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Shy_Bambi 04-09-2017 12:56 PM

Oh yeah, I remember you saying, sorry *facepalm* I did the Korean course, it finished already :)

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 01:06 PM

Ah ok!
You did well with that so maybe german class wouldn't be so bad.
I do understand the fear of interacting with others though!

Is the Facebook app being stupid to anyone else?

Shy_Bambi 04-09-2017 01:18 PM

I don't go on Facebook very often but this morning it was freezing a lot. That may just be my phone though, dunno.
Also, I've noticed it's random. Things aren't in order. That bugs me :/

not_so_insig 04-09-2017 01:20 PM

Nope the Facebook app is fine for me Beckie.

Shy_Bambi 04-09-2017 02:38 PM

How's everyone's day going? Anyone up to much?

Sketchy 04-09-2017 03:05 PM

Hi all. I'm going out shopping for art supplies, sister is treating me to dinner in a Japanese restaurant, and then life drawing.

You up to much Rebecca?

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 03:51 PM

Its just started working again!
After uninstalling and reinstalling a million times!
I've just got home.

That sounds like a good day planned Lorraine!

Shy_Bambi 04-09-2017 04:17 PM

That sounds good Lorraine! I've never been to a Japanese place, I'm not a fan of sushi and stuff! I like noodles though!

I'm sitting in a potato restaurant with my mum just having a jacket potato. Might go shopping a little then go home.

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 04:24 PM

I've never been to a japanese restaurant either.
There's not much choice where I live really!

Sounds nice Rebecca!

Eska 04-09-2017 06:01 PM

I like Japanese restaurants! I hope you enjoy it Lorraine.

Aubergine 04-09-2017 06:05 PM

Good evening.

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 06:12 PM

Hello eska and aubergine!

Aubergine 04-09-2017 06:15 PM

Hey Beckie. How are you?

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 06:17 PM

Im ok thanks!
Terrified about my driving test tomorrow though!!

How are you?

Aubergine 04-09-2017 06:25 PM

I'm tired. Early night tonight, hopefully. Sleep has been somewhat elusive!

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 06:30 PM

I hope you manage to sleep well tonight

Thank you!

Eska 04-09-2017 06:44 PM

I hope you sleep well tonight Aubergine.

Good luck tomorrow Beckie! I'll be thinking good thoughts your way.

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 06:46 PM

Thank you eska!!

How are you?

Eska 04-09-2017 07:03 PM

I'm ok. I just withdrew from the uni course I was supposed to start this month because I don't think I would cope with it on top of living in a completely new place. Instead I'm going to move back in with my friends where I was living before and hopefully start uni there in April. It's a shame but I think it's the right decision.

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 07:20 PM

Sounds like a sensible decision.
That is quite a lot going on all at once!

Eska 04-09-2017 07:33 PM

Yeah, it feels that way! I'm hopefully going to be able to get referred for DBT when I move back there too, so I need to organise that and then it'll be something else going on! Plus I need to contact my old work about getting some shifts...

Lilo 04-09-2017 07:36 PM

*comes into thread*

I also have college enrolment this week which I'm nervous about but also looking forward to it. I enrolled online but haven't received an email about it like I was supposed to which is a bit concerning but I'm sure it's fine.

Also I've made a college/uni support/chat thread in general support if anyone wants to join.

Eska 04-09-2017 07:37 PM

Hi Lilo! I hope your enrolment goes well :)

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 07:38 PM

Sounds like a good plan eska!
I hope you manage to sort it out.

Hi lilo!
Maybe you could call and ask?
I didn't get an email either and it turned out they had the wrong email address.

I'm having an issue with student finance now so need to call them tomorrow.
Fun times!

Lilo 04-09-2017 08:05 PM

Thanks guys!

Yeah I think I'll phone them tomorrow and check. I'm not too worried about it as I've had an email from the head of department saying that I can just turn up on Thursday with my documents and enrol in person.

Student finance are the worst to deal with. Luckily I am excempt from paying my course fees so I'm hoping I won't have to deal with Student Finance until next September. I hope you manage to get it all sorted.

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 08:07 PM

You should be alright then!
What course are you doing?

They really are. I sent everything off in early July!!

Lilo 04-09-2017 08:16 PM

I'm doing an Access to Counselling & Psychology course.
So it's health related but nowhere near as intense as Nursing!

Wow you'd think having had 8 weeks to process it all they'd have it sorted out by now!

Cacoethes 04-09-2017 08:17 PM

Sounds good!!

Yeah ikr!!
They are useless!

Buttons. 05-09-2017 12:26 AM

I'm starting counselling course as well Lilo :)

Sketchy 05-09-2017 12:28 AM

You're up late too Katy.

When does your course start? It will be something to look forward to.

Buttons. 05-09-2017 01:04 AM

Yup, can't sleep, you?

Starts this coming week I think!

Sketchy 05-09-2017 07:17 AM

That's exciting.

I eventually fell asleep. Hope you did too.

Eska 05-09-2017 08:39 AM

I couldn't sleep for ages last night either.

Cacoethes 05-09-2017 10:38 AM

Morning guys.

Sadly, I failed my driving test.
My instructor was annoyed because it was the fault of a white van that caused me to fail!
So annoying!
Next available test is 2nd October so I've booked that

Sketchy 05-09-2017 10:41 AM

That's a shame Beckie, but you will soon get there. These experiences will just make you a better driver in the long run.

I hope you are going to do something nice today after all that stress.

Cacoethes 05-09-2017 10:51 AM

Thanks. That's true!
One good thing is that at least I know what to expect now so hopefully I won't be so nervous next time!

It's pizza night tonight luckily which I really need!
Might go for a coffee in town as well.
I fancy a salted caramel latte!
Haven't had one in ages!

How are you Lorraine?

Sketchy 05-09-2017 10:56 AM

A coffee is a good idea. You deserve a nice treat after today's stress. Yay, pizza night!

I'm ok thanks. Tired after life drawing last night. I'm going to relax for a while then head out to get meds in the afternoon. I might go for a coffee too and take my notebook.

Cacoethes 05-09-2017 10:58 AM

Thanks :)
Yeah, I love pizza night!!

Sounds like a good plan!

Sketchy 05-09-2017 11:01 AM

I'm eating healthier but I think I'll soon introduce a pizza night. Love pizza!
Did you get your m&ms?

Cacoethes 05-09-2017 11:20 AM

Having a treat every so often is healthy in my opinion!
You need a balance!

I will be getting my m&ms too!
Haven't been to asda yet because it's pouring down!

Sketchy 05-09-2017 11:24 AM

A treat is always good. I bought whisky fudge from Arran, so that will be my treat for the weekend. Yum!

I hope the rain stops soon. I'll need to go to the shop too.

not_so_insig 05-09-2017 11:34 AM

Bad luck Beckie about your driving test.

Sketchy 05-09-2017 11:36 AM

Hi Dawn. How are you?

not_so_insig 05-09-2017 11:43 AM

I am ok thanks Lorraine. I am going to meet my mum's friend for coffee in a while.

Sketchy 05-09-2017 11:45 AM

That's nice. Sounds like we are all going for coffees.

not_so_insig 05-09-2017 11:47 AM

Yes it does seem the day for it.

Eska 05-09-2017 11:56 AM

Bad luck Beckie. I know tons of people who passed second time around though, including me and my sister.

Enjoy your coffees Dawn and Lorraine!

Cacoethes 05-09-2017 11:56 AM

Whisky fudge sounds awesome!

Hi Dawn!

It is nice day for coffees!

Thanks eska!
How are you?

Eska 05-09-2017 12:01 PM

I'm slightly fuzzy right now because I just woke up from a nap. I'm ok otherwise. I have no idea what to do today though!

Cacoethes 05-09-2017 12:07 PM

Naps are great!

Its quite chilly outside, feels like a sort of do nothing day!

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