
Lillie, hope you can have some rest today and tomorrow as much as possible.
Beckie, my brother is like that too, must be a brother thing. He never did text me his food and drink requests because he 'couldn't be bothered compiling a list' so he's getting things himself. Don't know when he's coming to mine, he's likely to be in his bed right now. |
Must be a brother thing then!!
Although my sister never replies either. So maybe just a sibling thing! |
I only have a brother but yes, sibling thing!!
Im watching harry potter whilst inputting invoices for work. Could be better could be worse!! |
Which harry potter?
I finally have an answer! About 3-3:30 so not long! Just been to asda to pick up flowers for my nanny and snacks for the journey! Currently trying not to eat the entire box of mini flapjacks. They are soooo good! |
Chamber of Secrets, its on itv.
Haha Im like that when I buy travel snacks. Is it a long trip? |
I've just switched over to it now!
Its my least favourite of the harry potter films though Its not that long a journey really, about 2-3 hours maybe? Hopefully there wont be a lot of traffic! |
I thought you lived a lot closer to your mums!
Mine too but any harry potter is good enough. |
Going to my nanny's for Christmas
Mum's house still isn't completely ready That is very true! |
Hey all :) Am watching Love Actually and trying hard to resist the urge to open the stocking my dad brought from my mum this morning. TEMPTATION. Had a lovely time in the dog park today loads of dogs for Lady to play with, although my wheelchair confused the **** out of a 2 year old Labrador Had to stop wheeling and let him sniff it and me before he realised I wasn't an evil robot and went back to playng :P
Glad you had a nice time with the doggo!!
Im not sure why! I still like it, but its just the one i like the least! |
I certainly did watching her playing so happily made me a bit happier.
I'm the same with the Goblet of fire, it's my least favourite film and don't know why. The mind is a mystery! What is everyone up to now? |
It is indeed!
Im watching t.v. and waiitng for bro |
I'm sure you'll have a good time with bro, nan etc Beckie :)
Thanks. It should be ok :)
Its better this year cos last year I still smoked, so having to go without a cig for a few days made me grumpy af! But I dont have that problem this year! What are you doing tomorrow? |
Hope you have a nice time Beckie.
Buttons, be good and just have a little feel of the stocking! I still have no concrete time when my brother is coming. He thinks it won't be before 5/6pm though. We should be getting a takeaway if somewhere is still open, I said I'd treat him to one. |
I'll try though it was made easier by receiving my December Potterbox (Beckie knows what I mean) amongst other things there was a Luna Lovegood necklace, Ron Weasley's wand and a my wizards cook book :P Plus a T-shirt which said courage which given current circumstances is farily relevant.
Hey everyone! I survived work, it was actually pretty quiet.
Glad work went well Eska :)
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