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Cacoethes 08-12-2016 10:31 PM

It can be hard Lorraine!
I wouldn't change where I live though. I like living in a small town. I've got a big asda and the bus station 10-15 minute walk away, train station is an 8 minute walk away. I can be in London in 40 minutes and more pubs than is necessary!

Voldemort 08-12-2016 10:40 PM

I don't mind too much living in a small town but it can be a bit isolating. The last bus from town is 6pm so if you wanted to go to the cinema you can't really as it doesn't open until about 5.

Sketchy 08-12-2016 10:41 PM

It's good you like where you live. And handy for getting to London. I've never been to London.

Sketchy 08-12-2016 10:42 PM

That must be frustrating Amy.

Cacoethes 08-12-2016 10:45 PM

That does sound frustrating amy!

My best friend lives in London so it's handy for us both when we stay at each others houses!

Sketchy 08-12-2016 10:47 PM

That is handy. I have my sister 4 doors away, which is nice. My friends live further but not too far to travel.

not_so_insig 08-12-2016 10:48 PM

I live in a village but it's so close to another where there's plenty to do. The only thing is that we don't have a chippy or a village shop because both closed down since I moved here! But we do have a lovely park.

Sketchy 08-12-2016 10:49 PM

It's good you have a park Dawn. We have lots of lovely parks in Glasgow.

Voldemort 08-12-2016 10:53 PM

We don't even have a lovely park! Nah. The town isn't too bad but most of our friends live a train ride/car ride away from us.

Sketchy 08-12-2016 10:55 PM

Well, I'm going to log off soon, so I wish you all good night.

not_so_insig 08-12-2016 10:58 PM

Goodnight Lorraine

Cacoethes 08-12-2016 11:01 PM

Good night Lorraine.

I'm going to bed too. Night night and hope you all sleep well! :)

Voldemort 08-12-2016 11:10 PM

Me too. Night all. Sleep well.

HopeRises 09-12-2016 12:13 AM

The buses in my home town are pretty reliable but here they can be a joke. Like you can wait ages and 3 will come at once. The services around here are meant to be every 10 minutes but you can still wait 20 until the bus comes. There is a special uni bus but still run by stagecoach and sometimes that just doesn't come at all. It's frustrating.

Buttons. 09-12-2016 03:14 AM

Buses are fairly frequent where I live (bit of a trek to the stop but then not long to wait). Only issue is the amount (green ones) that aren't disabled friendly.

[Luna] 09-12-2016 10:34 AM

Hey guys!

Buttons. 09-12-2016 10:36 AM

Hey :)

not_so_insig 09-12-2016 12:55 PM

Hi there!

It's rather dark today hope it's brighter for you peeps!

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 01:40 PM

Hi guys!

It's quite sunny here today and not too cold.

Sketchy 09-12-2016 01:48 PM

It's dull and cold here. I'm hiding indoors today.

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 02:13 PM

Me too Lorraine. I did enough shopping yesterday to ensure I didn't have to go out today!

not_so_insig 09-12-2016 03:04 PM

The rest of my ebay parcels came today! Including my brother's Christmas present. I also had a Christmas card.

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 03:11 PM

Yay for parcels!
It's so nice getting cards. I have 2 so far and they're on my windowsill :)

I just ordered Jasmine's Christmas present.

not_so_insig 09-12-2016 03:17 PM

I bought my friends Christmas card on ebay so I must post it off soon now it's arrived.

The Christmas card that I received was from my friend (different one) she said in her card that we must meet in the new year.

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 03:27 PM

When is the last posting date?

That's nice :)
Mine are from my aunt/uncle/cousins and one is from friends. It's so lovely getting cards!
I'm absolutely rubbish with sending cards and stuff. I always mean to but I forget and forget and forget until it's too late!

not_so_insig 09-12-2016 05:17 PM

Last posting date is 20th December for second class and 21st December for first class Beckie.

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 05:30 PM

Ah ok. Thanks!

Voldemort 09-12-2016 06:04 PM


Cacoethes 09-12-2016 06:16 PM

Hey amy! How are you?

Voldemort 09-12-2016 06:17 PM

Idk. How are you today?

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 06:29 PM

Im ok thanks. Just cooking dinner

Voldemort 09-12-2016 06:32 PM

Goodo. What're you having?

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 06:34 PM

Salmon with roast veg and some frozen veg. Lots of veg!
Although you're supposed to cook the salmon wrapped in tin foil and I have no tin foil so hoping it'll come out ok!

Voldemort 09-12-2016 06:41 PM

Eww salmon. I hope you enjoy it at least.

Sketchy 09-12-2016 06:43 PM

Hello all.

Voldemort 09-12-2016 06:51 PM

Hi Lorraine! How are you?

Sketchy 09-12-2016 06:53 PM

I'm ok. I'm Having another lazy day. How are you?

Voldemort 09-12-2016 07:04 PM

Sounds like a good day to me.

I'm struggling through.

Sketchy 09-12-2016 07:06 PM

Sorry to hear that. You can pm me if you like.

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 07:06 PM

HI Lorraine!

Finished dinner. Salmon was a bit dry but ok. I need to buy some tin foil!

Sketchy 09-12-2016 07:07 PM

Hi Beckie, how are you?

not_so_insig 09-12-2016 07:13 PM

I am back!

Sketchy 09-12-2016 07:14 PM

Hi Dawn. How are you?

not_so_insig 09-12-2016 07:18 PM

I am ok thanks Lorraine. My mum said that I could borrow her ds games but half the cartridges are missing!

Sketchy 09-12-2016 07:19 PM

That's a pity. Does she have any good games? I like Mario brothers and Zelda.

Cacoethes 09-12-2016 07:20 PM

I'm good thanks Lorraine. How are you? :)

I haven't played my ds in years! I can't find the charger or any of my games though!
I LOVE Zelda and Mario.

Sketchy 09-12-2016 07:21 PM

I'm ok thanks. I have a Nintendo 3ds, which I should bring out again.

not_so_insig 09-12-2016 07:23 PM

Yes Lorraine she does have some. Unfortunately it's the good games that are missing.

I had Zelda for the nes but I found it very difficult so I never got into it.

not_so_insig 09-12-2016 07:25 PM

I have a nintendo 3ds xl. In fact I put a load of ds/3ds games on my amazon wishlist.

Voldemort 09-12-2016 07:25 PM

Thanks Lorraine I appreciate it. I should be ok though.

I've never played a ds before.

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