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I don't always watch Casualty on a Saturday if it's on quite late, I usually watch it on iPlayer the next day but will probably be watching it tonight.
Has your pizza arrived yet? |
It seems to change times every week.
It is rather annoying! Not yet. Its out for delivery apparently. The shop is like a 5 min walk so shouldn't be long! |
I love how the mention of the TV series Casualty makes me happy, and yet the real life version not so much :P
Lins you area ninja, And Beckie if you do don't read the sodding book I sent you I swear down I'll kidnap Charlie from Casualty and hold him hostage. |
And now I want pizza. Not happy :P
Real life casualty generally sucks!
I will read it! You can't take charlie, hes awesome!! My pizza is now here! :-D |
Hello everyone!
Yay pizza. I’m at my sister’s flat. Staying until tomorrow night. Means plenty of time with Molly the cat, who is currently sleeping and hugging her teddy. |
Hello all, I hope you're all doing okay :) how's everyone's day been?
Hey Rebecca!
How are you? I’ve had a nice day. I had lunch with my friend and now at my sister’s. |
I WANT PIZZA. *cough calms down cough* And I will hold Charlie hostage, Holby will never know what hit it :P
Hey Rebecca :) Lorraine it sounds really good at your sister's :) |
It is good thanks. We’re watching torchwood.
Torchwood is great!!
Never seen Torchwood don't even know what it's about anyone want to enlighten me?
Ah I want pizza too, I haven't eaten yet. Waiting for Casualty!
Sounds like you had a good day Lorraine! I'm okay, I've not long been awake to be honest so I've just been in my room. |
Yay casualty!
Am always on the lookout for new series!
I've never seen Tourchwood either. I just know it has that guy in it....barrowman? I dunno his name haha
Torchwood is a doctor who spin off.
Torchwood is an organisation that hunts down and controls aliens. Jack Harkness (dont know if you've seen him in doctor who?) Leads them. A couple of actors from torchwood were at comicon when we went! |
torchwood is ****ing awesome :-D
It has the zombie seal of approval!!
Sounds good, is it still on?
Im not sure where you could watch it.
I downloaded it. |
Evening everyone!
Evening Eska :)
Sounds like an interesting series. I still wish I'd got into Doctor Who |
Hello Eska! How are you?
Hi eska!
How are you? Theres still time buttons! Its on Netflix Im watching Thor. He's soooo hot! |
Hi! I'm pretty good; work was busy but not impossibly so and I have a christmas dinner with some of my friends tonight :)
How about you? |
Sounds nice :)
Im ok. Finished my pizza and am now too full to move :p |
I got in to doctor who fairly late, I think you can pick it up kinda easy. Because each show has its own little plot line kinda thing. There are deeper plot lines too but I guess you can kinda pick them up as they happen.
Theres so many episodes on Netflix you can start at the beginning. Well, the beginning of the new ones, not the ones from the 80s!
You gays are the weird ones!! Thinking about it, gays are meant to be a minority or soemthing but im 99% sure that most of my friends are gay |
I read all the posts I missed and now I can't remember what they all said!
Are you feeling better now Eska after being ill? I went to feed my friend's cat then quickly went to Tesco since my brother still hasn't sent me his food and drink requests. I got a cheese selection for us and I really want to eat it now! Also got some Lindor limited edition ball things and they're so good. Only had 3 though. And there is NO QUORN ROAST left in Tesco! Will need to go on a hunt if my brother decides that's what he wants. |
The lindor things sound good!!
Sucks about the quorn roast! Must be popular! Hope you manage to find some tomorrow! I still don't know what time im leaving tomorrow as my mother is bad at organising things! Lol! Her idea was for me to get the bus to her in the morning, not realising that buses don't run on sundays here and probably wouldn't run anyway because its christmas eve! So not sure whats going on |
I hope you're able to cope with that unknown right now. I'm not very good with not having concrete plans. Does your Mum live close?
And if you are surrouned by gay friends when we make up only 10 percent of the population-I think you need to ask yourself some questions ;p |
Most of the time, i like to have a concrete plan! Shes not very good at that!
They live about a 45 min drive I think i attract gays :p |
Beckie is a gay magnet!
I actually am!! XD
Do you wake up and find lots of gay people queueing up outside your door and they look confused about how they got there?
Yep every day!
If must be the gay pride flag I have in my kitchen window... |
I am not straight yet weirdly I am attracted to this thread...
Ha ha maybe instead of those fly catching things you can buy you should have gay catchers, maybe tempt them into them with a rainbow flag and the promise of equal marriage then swoop job done :P Although in my case you would have to kidnap Halle Berry.
Ahahahah omg!
Just the image of a giant pride flag with loads of gays stuck to it XD |
But don't fly catchers kill flies?
Casualty tonight = :crying: |
Hmmm...that could be an issue. I had not considered this! Awks
I know it was quite sad! Loved the 2 old people though! |
I thought it was a bit weird how the old people were like best buddies and they didn't even know each other.
I thought they knew each other before but didn't like each other that much?
Oh, was that it? It was a bit unclear to me. Will need you as my Casualty explanation person when I'm watching from now on!
I think so!
It kind of made me sad though because people genuinely do leave their elderly relatives in A&E for Christmas and its awful! |
That is sad. I used to care for my elderly Dad so I can understand how stressful it can be but old people are still people.
What are you getting up to now? I'm channel hopping. |
I worked Christmas day in a nursing home when i waa working and the majority of them had no visitors. It was so sad. We made it as nice as possible for them though!
Im watching the Hobbit: battle of the 5 armies now. Im hoping to go to bed soon but despite taking my meds early, I am still not tired. It is odd! |
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