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I’ve just put the heating on. Waiting for flat to heat up, then I’m going for a shower. It’s freeeeezing.
Literally everyone finds english tedious XD
Ive just put the heating on too Lorraine! It is veerrryy cold!! |
It's not too bad temperature wise where I am.
How's your day been Lorraine? |
I'm quite lucky, the house I live in is over 100 years old, so the walls are 3 feet thick. Only God knows how many people have lived in the room where I am, & he's not telling, I do think about it sometimes.
Wow! 3 feet!!
Yes, & the ceiling's 12 feet high, not sure why they built houses like that in the Victorian times.
My day hasn’t been bad thanks Luna.
I have really high ceilings too. I live in an old flat. Glasgow has lots of similar flats, tenements, and I love them. I’ve been for my shower and I’m already in clean pyjamas. |
Oh clean pyjamas are lovely! I'm showered and clean too.
I'm on the train into town to go to group. It's definitely chilly here! |
They are indeed.
I hope you are wrapped up warm Eska. |
I'm wearing a rab down jacket so I'm definitely snug :) One of the advantages of working in an outdoors shop!
Glad you are snug. It’s too cold not to be wrapped up.
How are you Eska? |
How are you Chris?
A tree question on Pointless (and a pointless answer from me!) followed by a Harry Potter question. Best Pointless ever. |
Hey nonperson, how are you?
Had a look on Google images, tenements do look old, & it seems there's a lot of them.
Hi Sketchy. I'm ok, thanks. Bit tired, bit cold... waiting to see how to evening goes. How are you?
Sorry to butt in with randomness. |
I’m ok thanks. It’s perfectly ok to butt in with randomness. That’s what this thread is all about.
Yip Chris, there’s lots of them up here. They are lovely buildings. |
I'm tired too, need a good night's sleep
Me too. I didn’t sleep too well last night.
I either sleep too much or not enough, never the right amount so always seem to be tired. =/
I’m the same. It’s so frustrating.
I’m determined to sleep well tonight. I have a spray for my pillow that supposedly helps you sleep, which smells nice. I also have lavender oil. I’m starting to heat up now. |
Hope you guys manage to sleep ok tonight!
Thanks Beckie. How are you?
Thanks Beckie, I'll tidy up my room, have a meal, hopefully have a good 8 hours sleep then
Im ok thanks.
Just tired and cant wait for bed time! Sounds like a good plan chris |
It won’t be long until bed time. I’m going to have an early night too.
Yep not too long now!
Was going to shower but I really can't be bothered! |
I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow. Although you might sleep better for it.
Yeah it can wait!
I always sleep fine because my meds put me to sleep! |
Morning all :)
It is -1° -1!!!!!!! |
It is really really cold!!
Morning guys
Morning Luna :)
How are you Katy? How did college go last night?
Morning Luna!
Morning Beckie, how are you?
College went really well thankyou :)
Aw I'm glad. What are you up to today?
Thanks :) If a support worker ever turns up walk the dog. Although if no one shows by evening I'll try to get the wheelchair outside on my own to make sure she gets a walk anyway.
Is there a number you can call to ask if a support worker will be coming today?
Im ok thanks Luna.
Currently roasting in the hospital for my cardiology appointment! Sooo warm! How are you Luna? Glad college was good Katy! Hope someone turns up! |
Ha ha it might be worth the effort of appointment just for the hospital warmth :P
Its not actually that cold out!
The sun is quite warm. It is too warm in here! |
Yeah hosps due tend to be like saunas.
It's quite chilly here. No sun as such. |
Its very sunny here!
Waiting for bus back home. Verrryy hungry! Lolz |
Time for some lunch Beckie. I hope you get something nice.
How is everyone? |
Im home and eaten lunch so I'm happy now! :p
How are you Lorraine? |
good morning everyone :) How are you doing? Beckie hows your wrist?
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