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Sketchy 26-11-2017 04:34 PM

The grinch is good too.

Shy_Bambi 26-11-2017 04:42 PM

Good afternoon all! I've just woken up and made some tea, it is very cold!!

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 04:49 PM

Hey Rebecca!
It is very cold!

Sketchy 26-11-2017 04:50 PM

Hi Rebecca. How are you?

Shy_Bambi 26-11-2017 04:53 PM

I'm okay thank you, just watching tv trying to keep warm. I might do some toast in a bit.

How are you both?

Sketchy 26-11-2017 05:07 PM

I’m ok thanks.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 05:13 PM

Ive just had a shower
Now watching im a celeb

Shy_Bambi 26-11-2017 05:17 PM

I just watched that, despicable me is on now. I like this film.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 05:22 PM

Despicable me is good!
Ive watched it so many times@

Shy_Bambi 26-11-2017 05:54 PM

Decided against toast, put pizza on instead xD

What's everyone else eating tonight?

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 06:14 PM

Oooo lucky you!
Pizza is life

Im having my stuffed mushrooms.
Carer is currently here.
Annoying because muppets Christmas carol has just started!

Shy_Bambi 26-11-2017 07:00 PM

Oh gosh I used to LOVE Muppets Christmas carol!! I've never seen it on freeview though so I haven't been able to watch it in years :/ I hope you get to watch at least some of it!!

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 07:05 PM

Yeah she left eventually!
Its on freeview now!

I had my cheddar and bacon stuffed mushrooms and they were soooo nice!
Definitely getting those again!

Shy_Bambi 26-11-2017 08:21 PM

Oh I missed it :( hopefully it'll be on again and I'll catch it. I'm watching strictly come dancing now.
How's everyone's evening going?

Sketchy 26-11-2017 08:25 PM

Hi all. I’m home from my dad’s house. I think I’ll make a cuppa. Just had a quick shower and washed my hair, so I feel nice and clean.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 08:26 PM

It will probably be on again at some point!

Im watching pirates of the Caribbean now.

Being clean is a nice feeling!

Sketchy 26-11-2017 08:37 PM

It’s usually on at Christmas Eve.

I don’t know what I’m going to watch. Probably more of my mad fat diary.

Sketchy 26-11-2017 08:57 PM

I have a funny story.

My dad locked himself in his own car. He was tidying the back seat, sat in it, shut the door, then remembered he had the child proof locks on. He was banging on the door for passerby’s to let him out, but they thought he was strange so just walked past. Ten years later, he figured out a way to open the windows and open the door himself. Hilarious!!!!

Shy_Bambi 26-11-2017 09:04 PM

I'm watching Blue Planet now

Haha, that sounds awesome Lorraine!

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:06 PM

Blue planet sounds good.

I’ve already jumped into bed with my hot water bottles. Cold tonight.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 09:07 PM

Haha thats so funny Lorraine!!

Im watching men in black 3 now
I've just gone to get my Christmas stuff out of the airing cupboard and found Jasmine's first sleep suit!
Its so tiny!

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:08 PM

Aww that’s so sweet. Something nice to keep.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 09:11 PM

Yep :)
Its a lovely one from John Lewis too!
I knew I'd kept it but I forgot where it was!

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:13 PM

It must seem like she’s growing so fast. How old is she now?

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 09:29 PM

Way too fast!
She's 5 now.

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:31 PM

That does seem fast. She’s at a good age for enjoying Christmas. She’ll need to write her letter to Santa.

Shy_Bambi 26-11-2017 09:33 PM

That's the perfect age for Christmas!!

I've already install my Christmas presents for my mum so I don't have to stress about it now!

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:34 PM

I’m going Christmas shopping this week. It’s stressing me out. I hate shopping.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 09:34 PM

Thats the only reason I enjoy christmas tbh!
Because she gets so excited about it and I love seeing her all full of wonder!
Even if she did wake me up at 5am last year to open presents!

I won't be able to get everyone presents this year so it'll just be for Jasmine, my sister and one of my brothers because its his birthday as well

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:36 PM

Haha 5am. I think we all did that as kids. I remember getting up super early too.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 09:41 PM

Yep so did I!
Its ok though. Its lovely to see her so happy!
And we have scambled eggs and smoked salmon for breakfast with champagne and set up new toys and stuff. I love it!

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:43 PM

Sounds good. And fun. I’ll be spending Christmas with my sister, Dad and uncle.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 09:46 PM

That sounds good.
Do you have any traditon type things that you do every year?

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:49 PM

No. It’s really hard without my mum. Her birthday was on Christmas Day, so we always used to have birthday cake in the evening.

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 09:50 PM

Sorry to hear that.
It must be really hard for you all

Sketchy 26-11-2017 09:52 PM

It is, but my dad is trying to make it good. He’s doing the cooking, and we will have champagne no doubt.
Do you have any traditions?

Cacoethes 26-11-2017 10:08 PM

That sounds like it will be nice.
Is he a good cook?

We have a couple.
putting a carrot and a mince pie out on Christmas eve for Rudolph and father Christmas.
Playing a board game.
Champagne breakfast with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon.
Although last year was a bit disastrous. We played monopoly and my step dad is a lawyer so he was trying to apply contract law to the purchasing of places on the board :eyeroll:
Me and Chels have a Christmas thing where we go to Norwich Christmas market and have our own Christmas dinner and films and board games!
Its this weekend actually!

Im off to bed.
Got an early start for college. Ugh!
Night night!

Sketchy 26-11-2017 10:12 PM

Those sound like good traditions and it’s great you also have a Christmas with Chels. Sounds fun.

He’s a good cook now. Mum used to do the cooking, so he had to start cooking for himself and he’s done a good job of it.

Goodnight. Sleep well.

Sketchy 27-11-2017 12:09 AM

Urgh, I’m wide awake.

Cacoethes 27-11-2017 07:57 AM

Hope you managed to get some sleep Lorraine!

It is dark and cold and pouring down with rain!

Shy_Bambi 27-11-2017 01:09 PM

Good afternoon all, hope you're having an okay kinda day. Hope you got some sleep Lorraine!! I'm sitting watching tv with my cat, I don't want to go out today so I'm hoping my mum wants to stay in too otherwise I'll have to go out with her!

aoife77 27-11-2017 02:05 PM

Good morning everyone :) How are you doing? Beckie hows the wrist? Hi Lorainne how are you doing? I dont have any Christmas traditions. Not been such a good time for me, mum has been yelling all day, been uneasy and stressed out about it. Triggers my coping techniques which are less than idea. I need a break.....sigh

Shy_Bambi 27-11-2017 02:48 PM

Ah I gotta go out after all! Bad times. It's so cold out there!

Cacoethes 27-11-2017 02:55 PM

I finished college early so am home!

It is very cold.
Been raining lots here too

Sketchy 27-11-2017 04:32 PM

I got some sleep thanks.

I’m fine thanks Aoife. I’m sorry you are having a rough time.

I’m out the flat again. Having a pot of tea in a different coffee shop from usual, then off to Morrisons.

Cacoethes 27-11-2017 04:47 PM

Well done for getting out again Lorraine!

Sketchy 27-11-2017 05:57 PM

Thanks Beckie.

I’m back home now. I treated myself to a taxi home because I had two big bags of shopping. I had to buy lots of boring stuff like toiletries, toilet roll, cleaning stuff etc. It was rather bulky to carry.

Cacoethes 27-11-2017 05:59 PM

It is difficult to shop sometimes when you don't drive!
Taxi was a good idea

Sketchy 27-11-2017 06:04 PM

It was quite cheap anyway.

How are you Beckie? Did you have a good day at college?

Cacoethes 27-11-2017 06:10 PM

Im ok thanks
It was an ok day. Was a bit zoned out.
At least we finished early!

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