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Hi Lorraine! How are you?
I'm ok. Having a lazy day. How are you?
You deserve a lazy day after contending with Christmas shopping two days in a row!
I'm ok thanks. About to start cooking dinner. I'm making jumbalya. My favourite meal! |
I've never had jumbalya. I hope you enjoy it.
It's very tasty! And healthy!
I still need to attempt maths homework which I have been avoiding all day! |
I always hated maths, so I don't blame you for avoiding it.
Hey guys! :)
I've always hated maths too. With a passion!
Hi amy! |
I liked maths well enough until quadratic equations reared their ugly head.
Guys, be proud! I had a bath! Now I'm exhausted. |
Luckily I won't have to do anything that advanced!
Well done amy! :) |
You will for gcse! Good luck anyway.
Yesss. Hero points. |
I also hate maths. When I started working in the shop I was like NO I'LL HAVE TO DEAL WITH CHANGE. But luckily the til does it for me :P
You don't need to worry about maths, my most gracious servant.
Oh no! I can't do quadratic equations!! I don't even know what the are?!?!
That's good that the till does it for you J! |
You'll learn Beckie! And then once you finish your course you can forget it all again :P I remember no maths. I pretty much have to use my fingers to count.
Managed (with adaptations) to have a shower today so feel less like a screb. Looks like it's a very clean thread today Amy!!
I hate maths with a passion (discalculia) Ha ha I empathise with the finger counting :P Also agree with the learn it for exam and then forget it forever! |
Yay for clean peeps!
If you get a good teacher you should be fine, Beckie. I had a rubbish teacher. |
^ I found the same, failed maths GCSE first time around with **** teacher then had a better one in college and scraped a C so I could do my nursing. Teachers make a massive difference imo.
I actually do use my fingers to count! I'm pretty sure I have some sort of undiagnosed discalculia because I shouldn't find it as hard as I do!
My current teacher is very good though. Very understanding and patient. I'll probably have different teachers when I eventually get to do my GCSEs though :/ I have to get through level 1 first. Then go on to level 2 and then I can finally do my GCSEs! I just need to scrape a C and then I can apply for uni! Finished my maths homework! Finally! |
Yeah a lot of discalculia goes undiagnosed mine was only found when I was about 14/15.
I'm sure you'll do just fine getting through this level and the next and enjoy uni-what was it you wanted to do again? I seem to remember something in the caring profession but have a memory like a sieve so... |
I'm sure you'll be fine, Beckie, just keep working hard on it and it'll come.
Thanks Katy. I really hope so!
English will be fine. Teacher is actually pretty shocked at how much I can do so quickly! I had some homework I didn't do so once I finished the first lesson handout (in about 5 minutes) I completed the homework in about 3 minutes. It is really easy though, I'm not some sort of genius! I want to be an adult nurse. Hopefully by the time I get to applying, my criminal past will be a distant memory. I've known nurses with criminal records so it doesn't necessarily mean I won't get in to uni, it might just take a bit more work. I was actually thinking of doing an access to nursing course at college before applying to uni. The people at a uni open day I went to said it would increase my chances of getting in quite a lot. Ninja post amy! Thank you :) |
That's a good solid plan, Beckie and I hope you manage to get there!
Thanks :)
I'm trying really hard! |
If you do an access course do you have to do maths GCSE?
I'm in Uni and I don't have maths GCSE at a C or English GCSE for that matter. I did a adult nurmeracy certificate at Level 1 and Literacy certificate at level 2. Although I did do some maths stuff when doing my personal training course and the course was level 3 although the maths is probably GCSE equivilant. I don't know. Also, applying as a mature student helps a lot with the lack of GCSE stuff. I am doing a foundation course though, although 3 years it will still be a BSC. There is hope out there without maths. |
I know nothing about current ucas applications. I applied ten years ago. Jesus!! I am old!!
I asked that at the open day and they said to get into the course, I must have my English and maths GCSES at at least a C. Even if I complete an access course, I will still have to have GCSEs unfortunately!
But that could be dependent on which uni I'm applying to as I know some have completely different entry requirements. |
Well you've taken the right starting steps so be proud of yourself.
Thank you amy, that means a lot :)
Of course! Credit where credit's due.
I tried an access course last year and ended up having a breakdown and landed in hospital for 5 months. |
It's certainly stressful.
When I was at college before at 17 years old, it made me have a breakdown. You can always try again though when you're in a better place. I'm off to bed now guys. Good night and sleep well! |
Yeah. Maybe. Good night, sleep well.
Goodnight :)
Katy, how are you?
Surviving, you?
Same. What's up?
Anyone still awake? I can't sleep.
Sorry wasn't around J, hope you managed to get some sleep.
Amy am just being a bit of an emo **** tbh :P |
Hope you managed to get some sleep Jtrix.
Morning guys, how are you all? |
I did not, woe
how be you? |
Oh no :( Any chance of a nap during the day?
What are you up to today? I'm watching Mandy trying to whack the baubles off our christmas tree |
Sorry to hear that J, I know the feeling! As Luna suggested maybe try to have a nap today.
Luna is Mandy a cat per chance? I lose track of everyone's pets!! |
For the love of beans let it be an animal not a child *awkward anxious moment*
haha yes, she is my cat. She knocked one off then got bored.
Ha ha brilliant. My family learnt the hard way to put any chocolates on the tree way out of my terrier's reach :P
Morning everyone.
Psych appointment today. I am nervous about it. |
Morning :) Hope the psych appointment goes well, sure it will :)
Thanks Katy. I don't think that I am sectionable but I am still worried. My psych is a lovely man though but has issues with timekeeping.
I am in the waiting room for my appointment. I am using the hospitals free wifi.
Hi everyone!
How's everyone's day been? |
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