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Sketchy 22-06-2017 07:18 PM

Exactly. Normal is just boring.

What are you up to this evening? After a busy day I'm just doing a washing and watching Netflix, again.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 07:25 PM

I'll be off to clubbercise in a bit.

No problem with that lorraine! You've had a busy day!

Sketchy 22-06-2017 07:29 PM

Hope you enjoy clubbersize.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 07:30 PM

At least it's not too warm tonight!

Sketchy 22-06-2017 07:31 PM

Yip it's a bit cooler today thankfully. Yesterday was horrendous.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 07:36 PM

Yesterday was awful!

FabulousMike 22-06-2017 08:07 PM

not_so_insig 22-06-2017 08:31 PM

Mike is definitely weird as I have met him!

FabulousMike 22-06-2017 08:39 PM


Cacoethes 22-06-2017 09:18 PM

I met him once.
I think we were all mostly drunk.
And a 9 year old came and asked us for cigarettes.
And everyone was making fun of my accent.
(I dont have an accent)

Clubbercise was hard work but awesome!

Buttons. 22-06-2017 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by not_so_insig (Post 4115944)
Mike is definitely weird as I have met him!

I can second this :P

In other news I have a very serious issue that I need to resolve. I am comfy on my sofa. But I'm running out of coca cola and my other bottle is in the kitchen. To reach it I would be required to move. What to do...

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 09:23 PM

That is a serious issue katy!
Hmmm...i think this is a justifiable reason to call 999

Sketchy 22-06-2017 09:24 PM

Glad you enjoyed clubbersize Beckie.

Katy, that is quite a predicament.

FabulousMike 22-06-2017 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4115960)
I met him once.
I think we were all mostly drunk.
And a 9 year old came and asked us for cigarettes.
And everyone was making fun of my accent.
(I dont have an accent)

Clubbercise was hard work but awesome!

Oh my god, I remember that meet so much! A fair bit of drink was consumed that day. Good days. Also yay for clubbercise!

Originally Posted by Buttons. (Post 4115961)
I can second this :P

In other news I have a very serious issue that I need to resolve. I am comfy on my sofa. But I'm running out of coca cola and my other bottle is in the kitchen. To reach it I would be required to move. What to do...

Make a brew instead ;)

Sketchy 22-06-2017 09:26 PM

I just remembered I have sweets. Yay!

FabulousMike 22-06-2017 09:29 PM

Sweets are always good! Can't go wrong with sweets.

Sketchy 22-06-2017 09:31 PM

It's a nice treat.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 09:37 PM

It was a good meet!

Yay for sweets!

I am shattered now! But need to wait for my hair to dry a bit more otherwise it dries all funny if i sleep when its wet!
Ive been meaning to get a hairdryer for like 4 years XD

FabulousMike 22-06-2017 09:40 PM

4 years.....Yep.

That's legit adulating right there.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 09:41 PM

It genuinely has been about 4 years!!!

FabulousMike 22-06-2017 09:44 PM

Does not surprise me one bit :P

Wouldn't expect anything less from you :P

Sketchy 22-06-2017 09:45 PM

Asda sell hair driers. Maybe you could buy one on your next visit. I got a good hair drier from Asda.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 09:49 PM

Good idea Lorraine! I never actually thought of that despite being in asda every day *facepalm*

Sketchy 22-06-2017 10:02 PM

Haha, I was in Asda the other day and thought of you.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 10:04 PM

Haha!! I'm glad i come to mind whenever asda pops up! :p

Sketchy 22-06-2017 10:06 PM

Does your Asda cafe sell pizza by slices. Mine does. Sooooo good.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 10:12 PM

We don't have a cafe in our asda unfortunately! Which is strange because it is a huge asda!!

We have plenty of cafes in town though.

Sketchy 22-06-2017 10:16 PM

That's a shame. For £2.50 you can get a coke and a large slice of yummy pizza. I rarely do it though. I'm getting pizza tomorrow which I'm pleased about. My sister and I are taking our dad out for dinner.

Cacoethes 22-06-2017 10:19 PM

That sounds awesome!

Yay for pizza!! Pizza is always good!

Im off to bed now guys.
Got to be up earlier than normal cos zumba.
Night night all and sleep well!!

Sketchy 22-06-2017 10:25 PM

Good night Beckie. Sleep well.

Carmen_Ejogo 23-06-2017 04:38 AM

i am binging on netflix this week - so awesome, where have you been all my life!

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 08:10 AM

Why in the US of A do they called pizza Pie?! IT AIN'T NO PIE -.-

Also yay for Netflix! Although just a warning, I found out last week that my Netflix account had been duplicated. I only found out after I cancelled and noticed I was still getting billed.

Cacoethes 23-06-2017 09:19 AM

Morning guys.
Off to zumba in a bit.

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 09:27 AM

Zumba is the dancing one, isn't it?

Also morning!

Shy_Bambi 23-06-2017 09:35 AM

Good morning everyone! I shouldn't be awake but my mum came in and tickled my feet to wake me up for no reason so here I am xD

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 09:50 AM

And you let her live?!

Shy_Bambi 23-06-2017 09:52 AM

Yus, unfortunately I depend on her to survive and pay bills and I shall be in a world of woe without her

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 09:56 AM

Well that's unfortunate.

Shy_Bambi 23-06-2017 10:01 AM

Tis. But that is how the cookie crumbles.

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 10:05 AM


At least with you being up now you can do things, stuff and things.

Shy_Bambi 23-06-2017 10:13 AM

Yup! Stuff is my favourite thing to do. I like things too, but stuff is definitley in my top 5.

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 10:16 AM

Stuff really is up there, things can sometimes get a little tricky but stuff is the way forward.

Shy_Bambi 23-06-2017 10:20 AM

For sure, with stuff you can always do other stuff whilst doing stuff, but things you can only do one at a time.

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 10:23 AM

You have clearly given stuff and things more thought than I...Hahaha!

Shy_Bambi 23-06-2017 10:27 AM

Yes I am very overly productive to the point of worrying weirdness thanks to stuff.

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 10:32 AM

Another win for stuff!

Got to love that stuff.

not_so_insig 23-06-2017 11:07 AM

I got woken up by someone phoning me. Couldn't answer because I had a nasty case of cramp. Googled the number because it was a strange one and it's a number for a creche. Idk why they are contacting me because I have no kids and therefore no need for a crèche.

Shy_Bambi 23-06-2017 11:12 AM

That kind of thing happens to my mum all the time!! I don't know where they all got her number from. She also gets loads of calls from Sky even though we've never been with them. And 02 keep bugging her. We're both on 02 but they've never contacted me. Very strange.

not_so_insig 23-06-2017 11:30 AM

I had a call the other day asking for a Sheila. I live alone and that's not my name so again Idk where they got my number from. Told them that they got the wrong number. I have had this number for 2 years so can only assume that this Sheila is the previous holder for the number.

FabulousMike 23-06-2017 11:58 AM

Got to love cold callers -.-

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