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Night Lorraine.
Apparently I am not the smartest either :P
Sleep well Lorraine! |
Well. If we use that logic, I guess you have your moments!
Hello Hannah nice to meet you.
Morning all :) |
Morning guys!!
I went to bed early last night, just woke up and I'm still tired! Watching the bill and need to clean the house today :/ And welcome to ryl caitlin. I'm Beckie! :) |
Have fun cleaning Beckie, I've tried to do some today as well -_-
Fun times!
Stupid house inspections -.- I know I'll feel better once I've cleaned though. And I need to try and fix my washing machine. I'm running out of clean clothes!! |
Fixing a washing machine sounds very technical! You has skills if you can do that I wouldn't know where to start.
Haha! I actually have no clue what I'm doing! But I asked my mum and she said to check some sort of pipe at the back and detach it and shake it around a bit and that usually works!
My machine came up with an error message so I at least know what the problem is! |
You are much more gutsy than me, I'd be scared of breaking the damn thing even more!
I am a bit concerned! But my mum is seriously an expert on all things household! She can fix anything!
It's a shame she doesn't live that close, she said she's too busy to come over unfortunately! But she's the first person I call when I have an issue with anything household! |
Good afternoon all.
Hey Lorraine how are you?
Mums do tend to be experts, I phone my mum for anything like that too. You'll have to skype/facetime her if you get stuck. |
I'm good. I'm spending the day with my sister. She is spoiling me because it's my birthday.
What are you up to? |
Hi Lorraine! Happy birthday!! :-D
I'm gonna have to wait for chels because I can't get the washing machine out of its place. Last time I tried, my shoulder partially dislocated! |
Thanks Beckie
Hello all. Happy Birthday Lorraine! Nice to meet you Beckie!
Just finished cleaning the house!
It does feel nice to be in a clean house. Now going to chill out with game of thrones until chels gets here :) Hope everyone is having a nice afternoon! |
Thank you Caitlin.
I hope you and chels enjoy yourselves. |
Your welcome Lorraine! Anytime!
Thanks Lorraine. I'm sure we will! :)
Happy birthday Lorraine!
And have fun with Chels Beckie :) I'm just trying to find a film/programme I want to watch-concentration for **** :P Atm have just stuck something easy on as background noise. |
Hi Katy!!
What did you end up putting on? Stand up comedy is always a good option for something easy! |
Ended up putting Simpsons on, then when 'support worker' turned up put animal rescue on as she likes that better. |
Simpsons is always good!
'Support worker' with quotation marks doesn't sound very good! :/ |
She's okay I guess it's just very hard to get her to look up from her knitting and communicate (literally) :P and I'm not the best at conversation intitiation when in this kind of head space.
Alls well that ends well though, I have a comfy blanket, a drink and I do like animal rescue so to quote the Pythons 'always look on the bright side of life' :P (now I have that tune in my head, may watch M Python later! |
Happy birthday Lorraine.
Happy birthday, Lorraine! Hope you've had a nice day.
Hey everyone else. |
Hey how are you Amy?
Ah good old monty python!! Never gets old!
Hello dawn and amy!! |
A bit anxious but coping. How are you both?
sorry to hear you're feeling a bit anxious Amy *hugs*
I'm...ha ha this may not be the thread :) |
If you want feel free to pm me Katy.
Thanks for the offer lovely but I don't want to put on you right now. I do appreciate it though, very much xxx
Honestly don't worry about it. Just know the offer is there. <3
Thanks, that means a lot :)
Any time.
In other news, if you could have one wild animal as a tame (not cruel) pet) what would it be? (watching another animal programme :P)
Dude, do you even have to ask? :p
A panda!
Ha ha Beckie I'm so tempted to say something like a parrot or something just to annoy (aardvark queen :P)
Amy they are so cute!!!!!!! If it weren't cruel and were remotely practical I'd want some kind of ape. Or a lion. More ape though. |
I wouldn't mind a tiger either. Pandas are very cute though.
Haha!! :p
Pandas are adorable! A tiger would be pretty cool. I'd quite like a wolf |
Tigers and wolves would be awesome as well! Heh together we could create menagerie! :P Saying that my toy versions of all these animals from the Early Learning Centre as a kid often my animals went through some traumatic divorces, murders, some pretty shifty mixed race relations so....not sure that bodes well :P
Anyone would think I had 'issues' :P
I would love a wolf! That's my spirit animal!
I'm pretty sure my animals went throughsome similar things! :p
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