![]() |
Thanks :)
We'll be going to a big soft play centre that Jasmine loves. Slightly delayed though as mum can't pick me up yet as she's having problems with a man coming to pick up the tractor #countrylivingproblems |
Boo hiss to delays. I hope you have a great time though!
I have to wait 2 more hours for Ritzi and pizza. It's killing me! |
We had a great day thanks :)
How was seeing Ritzi and the pizza? |
Ah. I'm glad you had a good time. :)
It was nice. I'm stuffed now then. I might actually die from the full. I really didn't want her to go. I wanted to go with her. |
Thanks :)
What did you end up getting? I know how that feels. It's not forever though *hugs* |
I got meatballs, sausage and onion on my half and chicken strippers. Was tasty.
It feels like it might be forever. It's been 10 weeks already. Blah. Anyway. This is general distraction. Yes yes. What are you up to this evening? |
Mmmm nice!
I'm not up to much. Watching torchwood and might have some boiled eggs as a snack in a bit! Not terribly exciting! How about you? |
Ewww boiled eggs. As a snack? Madness I tell you! I've never watched Tor Baird, what's it about?
I'm just watching one tree hill with the odd fag here and there. |
*sidles in*
That pizza sounds good Amy! *wants* Boiled eggs seem like a decent snack to me! |
I'd share but I was a fatty and ate it all. ;)
Boiled eggs are weird. Mmhmmm. |
Boiled eggs are free food on the slimming world plan so they're a good snack!
Torchwood is a doctor who spin off type thing. And I too have the odd fag now and again! Hi Hannah! How are you? |
Well that's sound reasoning so I'll let you have the boiled eggs. ;)
Ahh. I haven't watched dr who in yearssss. And now Ritzi isn't really interested so I don't get the chance. Not that I'm overly bothered either. |
I'm glad I have your approval :p
I love doctor who! |
The daleks scared me when I was a kid!
Yeah, the daleks are pretty scary!
Even now I get a bit freaked out by them! |
Aha. See I don't find them scary now but as a kid. Whew.
Their voices just freak me out!
One time I was out walking with a friend at like 3am and we were making dalek noises. As you do. Then we saw these lights and it was like wtf and it was just a cyclist going past but I nearly pissed myself!! |
I haven't watched Doctor Who in ages! Feel like I need to re-watch it all now!
Who's your favourite doctor Hannah?
Matt Smith I think! I liked David Tennant too. I stopped watching after the first few episodes with Peter Capaldi, and I never watched any of the old ones. Maybe I should do that! Who's your favourite?
David Tennant. then Matt Smith. I haven't watched all the Peter Capaldi ones either. I do like him as the doctor though. He's actually also in season 3 of torchwood!
I love DW. Favourite doctor's David Tennent. I'm the same with the latest series Hannah. Peter Capaldi could be a pretty badass doctor but I stopped watching and haven't got back to it yet.
I need to watch the rest of them. I'll get to it after torchwood! I need new stuff to watch.
I've put on my electric blanket ready for when I go to bed. best purchase ever! |
Ah man. Electric blankets are awesome. I don't need one in here though as I'm right next to the radiator. I'm usually too hot at night!
The radiator in my room doesn't really work so my room is always cold!
Hospitals are always either freezing cold or boiling hot. There is no in between! |
That sucks! Could you not get your landlord to fix it?
And yes. That is the truth. |
I didn't even think of asking the landlord! *facepalm*
Good idea :) I always prefer to be cold than hot. When you're cold you can pile on the layers and drink nice hot drinks. When you're hot there's only so many layers you can take off before it becomes a problem! |
Well get on it soon!
Idk. I like the heat but a clear heat not artificial like in the winter. |
Need to call them tomorrow anyway so will mention it :)
Yes there is a definite difference between them. My hands get really dry and crack with having the heating on. It's annoying! |
How is everyone today? :)
Alllll by myseeelllfff
My hands get awfully dry in the winter. It's hideous! How are you today?
I'm good thanks :)
Just put on Tangled. How are you? |
Ooh tangled, good choice!
I am tired. I've been awake since 3, the dr sent me to A and E because I woke up in agony and even though everything's fine and I've been in bed all day I've not slept. Woeee. |
Ah that sucks. Are you feeling any better today?
Hello everyone. Hope you are ok Voldemort. Hello Beckie.
Oh yeah. The pain went around 6:30 this morning. It happens sometimes. I think the dr just wanted to err on the side of caution. I wouldn't have slept with the pain anyway. I'm just so tired!
Hey sketchy, how are you? |
Hi Lorraine! How are you?
I'm glad the pain has stopped now. Hopefully you'll have a good sleep tonight |
I'm ok. In a coffee shop. Just had a cheese toastie and drinking irn bru. How are you?
Yum! Cheese toasties are such a comfort food!
Haven't had irn bru in years! not since I was last in Scotland actually! I'm good :) |
We need comfort food for this time of year. It's so cold.
Definitely! It's got really cold! had to put the heating on at about midday today. I usually try and wait until the evening but couldn't cope with it today!
As soon as I get home my heating is going on. And the fire. It's freezing up here. Time to make the flat nice and cosy.
Mm Irn Bru is good stuff. Don't like cheese though unless it's on pizza!
You can't go wrong with pizza. Yum!
Although m surprised you don't like cheese. I love it too much.
I also love cheese! I'll have it on pretty much anything!
I just don't get on with it. Tastes funny. I'm a little more ok with melted cheese but normal cheese is a no go.
When I was little I used to just eat through blocks of cheese and blamed mice for the bite marks (and also marmite out of the jar with a big spoon)
Cheese is life. |
Eww. To cheese and marmite! Though twiglets are tasty. ;)
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